Meltdown at the EPA


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

And not the nuclear kind: The agency’s junk-science promoters are flipping out.

Read more at: Meltdown at the EPA

Meltdown at the EPA

Oh another bunch of Government liars who are leftist loons , and who are now getting caught in their lies as they scurry to cover up. When they had the crooked Obama and past others covering their asses as they assisted in the lies once again brainwashing people these dumb sob's don't know what to do now that a real PRESIDENT is in the house and a real President that is actually for the people and not the Establishment.
Mindwars is so very proud to be a science-censor, just like his mentor Stalin and the Lysenkoists.

All Trump backers are now Stalinist to the core of their being, and so very proud to show it.

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