Mele Kalikimaka: Tax Payer Christmas Gift to the Obamas - $470k A DAY Hawaiian Vacation


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The hard-working, tax-paying citizens of the United States, many of whom don't even get to take A vacation each year just 'ponied up' approx. $70 MILLION hard-earned tax dollars for the Obama's to take yet ANOTHER multi-million dollar vacation...Merry Christmas, '1st Family'.

They're 17-Day vacation last year cost tax payers OVER $8 MILLION ($8,098,060.33)
- $91,751.78 in car rental expenses
- $224,974.05 in accommodation expenses
- $7,781,361.30 in-flight cost (36.9 hours at $210,877 an hour)

- $317,000 in Secret Service expenses (2013 figures)

The cost of their 7 total vacations to Hawaii so far could reach $50 MILLION...with 1 more potentially to go.

The known total expense to the American taxpayers thus far for all Obama travel is now $70,880,035.78.

"It is nice to know that Obama's 'tradition' of Christmas vacations in Hawaii comes courtesy of overburdened taxpayers."
-- Socialism is AWESOME for those 'ruling' at the long as they don't run out of other people's money.

Mele Kalikimaka: Taxpayer's gift to Obama is $470,000 a day Hawaiian vacation
If the state of the Union were better I would say this is just the cost of the President taking a vacation. Expensive yes but there is a lot that goes with the President traveling.

But with the state of the Union the way it is I am thinking that the President should be first to make at least a show of sharing in the pain, but this president does not. He apparently has one year left and is going to ride it out in style. Bush gave up golfing during two wars, Obama won't give up expensive vacations while the middle class shrinks.
Ooooh, the Kenyan went to that foreign land of "Hawaii" for vacation.

4. Taxpayers foot the bill for presidential vacations.

Presidents pay for their own and their families’ lodging, food and incidentals while on vacation, which may be why they generally prefer to stay at properties they own, as guests of wealthy friends or at the official presidential retreat at Camp David.

But since presidential vacations are always working vacations, taxpayers cover what it takes to keep the commander in chief working. Lodging and meals are an extra cost, but taxpayers pay the salaries of White House staffers and Secret Service agents whether the president stays in Washington or not, so a presidential vacation does not significantly increase personnel costs.

The biggest additional expense is the use of Air Force One and the support aircraft needed to haul all the equipment and ground transportation the president needs. The Congressional Research Service estimated that the cost of operating Air Force One is nearly $180,000 per hour. Ultimately, a presidential vacation can cost taxpayers an additional $1 million or considerably more than if the president had just stayed put in the White House. How significant this is within a $3.5 trillion federal budget is something voters can decide for themselves.

Five Myths About Presidential Vacations
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Judicial Watch, via FOIA, pulled the real 2014 cost documentation for Obama's 2014 vacation to Hawaii. Despite YOUR numbers, the ACTUAL numbers are posted in the 1st post...and here again:

- $91,751.78 in car rental expenses
- $224,974.05 in accommodation expenses
- $7,781,361.30 in-flight cost (36.9 hours at $210,877 an hour)

- $317,000 in Secret Service expenses (2013 figures)

Like I said, quite a nice vacation paid for by over-burdened tax payers, many of whom do not even get a vacation each year...
-- Socialism IS awesome for those 'ruling' at the long as they don't run out of other people's money

Presidents go on vacation and the taxpayers foot the bill for the travel and security associated with it. Get over it. Or don't. It doesn't really matter.
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Quick. Republicans control Congress. Pass a law making it illegal for Presidents to take vacation. Any President.

Then you wont have anything to bitch about.

Can you get that law passed or not?
Quick. Republicans control Congress. Pass a law making it illegal for Presidents to take vacation. Any President.

Then you wont have anything to bitch about.

Can you get that law passed or not?

I am sure Congress will get right on that after they return from their vacation. lol
Funny how Liberals always claim to be worried about spending, the budget, etc...except when the excessive wasteful spending is being done by....Liberals. Not one is 'shocked', bothered, or concerned by the cost or that over-burdened tax payers, many of whom do not get a single vacation a year is doling out their hard-earned money for the 1st family to live like royalty. Not a surprise...

I have no problem with the POTUS taking a vacation.

I do have a problem when the first lady takes vacations to Spain, China and wherever the hell else she went.

She's not the POTUS and she didn't seem to care that the economy was in the toilet and UE was high. She took those vacations anyway.

Nice to know she has the countries best interests at heart. NOT,
Funny how Liberals always claim to be worried about spending, the budget, etc...except when the excessive wasteful spending is being done by....Liberals. Not one is 'shocked', bothered, or concerned by the cost or that over-burdened tax payers, many of whom do not get a single vacation a year is doling out their hard-earned money for the 1st family to live like royalty. Not a surprise...


Such altruism! I think it is quite noble for you to suddenly worry yourself about all those poor Americans that didn't/couldn't take a vacation. :lol: Spare us all the crocodile tears.
Quick. Republicans control Congress. Pass a law making it illegal for Presidents to take vacation. Any President.

Then you wont have anything to bitch about.

Can you get that law passed or not?

I am sure Congress will get right on that after they return from their vacation. lol

Yeah...they have like, what, a week and half before they go on vacation again. They should be able to squeeze a "the Kenyan can't go on vacations" bill in between a post office naming and a 159th repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
Seventy Million!

That works out to almost $.60 per taxpayer.

Makes me sick to think of what I could have done with that $.60.
I have no problem with the POTUS taking a vacation.

I do have a problem when the first lady takes vacations to Spain, China and wherever the hell else she went.

She's not the POTUS and she didn't seem to care that the economy was in the toilet and UE was high. She took those vacations anyway.

Nice to know she has the countries best interests at heart. NOT,

Yeah, and I'm sure you were just as outraged when the wives of Republican presidents took vacations without their husbands too, right? Did you know that Laura Bush made 46 trips to 73 countries?
Funny how Liberals always claim to be worried about spending, the budget, etc...except when the excessive wasteful spending is being done by....Liberals. Not one is 'shocked', bothered, or concerned by the cost or that over-burdened tax payers, many of whom do not get a single vacation a year is doling out their hard-earned money for the 1st family to live like royalty. Not a surprise...


Such altruism! I think it is quite noble for you to suddenly worry yourself about all those poor Americans that didn't/couldn't take a vacation. :lol: Spare us all the crocodile tears.
Logical fallacy, and as such irrelevant.
Funny how Liberals always claim to be worried about spending, the budget, etc...except when the excessive wasteful spending is being done by....Liberals. Not one is 'shocked', bothered, or concerned by the cost or that over-burdened tax payers, many of whom do not get a single vacation a year is doling out their hard-earned money for the 1st family to live like royalty. Not a surprise...


Such altruism! I think it is quite noble for you to suddenly worry yourself about all those poor Americans that didn't/couldn't take a vacation. :lol: Spare us all the crocodile tears.
Logical fallacy, and as such irrelevant.

Take it up with the OP. He is the one whining about how some 'poor Americans' can't take a vacation. :crybaby:

Remember the last two fake stories put up here from that source?

The 'terrorists' with steel tubes... The 'terrorists' drawing pictures at the border..

lol, keep them coming.
Take it up with the OP. He is the whinging about how 'poor Americans' can't take a vacation. :crybaby:
The point of the post, not surprising, has surpassed your partisan, uneducated level of understanding and comprehension.

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