Member Of Special Forces:'I Am Ashamed For The First Time In My Career'


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!
Meh I'm glad he pulled them out. Now he just needs to bring them home.
He has thousands more he needs to bring home.
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!
Biff, go take his place. We need to GTFO of the ME. Why are we still in Afghanistan?

Let the CIA guard their poppy fields
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!
Biff, go take his place. We need to GTFO of the ME. Why are we still in Afghanistan?

Let the CIA guard their poppy fields

Why was Reagan in Central America??
I am disappointed that the US can't prevent Turkey from attacking the Kurds. But make no mistake; the US is not a major influence in Syria and hasn't been since "line in the sand" Obama. Sad but true.
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!
Biff, go take his place. We need to GTFO of the ME. Why are we still in Afghanistan?

Let the CIA guard their poppy fields
Perhaps you missed the part where I said "As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can use any excuse he likes" -- which means I have always been against getting into the Middle East...far longer than you have --- back when I was called a traitor and a terrorist for being against occupying the Middle East...

So now when the history is clear about it -- you m0rons want to pretend you were against it all along?? GTFOH
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!
Biff, go take his place. We need to GTFO of the ME. Why are we still in Afghanistan?

Let the CIA guard their poppy fields

Why was Reagan in Central America??
He was trying to prevent totalitarian Democrats from taking over. His actions might have delayed all those caravans from happening for 30 years.
I'd just like someone to really explain the situation better. Does anyone really know what is going on there? The alliances and issues?

I admit, I can't claim outrage or support, the entire issue sounds so unhealthy. I certainly wouldn't want to be an uninformed U.S soldier there wondering "why".

Can anyone truly explain the alliances and objective there in an honest, unbiased manner? If so, I will listen.
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!
Biff, go take his place. We need to GTFO of the ME. Why are we still in Afghanistan?

Let the CIA guard their poppy fields

Why was Reagan in Central America??
He was trying to prevent totalitarian Democrats from taking over. His actions might have delayed all those caravans from happening for 30 years.
Regan should have been impeached for Iran-Contra -- if that happened during a Democratic presidency, you sycophantic m0rons would be demanding their execution.....

But instead, just this week -- Ed Meese is being given the medal of Freedom...Ed Meese of all people......this perfectly sums of the level of "full of shit'ness" republicans have.....
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!
Biff, go take his place. We need to GTFO of the ME. Why are we still in Afghanistan?

Let the CIA guard their poppy fields

Why was Reagan in Central America??

To crush your home team: The Commies
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!
Biff, go take his place. We need to GTFO of the ME. Why are we still in Afghanistan?

Let the CIA guard their poppy fields

Why was Reagan in Central America??
He was trying to prevent totalitarian Democrats from taking over. His actions might have delayed all those caravans from happening for 30 years.

He caused them.
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!
Biff, go take his place. We need to GTFO of the ME. Why are we still in Afghanistan?

Let the CIA guard their poppy fields

Why was Reagan in Central America??
He was trying to prevent totalitarian Democrats from taking over. His actions might have delayed all those caravans from happening for 30 years.
Regan should have been impeached for Iran-Contra -- if that happened during a Democratic presidency, you sycophantic m0rons would be demanding their execution.....

But instead, just this week -- Ed Meese is being given the medal of Freedom...Ed Meese of all people......this perfectly sums of the level of "full of shit'ness" republicans have.....
Reagan was one of the worst presidents we ever had.
He also imported cocaine from South A and started the crack epidemic
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!
Biff, go take his place. We need to GTFO of the ME. Why are we still in Afghanistan?

Let the CIA guard their poppy fields

Why was Reagan in Central America??

To crush your home team: The Commies

Why did he think he could interfere in Central American and ask Israel and Iran to get involved.
I'd just like someone to really explain the situation better. Does anyone really know what is going on there? The alliances and issues?

I admit, I can't claim outrage or support, the entire issue sounds so unhealthy. I certainly wouldn't want to be an uninformed U.S soldier there wondering "why".

Can anyone truly explain the alliances and objective there in an honest, unbiased manner? If so, I will listen.
If you are someone who can't let go of the fact that we should have never been in Iraq (which I am) -- any justification for being over there is just reverse engineering after the fact.

But the general consensus is....the Kurds were the ones most willing to fight terrorists when most others in the region did not...and the Kurds were the most effective at defeating the terrorists, when most others were not....

However, we can't be there indefinitely -- its time to take the L and admit that we have been conned for years about this war on terror -- and we should be mindful to never allow it to happen again and it needs to be bipartisan -- because when a new admin is in office, I fear people will get a new sudden case of amnesia again
Turkey's Syria invasion: Member of US Special Forces says, 'I am ashamed for the first time in my career'

Fox news once again is betraying the president by running this hit job against the president, they are showing that instead of being loyal to Trump, they are being loyal to the warmongering Democrats who want all out never-ending war in the Middle East -- and they have always wanted this -- ever since they forced Bush to invade Iraq.

"A member of U.S. Special Forces serving alongside the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Syria told Fox News on Wednesday they were witnessing Turkish atrocities on the frontlines.

'I am ashamed for the first time in my career,' said the distraught soldier, who has been involved in the training of indigenous forces on multiple continents. The hardened service member is among the 1,000 or so U.S. troops who remain in Syria."

Really? This was the first time you were ashamed?? You must have had a short career -- are you telling me you were not ashamed to have been serving under a Kenyan muslim terrorist fake president who wasn't even born here?? Michelle Obama is a man too and their kids were stolen...

This deep state plant posing as special forces went on to say “Turkey is not doing what it agreed to. It’s horrible,” the military source on the ground said. “We met every single security agreement. The Kurds met every single agreement [with the Turks]. There was no threat to the Turks -- none -- from this side of the border."

Trump fired back at his detractors by reminding them that the Kurds are not really that great anyway and they never helped in WW2 and they were not there on the beaches of Normandy, so fuck em. As long as Trump is bringing the troops home, he can tell any lie or use any excuse he likes -- as long as they are brought back...….and if things get too out of hand over there with ISIS or any other terrorist group, we can re-invade and blame it on the Democrats anyway -- so its a win-win either way... #MAGA!
Biff, go take his place. We need to GTFO of the ME. Why are we still in Afghanistan?

Let the CIA guard their poppy fields

Why was Reagan in Central America??
He was trying to prevent totalitarian Democrats from taking over. His actions might have delayed all those caravans from happening for 30 years.
Regan should have been impeached for Iran-Contra -- if that happened during a Democratic presidency, you sycophantic m0rons would be demanding their execution.....

But instead, just this week -- Ed Meese is being given the medal of Freedom...Ed Meese of all people......this perfectly sums of the level of "full of shit'ness" republicans have.....
Reagan was one of the worst presidents we ever had.
He also imported cocaine from South A and started the crack epidemic
I'd just like someone to really explain the situation better. Does anyone really know what is going on there? The alliances and issues?

I admit, I can't claim outrage or support, the entire issue sounds so unhealthy. I certainly wouldn't want to be an uninformed U.S soldier there wondering "why".

Can anyone truly explain the alliances and objective there in an honest, unbiased manner? If so, I will listen.
If you are someone who can't let go of the fact that we should have never been in Iraq (which I am) -- any justification for being over there is just reverse engineering after the fact.

But the general consensus is....the Kurds were the ones most willing to fight terrorists when most others in the region did not...and the Kurds were the most effective at defeating the terrorists, when most others were not....

However, we can't be there indefinitely -- its time to take the L and admit that we have been conned for years about this war on terror -- and we should be mindful to never allow it to happen again and it needs to be bipartisan -- because when a new admin is in office, I fear people will get a new sudden case of amnesia again

Well, if they were willing to fight the terrorists, it would seem we should support them. Is this an issue of choosing one terrorist over another?

Also, what is this I hear of the ISIS fighters being held? Is this because nations won't repatriate them?

This is about as offensive as anything. if you as a nation choose to accept people, they are citizens, and leave for terrorism, as much as I hate it, you have to have them come back and face trial (if needed). Or, choose not to let them in your country to begin with!

If you, or others can answer some of these questions, I would appreciate it. I'm in the dark, though googling some of the history there
I'd just like someone to really explain the situation better. Does anyone really know what is going on there? The alliances and issues?

I admit, I can't claim outrage or support, the entire issue sounds so unhealthy. I certainly wouldn't want to be an uninformed U.S soldier there wondering "why".

Can anyone truly explain the alliances and objective there in an honest, unbiased manner? If so, I will listen.
If you are someone who can't let go of the fact that we should have never been in Iraq (which I am) -- any justification for being over there is just reverse engineering after the fact.

But the general consensus is....the Kurds were the ones most willing to fight terrorists when most others in the region did not...and the Kurds were the most effective at defeating the terrorists, when most others were not....

However, we can't be there indefinitely -- its time to take the L and admit that we have been conned for years about this war on terror -- and we should be mindful to never allow it to happen again and it needs to be bipartisan -- because when a new admin is in office, I fear people will get a new sudden case of amnesia again

Well, if they were willing to fight the terrorists, it would seem we should support them. Is this an issue of choosing one terrorist over another?

Also, what is this I hear of the ISIS fighters being held? Is this because nations won't repatriate them?

This is about as offensive as anything. if you as a nation choose to accept people, they are citizens, and leave for terrorism, as much as I hate it, you have to have them come back and face trial (if needed). Or, choose not to let them in your country to begin with!

If you, or others can answer some of these questions, I would appreciate it. I'm in the dark, though googling some of the history there
Yes, they are holding ISIS fighters and yes, they are having issues sending these terrorists back to their country of origin.....

The fear is that with the coming Turkish invasion, those ISIS fighters would be freed....I truly don't care if they are freed or if they are all executed -- the pipeline of terrorists seems never-ending -- for every 1 we killed, 2 more are created.

Let the people over there sort it out

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