Memorializing Obama

And now, as the year, and the era of error ends....

...this internet list makes lots of sense

Part of the Snake's legacy :
+ Destroyed our national sovereignty
+ Destroyed healthcare
+ Destroyed the sanctity of marriage
+ Turned race relations back 100 years
+ Attacked the Police and Praised Criminals
+ Quadrupled the number of people on food stamps
+ Restarted the Cold War
+ Destroyed our Allies and Supported our Enemies
+ Turned our Military into a gay bath house
+ Reverted the middle east back into the middle ages
+ Turned the IRS and NSA into the KGB
+ Doubled the national debt
+ Infested America with Foreign Diseases
+ Wasted Billions of taxpayer $ on the Scam of "Global Warming"
+ Greatly empowered and supported Islamic radicals
+ Flooded America with illegal Aliens, Muslims and Africans
+ Taken over the Internet and gave away - If you like your Internet you
can keep it!

And, on his way out the door, the snake's attempt to stab our only Middle East mirror image and ally in the back, and the fumbled attempt to pollute the relations between Russia and the incoming administration.

What a dirt-eating low-life this crypto-Islamist has turned out to be.

Some Liberal who hasn't the courage to defend her lord and master used an emoticon of 'funny' in place of a response.

Tons of charges in that OP....
...yet no rebuttal.

One can only guess who the next Liberal 'god' will be....

"Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027"
Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027 -
And now, as the year, and the era of error ends....

...this internet list makes lots of sense

Part of the Snake's legacy :
+ Destroyed our national sovereignty
+ Destroyed healthcare
+ Destroyed the sanctity of marriage
+ Turned race relations back 100 years
+ Attacked the Police and Praised Criminals
+ Quadrupled the number of people on food stamps
+ Restarted the Cold War
+ Destroyed our Allies and Supported our Enemies
+ Turned our Military into a gay bath house
+ Reverted the middle east back into the middle ages
+ Turned the IRS and NSA into the KGB
+ Doubled the national debt
+ Infested America with Foreign Diseases
+ Wasted Billions of taxpayer $ on the Scam of "Global Warming"
+ Greatly empowered and supported Islamic radicals
+ Flooded America with illegal Aliens, Muslims and Africans
+ Taken over the Internet and gave away - If you like your Internet you
can keep it!

And, on his way out the door, the snake's attempt to stab our only Middle East mirror image and ally in the back, and the fumbled attempt to pollute the relations between Russia and the incoming administration.

What a dirt-eating low-life this crypto-Islamist has turned out to be.

Some Liberal who hasn't the courage to defend her lord and master used an emoticon of 'funny' in place of a response.

Tons of charges in that OP....
...yet no rebuttal.

One can only guess who the next Liberal 'god' will be....

"Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027"
Charles Manson denied parole, with next parole hearing set for 2027 -

Tons of lies, you mean. It's a waste of time to reply to a pathological like yourself. Might as well be replying to a door knob.

"Tons of lies, you mean. It's a waste of time to reply...."

Look up the word 'diaphanous'....

It explains your post.

How so? Explain, pleease. I take it to mean I can see through things.

The word that describes you is sophist.
You sond ingenue and solicitous.

"Tons of lies, you mean. It's a waste of time to reply...."

...means you can't find any lies.

Well....except your post.
Obama. Greatest president since Bill Clinton.

So he's one notch above a serial rapist and impeached liar.

And waaaay better than the pussy-grabbing, POW-hating, compulsive-Tweeting idiot that was just elected.

And herein we find the result of viewing reality through the prism of the mainstream media.
Watched a little Fake News this know? NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN...and all discussed the "TENSE Trump Transition." All 'reporting' had the usual undertone critical of Trump....judgmental words the lib MSM loves to employ against any R pol. Of course, not one word critical of Big Ears and his actions causing an escalation of tensions with Russia.

Is it any wonder Americans who consume this crap, are uninformed and propagandized?

Would America be so divided, if the lib MSM were not so purposely divisive?
Obama. Greatest president since Bill Clinton.

So he's one notch above a serial rapist and impeached liar.

And waaaay better than the pussy-grabbing, POW-hating, compulsive-Tweeting idiot that was just elected.

And herein we find the result of viewing reality through the prism of the mainstream media.
Watched a little Fake News this know? NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN...and all discussed the "TENSE Trump Transition." All 'reporting' had the usual undertone critical of Trump....judgmental words the lib MSM loves to employ against any R pol. Of course, not one word critical of Big Ears and his actions causing an escalation of tensions with Russia.

Is it any wonder Americans who consume this crap, are uninformed and propagandized?

Would America be so divided, if the lib MSM were not so purposely divisive?

"....judgmental words the lib MSM loves to employ against any R pol. Of course, not one word critical of Big Ears..."

Most incisive of you.......the very opposite of the poster we are discussing.
Obama. Greatest president since Bill Clinton.

So he's one notch above a serial rapist and impeached liar.

And waaaay better than the pussy-grabbing, POW-hating, compulsive-Tweeting idiot that was just elected.

And herein we find the result of viewing reality through the prism of the mainstream media.
Watched a little Fake News this know? NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN...and all discussed the "TENSE Trump Transition." All 'reporting' had the usual undertone critical of Trump....judgmental words the lib MSM loves to employ against any R pol. Of course, not one word critical of Big Ears and his actions causing an escalation of tensions with Russia.

Is it any wonder Americans who consume this crap, are uninformed and propagandized?

Would America be so divided, if the lib MSM were not so purposely divisive?

The rightwing propaganda media is the most divisive media on earth.
Obama. Greatest president since Bill Clinton.

So he's one notch above a serial rapist and impeached liar.

And waaaay better than the pussy-grabbing, POW-hating, compulsive-Tweeting idiot that was just elected.

And herein we find the result of viewing reality through the prism of the mainstream media.
Watched a little Fake News this know? NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN...and all discussed the "TENSE Trump Transition." All 'reporting' had the usual undertone critical of Trump....judgmental words the lib MSM loves to employ against any R pol. Of course, not one word critical of Big Ears and his actions causing an escalation of tensions with Russia.

Is it any wonder Americans who consume this crap, are uninformed and propagandized?

Would America be so divided, if the lib MSM were not so purposely divisive?

The rightwing propaganda media is the most divisive media on earth.
You can recognize right wing propaganda, but sadly you eat up left wing propaganda and love it.
Obama. Greatest president since Bill Clinton.

worst of all time.

This from the guy who insists Trump won the popular vote.

I think we should all pass on your powers of judgment.

I never said that Trump won the popular vote. I said its possible that he did, but it makes no difference, he won the presidency from the corrupt lying criminal hildebeast.

As to my judgment, I will compare life results with you any day of the week.
Obama will get a Memorial built for him in Washington D.C. and Nixon, Reagan and both Bush's will never get one. Trump might get one but someone will have to buy a chunk of land to put it on and pay for it to be installed on private property. Just like his presidency, it would never be accepted as legitimate. Hell, they probably would have to put it on Russian Embassy property.
Yeah Obama will get one because he is black the only reason, the same reason he became president.
Obama will get a Memorial built for him in Washington D.C. and Nixon, Reagan and both Bush's will never get one. Trump might get one but someone will have to buy a chunk of land to put it on and pay for it to be installed on private property. Just like his presidency, it would never be accepted as legitimate. Hell, they probably would have to put it on Russian Embassy property.
Yeah Obama will get one because he is black the only reason, the same reason he became president.

slight correction-------------half black.
Obama. Greatest president since Bill Clinton.

worst of all time.

This from the guy who insists Trump won the popular vote.

I think we should all pass on your powers of judgment.

I never said that Trump won the popular vote. I said its possible that he did, but it makes no difference, he won the presidency from the corrupt lying criminal hildebeast.

As to my judgment, I will compare life results with you any day of the week.

And....he did win the popular vote.

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015
Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -
Obama. Greatest president since Bill Clinton.

worst of all time.

This from the guy who insists Trump won the popular vote.

I think we should all pass on your powers of judgment.

I never said that Trump won the popular vote. I said its possible that he did, but it makes no difference, he won the presidency from the corrupt lying criminal hildebeast.

As to my judgment, I will compare life results with you any day of the week.

And....he did win the popular vote.

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015
Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

and California gives drivers licenses to illegals, with a DL you can register to vote. Case closed.

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