Memorial Day: Those Who Didn't Return


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Of course, there are others who seamlessly re-entered civilian life, the veterans, who should be honored as well....we have the November holiday.

But this thread....remembering the third legion...warriors who have no holiday. Their return was not seamless.....many have injuries that can be seen....and many have those injuries not able to be seen, once called 'shell shock,' now Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

1. War is an accepted and regular practice among hominids....Homo sapiens. No major religion has demanded an end to the practice, and, in fact, the oldest of our traditions memorializes a final one at Megiddo, Israel: a final battle between the forces of good vs. evil.

2. Social scientists attribute our very nature. Zoologist and ethologist Desmond Morris writes, in his masterpiece, "The Naked Ape," that man is no different from many other animals who fight and kill.

In fact, the animal characteristic of tribalism leads to aggression and warfare. Almost as though we shy away from any discussion that imagines the end of all warfare, very little attention is the effects on those who participate.....and survive.

3. Memorial day is reserved for those who did not return, or who returned and then perished.
It is not Veterans Day....the November day when all who served are honored.\
Even so....there is a category between the two,....

And there is not enough attention paid to this group.
Many return from war with wounds that cannot be seen....and are difficult to treat.
More Vietnam veterans have died of suicide than in the actual event of the war.

4. John Connolly writes poignantly about some of our veterans who didn't make it out of war unscathed....This is from his novel 'The Whisperers.'

".... Ronald spoke to me of suicides and homelessness; of addiction and waking nightmares; of men left without limbs who were struggling to receive full disability from the military; of the backlog of claims, 400,000 and counting; and of those whose scars were not visible, who were damaged psychologically but not physically, and whose sacrifice was therefore not recognized as yet by their government, for they were denied a Purple Heart. "

"... his small office, from which he was running Concerned Veterans of Maine. The walls were covered with clippings from newspapers, and tables of fatalities, and photographs. One, directly above Ronaldā€™s computer, depicted a woman helping her injured son from his bed. The picture had been taken from behind, so that only the motherā€™s face was visible. It took me a moment to spot what was wrong with the photograph: almost half of the young manā€™s head was missing, and what was left was a network of scars and crevasses, like the surface of the moon. His motherā€™s face displayed a mixture of emotions too complex to interpret.

ā€˜Grenade,ā€™ said Ronald. ā€˜He lost forty percent of his brain. Heā€™ll need constant care for the rest of his life. His mother, she doesnā€™t look young, does she?ā€™ He said it as if noticing her for the first time, even though he must have stared at her every single day.

ā€˜No, she doesnā€™t.ā€™

And I wondered what would be better: for him to die before his mother, so that his pain could come to an end, and hers could take another, perhaps less wrenching, form; or for him to outlive her, so that she could have her time with him, and be a mother to him as she was when he was an infant, when the possibility of a life like this could only have come to her in a nightmare. The former would be best, I thought, for if he lived too long then she would be gone, and eventually he would become a shadow in the corner of a room, a name without a past, forgotten by others and with no memories of his own."

Memorial Day, 2017
Spare a prayer for those who returned.....sort of.
5. The more civilized we become, the less we are equipped to face the experiences of wartime, and return to an earlier equanimity.

"Stress damages the mind: that was what they didnā€™t understand, the people back home, the ones who hadnā€™t been there. Even the army didnā€™t understand that, not until it was too late. Take a little R & R, they said. Hang out with the family. Make love to your girlfriend. Occupy yourself. Get a job, find a routine, embrace normality.

But he couldnā€™t have done that, even if his legs didnā€™t end halfway down his thighs, because stress is like a poison, a toxin working its way through the system, except that it affects only one vital organ: the brain.

That was what stress did. It made you ill, physically and mentally. And if you kept encountering stressful situations day after day, broken up by periods of tedium, of hanging around playing games, or eating, or catching some rack, or writing the compulsory monthly card home to let your nearest and dearest know that you werenā€™t dead yet, with no end in sight because your deployment kept being extended, then your neurons became so polluted that they couldnā€™t recover, and your brain began to rewire itself, altering its modes of operation.

The nerve cell extensions in the hippocampus, which deals with learning and long-term memory, started to rot. The response capacity of the amygdala, which governs social behavior and emotional memory, changed. The medial prefrontal cortex, which is involved in establishing feelings of fear and remorse, and enables us to interpret what is real and unreal, altered. Similar frazzling of the wiring could be found in schizophrenics, sociopaths, drug addicts, and long-term prisoners. You became like the dregs, and it wasnā€™t your fault, because you hadnā€™t done anything wrong. Youā€™d simply done your duty.

They left you this way. Your emotions are no longer under control. You are no longer under your own control. You become depressed, paranoid, removed from those who care about you. You believe that you are still at war. You fight your bedclothes at night. You become estranged from your loved ones, and they leave you."
John Connolly, Ibid.
1. War is an accepted and regular practice among hominids....Homo sapiens. No major religion has demanded an end to the practice, and, in fact, the oldest of our traditions memorializes a final one at Megiddo, Israel: a final battle between the forces of good vs. evil.


The United States Constitution, which our memorialized soldiers fought to protect and defend, demands a separation of Church and State.. Now you know.
1. War is an accepted and regular practice among hominids....Homo sapiens. No major religion has demanded an end to the practice, and, in fact, the oldest of our traditions memorializes a final one at Megiddo, Israel: a final battle between the forces of good vs. evil.


The United States Constitution, which our memorialized soldiers fought to protect and defend, demands a separation of Church and State.. Now you know. are all of your attempted posts.

1. Said 'separation' was insinuated into our judicial system by KKK official, Hugo Black, FDR's first selection for the Supreme Court.

2. Our nation was based on the Judeo-Christian tradition, and only the influence of Marxism....exemplified in modern Liberalism....has tried to move American away from our foundations.

3. The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian.

ā€œ52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.ā€

Believers in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or, as they would be known today, ā€œan extremist Fundamentalist hate group.ā€

4. "The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were... the general principles of Christianity. ...I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God." - Letter to Thomas Jefferson, June 28, 1813
John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, June 28th, 1813, from Quincy. The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams, edited by Lester J. Cappon,
1988, the University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC, pp. 338-340.

Be sure to drop back whenever you need another lesson.

Memorial Day ā€“ a day originating in 1868 (Decoration Day), on which the gravesites of the Civil War dead were decorated with flowers ā€“ has morphed into a day that conflates the memorialization of killed soldiers with the glorification of war.

The perennial flag-waving, ultra-nationalist speeches, garish street parades and hyper-consumerism of Memorial Day do not honor these soldiers. What might, however, is working to prevent future war and nurture peace ā€“ honoring their memory by not sending more men and women into harmā€™s way and to kill and maim in wars based on lies. To have any chance at being effective, however, this work must include efforts aimed at increasing public awareness about the many causes and costs of war.

Long-time consumer advocate, lawyer, and author Ralph Nader affirms in the essay, ā€œStrengthening Memorial Day,ā€ honoring our war casualties should be about more than their loss. According to Nader, ā€œwaging strong peace initiatives is also a way to remember those human beings, soldiers and civilians, who never returned to their homes. ā€œNever againā€ should be our tribute and promise to them.ā€

Honoring Memorial Day, the Veterans for Peace Will Gather to Denounce War and State Violence

2. Social scientists attribute our very nature. Zoologist and ethologist Desmond Morris writes, in his masterpiece, "The Naked Ape," that man is no different from many other animals who fight and kill.

speak for yourself, imp.


Memorial Day ā€“ a day originating in 1868 (Decoration Day), on which the gravesites of the Civil War dead were decorated with flowers ā€“ has morphed into a day that conflates the memorialization of killed soldiers with the glorification of war.

The perennial flag-waving, ultra-nationalist speeches, garish street parades and hyper-consumerism of Memorial Day do not honor these soldiers. What might, however, is working to prevent future war and nurture peace ā€“ honoring their memory by not sending more men and women into harmā€™s way and to kill and maim in wars based on lies. To have any chance at being effective, however, this work must include efforts aimed at increasing public awareness about the many causes and costs of war.

Long-time consumer advocate, lawyer, and author Ralph Nader affirms in the essay, ā€œStrengthening Memorial Day,ā€ honoring our war casualties should be about more than their loss. According to Nader, ā€œwaging strong peace initiatives is also a way to remember those human beings, soldiers and civilians, who never returned to their homes. ā€œNever againā€ should be our tribute and promise to them.ā€

Honoring Memorial Day, the Veterans for Peace Will Gather to Denounce War and State Violence

ā€œNever againā€ should be our tribute and promise to them.ā€


The 'Better Red Than Dead' contingent lives!

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

John Stuart Mill
2. Social scientists attribute our very nature. Zoologist and ethologist Desmond Morris writes, in his masterpiece, "The Naked Ape," that man is no different from many other animals who fight and kill.

speak for yourself, imp.


Have you read Desmond Morris?

Of course you haven't.

How about Lord Macaulay?

Then out spoke brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate:
ā€˜To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods,

Turns out you're an ignorant dunce,huh?

But....if you had a real education, you wouldn't be a Liberal.
memorial day is not a partisan issue, imptard.

the civilized world is still waiting for brutal simpletons to evolve.

Friday, 26 May 2017

Honoring Memorial Day, the Veterans for Peace Will Gather to Denounce War and State Violence

the peopleā€™s historian Howard Zinn urged readers to rethink Memorial Day, who we honor that day, and our national priorities. Dr. Zinn wrote: ā€œMemorial Day will be celebrated ā€¦ by the usual betrayal of the dead, by the hypocritical patriotism of the politicians and contractors preparing for more wars, more graves to receive more flowers on future Memorial Days. The memory of the dead deserves a different dedication. To peace, to defiance of governments.ā€... "Memorial Day should be a day for putting flowers on graves and planting trees. Also, for destroying the weapons of death that endanger us more than they protect us, that waste our resources and threaten our children and grandchildren.ā€

Each Memorial Day, members of Veterans For Peace (VFP), an international nonprofit that works to abolish war and promote peace,participates in a wide range of nonviolent protest actions in cities and towns nationwide. This year is no different. A major VFP action will be held in Washington, DC, through a series of events termed ā€œVeterans On the March! Stop Endless War, Build for Peace,ā€ May 29 and 30, 2017. VFPā€™s military veterans, military family members and allieswill converge in DC in solidarity to end war as instrument of national policy; build a culture of peace; expose the true costs of war; and, heal the wounds of war.

On Memorial Day, VFP and its friends will gather on this solemn and respectful occasion to deliver letters at the Vietnam Memorial Wall, intended as a commemoration of all combatants and civilians who died in Vietnam and all wars. VFP will mourn the tragic and preventable loss of life, and call for people to strive to abolish war, in the name of those who have died and for the sake of all those who live today. The ā€œLetters at the Wallā€ remembrance is an activity of the Vietnam Full Disclosure Campaign, a national project of VFP. In her essay, ā€œPreparing for the Next Memorial Day,ā€ CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin shares the story of one of the veterans who partakes in the Project: ā€œAs Vietnam vet Dan Shea said when he reflected on the names etched and not etched on the Vietnam Memorial, including the missing names of the Vietnamese and all the victims of Agent Orange, including his own son: ā€œWhy Vietnam? Why Afghanistan? Why Iraq? Why any war? .ā€¦May the mighty roar of the victims of this violence silence the drums that beat for war.ā€

On Tuesday, May 30, VFP will host a mass rally at the Lincoln Memorial, where speakers will boldly and loudly call for an end to war, to the assault on our planet, and to the abuse and oppression of all people. Calls will also be made for people to stand for peace and justice, at home and abroad. Following the rally, participants will march to the White House to present a list of demandsto the President stipulating that the systemic state violence which is preventing a just, peaceful and sustainable way of life for current and future generations must stop immediately.Planning for this rally/march started in response to VFPā€™s galvanizing statement about Trumpā€™s Military Budget and the desire and responsibility of veterans, citizens and human beings to express strong resistance to Trumpā€™s racist and antagonistic policies and commit to find a better way to peace.

In addition to these actions, VFP will once again fill a void in the National Memorial space by offering people an opportunity to bear witness on a touring memorial to all the costs of war on all sides. Not only do we lack a memorial to the American combat dead in Iraq and Afghanistan and other post-Vietnam wars, but we lack a monument to the many suicide deaths and families torn by the traumas of exposure to war. The Swords to Plowshares Memorial Belltower, a 24-foot tall tower covered with silver wind-blown 'bricks' made from recycled cans, provides an opportunity for tribute to these war victims. Initiated by VFPā€™s Eisenhower Chapter, the Belltower is dedicated to stopping the cycle of war and violence, healing the wounds of war that is caused on both sides of conflict, and providing a forum for all victims to start the healing process caused by wars.

Join VFP in Washington, DC on May 29 and 30 to stop hegemonic thinking, dismantle the military-industrial complex, and demand a transformation of national priorities from death and destruction to social uplift and peace. These shared goals can be achieved if enough people come together and engage in nonviolent social change for a better tomorrow.

Honoring Memorial Day, the Veterans for Peace Will Gather to Denounce War and State Violence
6. Shell-shock, battle fatigue, PTSD.....all names for the same disability.
The results are not just death, or shrugging off the events and experiences...
Far too often, the alterations war causes are both terrible, and ignored.

".... you can survive with catastrophic injuries, but it might be that youā€™ll wish you hadnā€™t. You look at The New York Times, and you look at USA Today, and you see the death toll in Iraq and Afghanistan rising in that little box that they use for the bad news, but not as fast as it once did, not in Iraq anyway, and you think that maybe things are getting better.
They are, if youā€™re only counting the dead, but you need to multiply that figure by ten to count the injured, and even then thereā€™s no way to tell how many are seriously wounded.

One in four of those who come home from Iraq and Afghanistan needs medical or mental health treatment. .... You got no idea how hard it is to get full disability, and then the same men who sent those soldiers over to fight tried to close Walter Reed to save a dollar. Walter Reed. Theyā€™re fighting two wars, and they want to close the armyā€™s flagship medical center because they think itā€™s costing too much money. This has got nothing to do with being for or against the wars. Itā€™s got nothing to do with liberalism, or conservatism, or any other label that you choose to throw at it. Itā€™s about doing whatā€™s right by those who fight, and theyā€™re not doing right by them. They never have. They never, ever haveā€¦ā€™"
John Connolly
On Tuesday, May 30, VFP will host a mass rally at the Lincoln Memorial, where speakers will boldly and loudly call for an end to war, to the assault on our planet, and to the abuse and oppression of all people. Calls will also be made for people to stand for peace and justice, at home and abroad. Following the rally, participants will march to the White House to present a list of demandsto the President stipulating that the systemic state violence which is preventing a just, peaceful and sustainable way of life for current and future generations must stop immediately.Planning for this rally/march started in response to VFPā€™s galvanizing statement about Trumpā€™s Military Budget and the desire and responsibility of veterans, citizens and human beings to express strong resistance to Trumpā€™s racist and antagonistic policies and commit to find a better way to peace.

In addition to these actions, VFP will once again fill a void in the National Memorial space by offering people an opportunity to bear witness on a touring memorial to all the costs of war on all sides. Not only do we lack a memorial to the American combat dead in Iraq and Afghanistan and other post-Vietnam wars, but we lack a monument to the many suicide deaths and families torn by the traumas of exposure to war. The Swords to Plowshares Memorial Belltower, a 24-foot tall tower covered with silver wind-blown 'bricks' made from recycled cans, provides an opportunity for tribute to these war victims. Initiated by VFPā€™s Eisenhower Chapter, the Belltower is dedicated to stopping the cycle of war and violence, healing the wounds of war that is caused on both sides of conflict, and providing a forum for all victims to start the healing process caused by wars.

Join VFP in Washington, DC on May 29 and 30 to stop hegemonic thinking, dismantle the military-industrial complex, and demand a transformation of national priorities from death and destruction to social uplift and peace. These shared goals can be achieved if enough people come together and engage in nonviolent social change for a better tomorrow.

Honoring Memorial Day, the Veterans for Peace Will Gather to Denounce War and State Violence

" loudly call for an end to war,"

Didn't we agree that you are an uneducated moron.....there was no reason for you to return and double down on imbecility.


Here's something else you didn't study in government school....

"The Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1928

The Kellogg-Briand Pact was an agreement to outlaw war signed on August 27, 1928. Sometimes called the Pact of Paris for the city in which it was signed, the pact was one of many international efforts to prevent another World War, but it had little effect in stopping the rising militarism of the 1930s or preventing World War II."
Milestones: 1921ā€“1936 - Office of the Historian

Gads, you're a dunce!
memorial day is not a partisan issue, imptard.

the civilized world is still waiting for brutal simpletons to evolve.

Friday, 26 May 2017

Honoring Memorial Day, the Veterans for Peace Will Gather to Denounce War and State Violence

the peopleā€™s historian Howard Zinn urged readers to rethink Memorial Day, who we honor that day, and our national priorities. Dr. Zinn wrote: ā€œMemorial Day will be celebrated ā€¦ by the usual betrayal of the dead, by the hypocritical patriotism of the politicians and contractors preparing for more wars, more graves to receive more flowers on future Memorial Days. The memory of the dead deserves a different dedication. To peace, to defiance of governments.ā€... "Memorial Day should be a day for putting flowers on graves and planting trees. Also, for destroying the weapons of death that endanger us more than they protect us, that waste our resources and threaten our children and grandchildren.ā€

Each Memorial Day, members of Veterans For Peace (VFP), an international nonprofit that works to abolish war and promote peace,participates in a wide range of nonviolent protest actions in cities and towns nationwide. This year is no different. A major VFP action will be held in Washington, DC, through a series of events termed ā€œVeterans On the March! Stop Endless War, Build for Peace,ā€ May 29 and 30, 2017. VFPā€™s military veterans, military family members and allieswill converge in DC in solidarity to end war as instrument of national policy; build a culture of peace; expose the true costs of war; and, heal the wounds of war.

On Memorial Day, VFP and its friends will gather on this solemn and respectful occasion to deliver letters at the Vietnam Memorial Wall, intended as a commemoration of all combatants and civilians who died in Vietnam and all wars. VFP will mourn the tragic and preventable loss of life, and call for people to strive to abolish war, in the name of those who have died and for the sake of all those who live today. The ā€œLetters at the Wallā€ remembrance is an activity of the Vietnam Full Disclosure Campaign, a national project of VFP. In her essay, ā€œPreparing for the Next Memorial Day,ā€ CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin shares the story of one of the veterans who partakes in the Project: ā€œAs Vietnam vet Dan Shea said when he reflected on the names etched and not etched on the Vietnam Memorial, including the missing names of the Vietnamese and all the victims of Agent Orange, including his own son: ā€œWhy Vietnam? Why Afghanistan? Why Iraq? Why any war? .ā€¦May the mighty roar of the victims of this violence silence the drums that beat for war.ā€

"the peopleā€™s historian Howard Zinn..."

And once again, some imbecile tries to argue against something I post....and winds up proving me 100% correct!!!!

In post #4, I wrote...
2. Our nation was based on the Judeo-Christian tradition, and only the influence of Marxism....exemplified in modern Liberalism....has tried to move American away from our foundations.

And this fool quotes a Marxist....Howard Zinn.

"On July 30, 2010, the FBI released one file with three sections totaling 423 pages on Howard Zinn.... The Bureau noted Zinnā€™s activities in what were called Communist Front Groups and received informant reports that Zinn was an active member of the CPUSA; .... file discloses that several reliable informants in the party identified Zinn as a member who attended party meetings as many as five times a week.

Whatā€™s more, one of the files reveals that a reliable informant provided a photograph of Zinn teaching a class on ā€œBasic Marxismā€ at party headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, in 1951. A participant in the class said that Zinn taught that ā€œthe basic teaching of Marx and Lenin were sound and should be adhered to by those present.ā€... pro-Castro activism and support for radical groups such as the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), Progressive Labor Party (PLP), Socialist Workers Party (SWP), and Black Panther Party. Much of the latter was in connection with Zinnā€™s support for a communist military victory in Vietnam.... joined the Kremlin-controlled CPUSA not during the ā€œPopular Frontā€ era of the 1930s ā€” when many idealists were seduced ā€” but after the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in which Stalin cruelly and cynically sacrificed Poland to the Nazis. Zinn was a card-carrying Commie who advocated Marxism-Leninism after the Red Armyā€™s ā€Iron Curtainā€ occupation of Eastern Europe, after the treachery of the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss had been revealed, and even during the height of Stalinā€™s anti-Semitic ā€œDoctorsā€™ Plotā€ purge!"
FBI Files Reveal Historian Howard Zinn Lied to Hide CPUSA Membership


"....Zinn was a card-carrying Commie who advocated Marxism-Leninism after the Red Armyā€™s ā€Iron Curtainā€ occupation of Eastern Europe, after the treachery of the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss had been revealed, and even during the height of Stalinā€™s anti-Semitic ā€œDoctorsā€™ Plotā€ purge!"

Hardly surprising that the Democrat Party stands for the same things that the Communist Party (CPUSA) did.

As does this imbecile.
Of course, there are others who seamlessly re-entered civilian life, the veterans, who should be honored as well....we have the November holiday.

But this thread....remembering the third legion...warriors who have no holiday. Their return was not seamless.....many have injuries that can be seen....and many have those injuries not able to be seen, once called 'shell shock,' now Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

1. War is an accepted and regular practice among hominids....Homo sapiens. No major religion has demanded an end to the practice, and, in fact, the oldest of our traditions memorializes a final one at Megiddo, Israel: a final battle between the forces of good vs. evil.

2. Social scientists attribute our very nature. Zoologist and ethologist Desmond Morris writes, in his masterpiece, "The Naked Ape," that man is no different from many other animals who fight and kill.

In fact, the animal characteristic of tribalism leads to aggression and warfare. Almost as though we shy away from any discussion that imagines the end of all warfare, very little attention is the effects on those who participate.....and survive.

3. Memorial day is reserved for those who did not return, or who returned and then perished.
It is not Veterans Day....the November day when all who served are honored.\
Even so....there is a category between the two,....

And there is not enough attention paid to this group.
Many return from war with wounds that cannot be seen....and are difficult to treat.
More Vietnam veterans have died of suicide than in the actual event of the war.

4. John Connolly writes poignantly about some of our veterans who didn't make it out of war unscathed....This is from his novel 'The Whisperers.'

".... Ronald spoke to me of suicides and homelessness; of addiction and waking nightmares; of men left without limbs who were struggling to receive full disability from the military; of the backlog of claims, 400,000 and counting; and of those whose scars were not visible, who were damaged psychologically but not physically, and whose sacrifice was therefore not recognized as yet by their government, for they were denied a Purple Heart. "

"... his small office, from which he was running Concerned Veterans of Maine. The walls were covered with clippings from newspapers, and tables of fatalities, and photographs. One, directly above Ronaldā€™s computer, depicted a woman helping her injured son from his bed. The picture had been taken from behind, so that only the motherā€™s face was visible. It took me a moment to spot what was wrong with the photograph: almost half of the young manā€™s head was missing, and what was left was a network of scars and crevasses, like the surface of the moon. His motherā€™s face displayed a mixture of emotions too complex to interpret.

ā€˜Grenade,ā€™ said Ronald. ā€˜He lost forty percent of his brain. Heā€™ll need constant care for the rest of his life. His mother, she doesnā€™t look young, does she?ā€™ He said it as if noticing her for the first time, even though he must have stared at her every single day.

ā€˜No, she doesnā€™t.ā€™

And I wondered what would be better: for him to die before his mother, so that his pain could come to an end, and hers could take another, perhaps less wrenching, form; or for him to outlive her, so that she could have her time with him, and be a mother to him as she was when he was an infant, when the possibility of a life like this could only have come to her in a nightmare. The former would be best, I thought, for if he lived too long then she would be gone, and eventually he would become a shadow in the corner of a room, a name without a past, forgotten by others and with no memories of his own."

Memorial Day, 2017
Spare a prayer for those who returned.....sort of.

Thank you political girl you are a true American patriot..

Never stop
View attachment 129354 View attachment 129354
Of course, there are others who seamlessly re-entered civilian life, the veterans, who should be honored as well....we have the November holiday.

But this thread....remembering the third legion...warriors who have no holiday. Their return was not seamless.....many have injuries that can be seen....and many have those injuries not able to be seen, once called 'shell shock,' now Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

1. War is an accepted and regular practice among hominids....Homo sapiens. No major religion has demanded an end to the practice, and, in fact, the oldest of our traditions memorializes a final one at Megiddo, Israel: a final battle between the forces of good vs. evil.

2. Social scientists attribute our very nature. Zoologist and ethologist Desmond Morris writes, in his masterpiece, "The Naked Ape," that man is no different from many other animals who fight and kill.

In fact, the animal characteristic of tribalism leads to aggression and warfare. Almost as though we shy away from any discussion that imagines the end of all warfare, very little attention is the effects on those who participate.....and survive.

3. Memorial day is reserved for those who did not return, or who returned and then perished.
It is not Veterans Day....the November day when all who served are honored.\
Even so....there is a category between the two,....

And there is not enough attention paid to this group.
Many return from war with wounds that cannot be seen....and are difficult to treat.
More Vietnam veterans have died of suicide than in the actual event of the war.

4. John Connolly writes poignantly about some of our veterans who didn't make it out of war unscathed....This is from his novel 'The Whisperers.'

".... Ronald spoke to me of suicides and homelessness; of addiction and waking nightmares; of men left without limbs who were struggling to receive full disability from the military; of the backlog of claims, 400,000 and counting; and of those whose scars were not visible, who were damaged psychologically but not physically, and whose sacrifice was therefore not recognized as yet by their government, for they were denied a Purple Heart. "

"... his small office, from which he was running Concerned Veterans of Maine. The walls were covered with clippings from newspapers, and tables of fatalities, and photographs. One, directly above Ronaldā€™s computer, depicted a woman helping her injured son from his bed. The picture had been taken from behind, so that only the motherā€™s face was visible. It took me a moment to spot what was wrong with the photograph: almost half of the young manā€™s head was missing, and what was left was a network of scars and crevasses, like the surface of the moon. His motherā€™s face displayed a mixture of emotions too complex to interpret.

ā€˜Grenade,ā€™ said Ronald. ā€˜He lost forty percent of his brain. Heā€™ll need constant care for the rest of his life. His mother, she doesnā€™t look young, does she?ā€™ He said it as if noticing her for the first time, even though he must have stared at her every single day.

ā€˜No, she doesnā€™t.ā€™

And I wondered what would be better: for him to die before his mother, so that his pain could come to an end, and hers could take another, perhaps less wrenching, form; or for him to outlive her, so that she could have her time with him, and be a mother to him as she was when he was an infant, when the possibility of a life like this could only have come to her in a nightmare. The former would be best, I thought, for if he lived too long then she would be gone, and eventually he would become a shadow in the corner of a room, a name without a past, forgotten by others and with no memories of his own."

Memorial Day, 2017
Spare a prayer for those who returned.....sort of.

Thank you political girl you are a true American patriot..

Never stop

With great appreciation, bear.
View attachment 129354 View attachment 129354
Of course, there are others who seamlessly re-entered civilian life, the veterans, who should be honored as well....we have the November holiday.

But this thread....remembering the third legion...warriors who have no holiday. Their return was not seamless.....many have injuries that can be seen....and many have those injuries not able to be seen, once called 'shell shock,' now Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

1. War is an accepted and regular practice among hominids....Homo sapiens. No major religion has demanded an end to the practice, and, in fact, the oldest of our traditions memorializes a final one at Megiddo, Israel: a final battle between the forces of good vs. evil.

2. Social scientists attribute our very nature. Zoologist and ethologist Desmond Morris writes, in his masterpiece, "The Naked Ape," that man is no different from many other animals who fight and kill.

In fact, the animal characteristic of tribalism leads to aggression and warfare. Almost as though we shy away from any discussion that imagines the end of all warfare, very little attention is the effects on those who participate.....and survive.

3. Memorial day is reserved for those who did not return, or who returned and then perished.
It is not Veterans Day....the November day when all who served are honored.\
Even so....there is a category between the two,....

And there is not enough attention paid to this group.
Many return from war with wounds that cannot be seen....and are difficult to treat.
More Vietnam veterans have died of suicide than in the actual event of the war.

4. John Connolly writes poignantly about some of our veterans who didn't make it out of war unscathed....This is from his novel 'The Whisperers.'

".... Ronald spoke to me of suicides and homelessness; of addiction and waking nightmares; of men left without limbs who were struggling to receive full disability from the military; of the backlog of claims, 400,000 and counting; and of those whose scars were not visible, who were damaged psychologically but not physically, and whose sacrifice was therefore not recognized as yet by their government, for they were denied a Purple Heart. "

"... his small office, from which he was running Concerned Veterans of Maine. The walls were covered with clippings from newspapers, and tables of fatalities, and photographs. One, directly above Ronaldā€™s computer, depicted a woman helping her injured son from his bed. The picture had been taken from behind, so that only the motherā€™s face was visible. It took me a moment to spot what was wrong with the photograph: almost half of the young manā€™s head was missing, and what was left was a network of scars and crevasses, like the surface of the moon. His motherā€™s face displayed a mixture of emotions too complex to interpret.

ā€˜Grenade,ā€™ said Ronald. ā€˜He lost forty percent of his brain. Heā€™ll need constant care for the rest of his life. His mother, she doesnā€™t look young, does she?ā€™ He said it as if noticing her for the first time, even though he must have stared at her every single day.

ā€˜No, she doesnā€™t.ā€™

And I wondered what would be better: for him to die before his mother, so that his pain could come to an end, and hers could take another, perhaps less wrenching, form; or for him to outlive her, so that she could have her time with him, and be a mother to him as she was when he was an infant, when the possibility of a life like this could only have come to her in a nightmare. The former would be best, I thought, for if he lived too long then she would be gone, and eventually he would become a shadow in the corner of a room, a name without a past, forgotten by others and with no memories of his own."

Memorial Day, 2017
Spare a prayer for those who returned.....sort of.

Thank you political girl you are a true American patriot..

Never stop

This might me an appropriate time to remind all of a quote from Colin Powell:

When in England at a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked by
the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an example of
empire building by George Bush.

He answered by saying that, ā€œOver the years, the United States has sent
many of its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom
beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in
return is enough to bury those that did not return.ā€

That was Colin Powell....the man that Bill 'the rapist' Clinton said achieved his rank via affirmative action.
The Obama administration determined that Veterans could be qualified to receive a PTSD pension even though they never heard a shot fired in anger. It's possible that every kid who ever played a violent video game is suffering from a form of PTSD. Liberals have it rigged so that if you question PTSD you are unpatriotic. You have real heroes who come back missing an arm or a leg and they go on with their lives without whining about PTSD and then you have the phonies who would give up their pride for a couple of bucks and a pension.
The Obama administration determined that Veterans could be qualified to receive a PTSD pension even though they never heard a shot fired in anger. It's possible that every kid who ever played a violent video game is suffering from a form of PTSD. Liberals have it rigged so that if you question PTSD you are unpatriotic. You have real heroes who come back missing an arm or a leg and they go on with their lives without whining about PTSD and then you have the phonies who would give up their pride for a couple of bucks and a pension.

I get your drift, whitey....but let's not go overboard.

I believe that there are those who serve valiantly, but are changed for the worse by the experiences.

It has always been so, in every war.
7. When the combat is over, and the war does not end for large numbers of returning soldiers.

Connolly continues:

"My study is part of a joint initiative with the National Institute of Mental Health to try to come up with some answers, and some solutions. Weā€™re looking at the role that combat, and multiple deployments, play in suicide. We know that two thirds of suicides take place during or after a deployment: thatā€™s fifteen months in a war zone, with barely enough time to decompress afterward before exhausted men and women are sent back into the field again.

ā€˜Itā€™s clear that our soldiers need help, but theyā€™re afraid to ask for it in case itā€™s recorded and the jacket follows them. But the military also needs to change its attitude toward its troops: mental health screening is poor, and commanders are reluctant to allow military personnel to gain access to civilian therapists. Theyā€™re hiring more general practitioners, which is a start, and more mental health care providers, but the focus is on troops in combat.

What happens when they come home? Of the sixty soldiers who killed themselves between January and August 2008, thirty-nine of them did so after they returned to this country. Weā€™re letting these men and women down.

Theyā€™re wounded, but the wounds donā€™t show in some cases until itā€™s too late. Something has to be done for them. Someone has to take responsibility.ā€™"

God Bless Them....and pray that there are no more wars

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