Hawks at the wheel: Bolton and Pompeo ‘steering US towards confrontation everywhere’

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
From Iran and Venezuela to China, President Donald Trump’s foreign policy is being shaped by hawks who believe that the US cannot be challenged militarily, a political analyst told RT, adding that Washington is now risking war.

Sidelining even the president himself, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton are now in the driver’s seat, steering US policy into ever greater provocation and conflict across several continents, independent political analyst Alessandro Bruno told RT.

“These two are dangerous,” Bruno said. “Pompeo and Bolton have control of US foreign policy right now. I don’t think Trump has any control.”

President Trump’s hawkish advisers are putting the US on a collision course with other world powers, and the chances for diplomatic solutions diminish by the day.

There’s no diplomacy potential... Pompeo and Bolton seem to be oblivious to the fact that the US isn’t the only power around anymore.

The USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group will soon arrive in the Persian Gulf – some 7,000 miles away from its home port in Virginia – in order to “send a clear message” to Tehran. While Bolton, a longtime Iran hawk, claims the move is meant to preempt an Iranian attack, the adviser’s eye may actually be on the country’s oil trade.

“Bolton is speaking from both sides of his mouth,” Bruno said. “This is clearly a military provocation. [T]hese deployments are made regularly…[but] the fact that Bolton has specifically said now that the mission of the Lincoln is to counter Iran’s efforts to sell oil on the grey market makes it very specific. There’s a real target, here.”

Hawks at the wheel: Bolton and Pompeo ‘steering US towards confrontation everywhere’

In related news;
The US is deploying a carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the Middle East amid mounting animosity and a heated war of words between Washington and Tehran.
The USS ‘Abraham Lincoln’ Carrier Strike Group and a bomber task force will soon arrive in “the US Central Command region to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime,” according to a statement by US National Security Advisor John Bolton.

Bolton, who once notoriously called for Iran’s nuclear program to be stopped by bombing the country, asserted this time that the US “is not seeking war with the Iranian regime.” However, it is “fully prepared to respond to any attack” by Tehran’s “proxy” – the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – or regular Iranian forces.

US deploys aircraft carrier & bombers to Middle East in ‘message’ to Iran – Bolton
Bolton IS THE SWAMP that Trump 'claims' he is draining. What a fucking liar Trump is. LOFL

John 'I wanna invade & destroy every nation I don't agree with' Bolton is a hold over from the G. W. Bush 9/11 era; you know, those folks that welcomed 9/11, when some people did something.

When some people did something, that offered some assholes here in DC to do something, in the Middle East.

That's the way chess works.

G. W. Bush is a very shitty chess player; actually I don't believe G. W. knows how to play the game.
Manufacturing consent is nothing new. With the ongoing death of the liberal class, America's antiwar voices were louder 100 years ago than now.

When the United States declared war on Germany in April 1917, President Woodrow Wilson faced a reluctant nation. Wilson had, after all, won his reelection in 1916 with the slogan, “He kept us out of the war.” To convince Americans that going to war in Europe was necessary, Wilson created the Committee on Public Information (CPI), to focus on promoting the war effort.

To head up the committee, Wilson appointed a brilliant political public relations man, George Creel. As head of the CPI, Creel was in charge of censorship as well as flag-waving, but he quickly passed the censor’s job to Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson. The Post Office already had the power to bar materials from the mail and revoke the reduced postage rates given to newspapers and magazines.
From Iran and Venezuela to China, President Donald Trump’s foreign policy is being shaped by hawks who believe that the US cannot be challenged militarily, a political analyst told RT, adding that Washington is now risking war.

Sidelining even the president himself, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton are now in the driver’s seat, steering US policy into ever greater provocation and conflict across several continents, independent political analyst Alessandro Bruno told RT.

“These two are dangerous,” Bruno said. “Pompeo and Bolton have control of US foreign policy right now. I don’t think Trump has any control.”

President Trump’s hawkish advisers are putting the US on a collision course with other world powers, and the chances for diplomatic solutions diminish by the day.

There’s no diplomacy potential... Pompeo and Bolton seem to be oblivious to the fact that the US isn’t the only power around anymore.

The USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group will soon arrive in the Persian Gulf – some 7,000 miles away from its home port in Virginia – in order to “send a clear message” to Tehran. While Bolton, a longtime Iran hawk, claims the move is meant to preempt an Iranian attack, the adviser’s eye may actually be on the country’s oil trade.

“Bolton is speaking from both sides of his mouth,” Bruno said. “This is clearly a military provocation. [T]hese deployments are made regularly…[but] the fact that Bolton has specifically said now that the mission of the Lincoln is to counter Iran’s efforts to sell oil on the grey market makes it very specific. There’s a real target, here.”

Hawks at the wheel: Bolton and Pompeo ‘steering US towards confrontation everywhere’

In related news;
The US is deploying a carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the Middle East amid mounting animosity and a heated war of words between Washington and Tehran.
The USS ‘Abraham Lincoln’ Carrier Strike Group and a bomber task force will soon arrive in “the US Central Command region to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime,” according to a statement by US National Security Advisor John Bolton.

Bolton, who once notoriously called for Iran’s nuclear program to be stopped by bombing the country, asserted this time that the US “is not seeking war with the Iranian regime.” However, it is “fully prepared to respond to any attack” by Tehran’s “proxy” – the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – or regular Iranian forces.

US deploys aircraft carrier & bombers to Middle East in ‘message’ to Iran – Bolton
View attachment 259732

I have a great idea: SEND everyone in Pompeo & Bolton's families to fight ALL of the wars they wanna start.

Every aunt, uncle, cousin, grandparent, mother, father, brother, sister, etc., from EVERY GENERATION.

Dig them up from their graves & send them ALL to Iran, and to 'whereeverin' Hell they wanna be Johnny badass.

That should get them to thinking, if they have any cerebral ability ..............
Sometimes I think Bolton's and Pompeo's boss is not Trump but somebody who belongs to Deep State. Also I think they keep encouraging Trump to do many wrong moves and do NOT keep him well informed.

P.S. I'm from Ukraine and I'm sure if Trump knew 1/1000 bit of what is really going on there, who are those who rule Ukraine and how miserable the life of the average people has been after Obama/Soros 2014 coup, Trump would fire both and change his mind about American presence in Ukraine.
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From Iran and Venezuela to China, President Donald Trump’s foreign policy is being shaped by hawks who believe that the US cannot be challenged militarily, a political analyst told RT, adding that Washington is now risking war.

Sidelining even the president himself, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton are now in the driver’s seat, steering US policy into ever greater provocation and conflict across several continents, independent political analyst Alessandro Bruno told RT.

“These two are dangerous,” Bruno said. “Pompeo and Bolton have control of US foreign policy right now. I don’t think Trump has any control.”

President Trump’s hawkish advisers are putting the US on a collision course with other world powers, and the chances for diplomatic solutions diminish by the day.

There’s no diplomacy potential... Pompeo and Bolton seem to be oblivious to the fact that the US isn’t the only power around anymore.

The USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group will soon arrive in the Persian Gulf – some 7,000 miles away from its home port in Virginia – in order to “send a clear message” to Tehran. While Bolton, a longtime Iran hawk, claims the move is meant to preempt an Iranian attack, the adviser’s eye may actually be on the country’s oil trade.

“Bolton is speaking from both sides of his mouth,” Bruno said. “This is clearly a military provocation. [T]hese deployments are made regularly…[but] the fact that Bolton has specifically said now that the mission of the Lincoln is to counter Iran’s efforts to sell oil on the grey market makes it very specific. There’s a real target, here.”

Hawks at the wheel: Bolton and Pompeo ‘steering US towards confrontation everywhere’

In related news;
The US is deploying a carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the Middle East amid mounting animosity and a heated war of words between Washington and Tehran.
The USS ‘Abraham Lincoln’ Carrier Strike Group and a bomber task force will soon arrive in “the US Central Command region to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime,” according to a statement by US National Security Advisor John Bolton.

Bolton, who once notoriously called for Iran’s nuclear program to be stopped by bombing the country, asserted this time that the US “is not seeking war with the Iranian regime.” However, it is “fully prepared to respond to any attack” by Tehran’s “proxy” – the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – or regular Iranian forces.

US deploys aircraft carrier & bombers to Middle East in ‘message’ to Iran – Bolton
View attachment 259732
So much for all that nonintervention talk Donnie spoke of during the campaign. So much for draining the swamp too. It seems Donnie is getting consumed by the swamp.
Sometimes I think Bolton's and Pompeo's boss is not Trump but somebody who belongs to Deep State. Also I think they keep encouraging Trump to do many wrong moves and do NOT keep him well informed.

Trump is just as 'deep state' as a dildo stuck up Stormy's wing wang.

If you believe Trump is anything different as POTUS than what came before him, then you are sadly mistaken.

Trump talked a good game, like any con man & got all of those 'cult of Trump' assholes to vote for him but Trump is just as swampy as those he claims to shit on in the swamp.

haha ..........
From Iran and Venezuela to China, President Donald Trump’s foreign policy is being shaped by hawks who believe that the US cannot be challenged militarily, a political analyst told RT, adding that Washington is now risking war.

Sidelining even the president himself, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton are now in the driver’s seat, steering US policy into ever greater provocation and conflict across several continents, independent political analyst Alessandro Bruno told RT.

“These two are dangerous,” Bruno said. “Pompeo and Bolton have control of US foreign policy right now. I don’t think Trump has any control.”

President Trump’s hawkish advisers are putting the US on a collision course with other world powers, and the chances for diplomatic solutions diminish by the day.

There’s no diplomacy potential... Pompeo and Bolton seem to be oblivious to the fact that the US isn’t the only power around anymore.

The USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group will soon arrive in the Persian Gulf – some 7,000 miles away from its home port in Virginia – in order to “send a clear message” to Tehran. While Bolton, a longtime Iran hawk, claims the move is meant to preempt an Iranian attack, the adviser’s eye may actually be on the country’s oil trade.

“Bolton is speaking from both sides of his mouth,” Bruno said. “This is clearly a military provocation. [T]hese deployments are made regularly…[but] the fact that Bolton has specifically said now that the mission of the Lincoln is to counter Iran’s efforts to sell oil on the grey market makes it very specific. There’s a real target, here.”

Hawks at the wheel: Bolton and Pompeo ‘steering US towards confrontation everywhere’

In related news;
The US is deploying a carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the Middle East amid mounting animosity and a heated war of words between Washington and Tehran.
The USS ‘Abraham Lincoln’ Carrier Strike Group and a bomber task force will soon arrive in “the US Central Command region to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime,” according to a statement by US National Security Advisor John Bolton.

Bolton, who once notoriously called for Iran’s nuclear program to be stopped by bombing the country, asserted this time that the US “is not seeking war with the Iranian regime.” However, it is “fully prepared to respond to any attack” by Tehran’s “proxy” – the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – or regular Iranian forces.

US deploys aircraft carrier & bombers to Middle East in ‘message’ to Iran – Bolton
View attachment 259732
So much for all that nonintervention talk Donnie spoke of during the campaign. So much for draining the swamp too. It seems Donnie is getting consumed by the swamp.
The Swamp has certainly hobbled Trump and restricted him in many of his intentions and actions. Cooperation with Russia is just one of them.
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From Iran and Venezuela to China, President Donald Trump’s foreign policy is being shaped by hawks who believe that the US cannot be challenged militarily, a political analyst told RT, adding that Washington is now risking war.

Sidelining even the president himself, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton are now in the driver’s seat, steering US policy into ever greater provocation and conflict across several continents, independent political analyst Alessandro Bruno told RT.

“These two are dangerous,” Bruno said. “Pompeo and Bolton have control of US foreign policy right now. I don’t think Trump has any control.”

President Trump’s hawkish advisers are putting the US on a collision course with other world powers, and the chances for diplomatic solutions diminish by the day.

There’s no diplomacy potential... Pompeo and Bolton seem to be oblivious to the fact that the US isn’t the only power around anymore.

The USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group will soon arrive in the Persian Gulf – some 7,000 miles away from its home port in Virginia – in order to “send a clear message” to Tehran. While Bolton, a longtime Iran hawk, claims the move is meant to preempt an Iranian attack, the adviser’s eye may actually be on the country’s oil trade.

“Bolton is speaking from both sides of his mouth,” Bruno said. “This is clearly a military provocation. [T]hese deployments are made regularly…[but] the fact that Bolton has specifically said now that the mission of the Lincoln is to counter Iran’s efforts to sell oil on the grey market makes it very specific. There’s a real target, here.”

Hawks at the wheel: Bolton and Pompeo ‘steering US towards confrontation everywhere’

In related news;
The US is deploying a carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the Middle East amid mounting animosity and a heated war of words between Washington and Tehran.
The USS ‘Abraham Lincoln’ Carrier Strike Group and a bomber task force will soon arrive in “the US Central Command region to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime,” according to a statement by US National Security Advisor John Bolton.

Bolton, who once notoriously called for Iran’s nuclear program to be stopped by bombing the country, asserted this time that the US “is not seeking war with the Iranian regime.” However, it is “fully prepared to respond to any attack” by Tehran’s “proxy” – the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – or regular Iranian forces.

US deploys aircraft carrier & bombers to Middle East in ‘message’ to Iran – Bolton
View attachment 259732
So much for all that nonintervention talk Donnie spoke of during the campaign. So much for draining the swamp too. It seems Donnie is getting consumed by the swamp.
The Swamp has certainly hobbled Trump and restricted him in many of his intentions and actions. Cooperation with Russia is just one of them.
The GOP is the swamp d u h.....

Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul described Mr Bolton last year in an op-ed as "hell-bent on repeating virtually every foreign policy mistake the US has made in the last 18 years".

And swamp drainer 'Orange Anus' hired this SWAMP RAT because of, why?

Because Trump is the swamp.
You honestly believe Trump chose Bolton, Pompeo, Pence, Mnuchin or any of those guys ? The best advisor other than Rudy the president had was Steve Bannon, and even he was placed there by the Mercers, not Trump.
I am just going to say it. I sincerely hope John Bolton dies soon. I have absolutely despised him for years.

He is a terrible person who ducked his military service - yet seems oblivious to getting US soldiers killed/maimed all over the world.

John Bolton: Another hawk who managed to avoid military service altogether

And let's not even begin to talk about his total disregard for innocent civilians, all the trouble his stupid, neocon ideas bring America AND the fact that all his ideas have brought America NO GOOD AT ALL.

Please...John Bolton...die VERY soon.

There is NO AMERICAN that I can think of who is either incarcerated and/or wanted by the police that is a worse human being than John R. Bolton.
I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

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