Memorial Day at the USS Hornet


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Today, Mr. Boe and I attended the Memorial Day Ceremony at the U.S.S. Hornet.

The Aircraft Carrier USS HORNET Museum is a national treasure, having participated in two of the greatest events of the 20th century -- World War II and the Apollo 11 manned space mission.

Now peacefully moored at historic Alameda Point on San Francisco Bay, the USS HORNET is a timeless memorial to those who defended our American values and to those who have pursued America's technological advancements.

HOME PORT - Aircraft Carrier USS Hornet Museum

A few pics to follow:



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I Love this guy. Navy pilot, served on the Essex in 1942. He's now 92 years old, and told us that he credits his longevity to "drinking A Lot".


That's his 1942 jacket he's wearing. What a sweetie pie!
I was watching some program last night. I'm sorry I don't remember which. But it was said that 1,800 world war two vets die every day. They won't be around much longer.
Pics from the ceremony:


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Wreath laying ceremony - with flowers for everyone who wanted to toss one into the water:



These two were very touching:

Very wonderful day! The volunteers at the museum were mostly retired military. We were fortunate enough to be invited to tag along on a private tour for a group of boy scouts. The docent quizzed the boys on naval facts and lore - it was fun watching their responses.

The part I liked best was being able to talk to the old vets. Wonderful men. Their camaraderie was quite moving.
I was watching some program last night. I'm sorry I don't remember which. But it was said that 1,800 world war two vets die every day. They won't be around much longer.

I had no idea that many were dying each day.

You're welcome! It was a very worthwhile experience.
Yes the WW2 vets are disappearing fast. We lost 4 from my American legion post this past year, and we only have 74 members. I believe there are only about 8 from Vietnam and one Gulf war vet. Most are older from Korea war era or WW2. All 4 members we lost last year were WW2 vets.
Yes the WW2 vets are disappearing fast. We lost 4 from my American legion post this past year, and we only have 74 members. I believe there are only about 8 from Vietnam and one Gulf war vet. Most are older from Korea war era or WW2. All 4 members we lost last year were WW2 vets.


Sorry to hear that, friendo.
And finally:

I love it!!! I loved all the pics you posted boedicca, and the link to the U.S.S. Hornet. I had to take a look through their photo gallery. What a great way to spend Memorial Day. Thanks so much for sharing your experience through photos.

Very wonderful day! The volunteers at the museum were mostly retired military. We were fortunate enough to be invited to tag along on a private tour for a group of boy scouts. The docent quizzed the boys on naval facts and lore - it was fun watching their responses.

The part I liked best was being able to talk to the old vets. Wonderful men. Their camaraderie was quite moving.
Gatta love those Boy Scouts. Mine have visited Battleship Cove and spent the night on the U.S.S. Massachusetts. And you're right boedicca ... vets are wonderful men.

Thanks! It was especially sweet to see the old vets interacting with the boy scouts (who were the color guard for the ceremony). Good men setting an admirable example for boys to help them grow into good men themselves - I loved it.
Thanks! It was especially sweet to see the old vets interacting with the boy scouts (who were the color guard for the ceremony). Good men setting an admirable example for boys to help them grow into good men themselves Amen! - I loved it.

And I bet those boys knew just what an honor it was to be the color guard at Memorial Day ceremony. Thanks again Boe.

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