- Meet the Depressed - !


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
" Well I may be leaving this chair " says F.Chuck Odd.I mean Todd.
The leftist with the little boy haircut and funny way of parsing
words with the never ending way he purses his lips.
But he won't leave NBC,just the - Meet the Press - chair.
I guess he's not having ease to which he can cloud political
reality.Tell as many white lies as an hour can fill.
Telling the Truth about as seldom as Moby Dick surfacing to show
off a new set of dentures.
This is what transpires when a Network Twerps the Truth
as if some main attraction at some cheap Carny.
The furthest thing one would expect from former
- Meet the Press - host { Tim Russert } as saintly a truth teller
as you'll find.I question his odd and strange way he left Earth.
Just after his Visit with son to Rome and Vatican city.
Short of eating to many typical Italian heavy meals like
Alfredo with sausages.
" Well I may be leaving this chair " says F.Chuck Odd.I mean Todd.
The leftist with the little boy haircut and funny way of parsing
words with the never ending way he purses his lips.
But he won't leave NBC,just the - Meet the Press - chair.
I guess he's not having ease to which he can cloud political
reality.Tell as many white lies as an hour can fill.
Telling the Truth about as seldom as Moby Dick surfacing to show
off a new set of dentures.
This is what transpires when a Network Twerps the Truth
as if some main attraction at some cheap Carny.
The furthest thing one would expect from former
- Meet the Press - host { Tim Russert } as saintly a truth teller
as you'll find.I question his odd and strange way he left Earth.
Just after his Visit with son to Rome and Vatican city.
Short of eating to many typical Italian heavy meals like
Alfredo with sausages.
Aww....Quoting El Rushbo now?..Missing him?

Where is he again? :)
Aww....Quoting El Rushbo now?..Missing him?

Where is he again? :)
A nice smoke-filled room in an easy chair and
happy as a Lark.That was his calling.Probably going to have
a nice feast for sup { din-din }.Maybe some loud music.
He was an original.Almost as original as Lou Groza.
A famous NFL Place kicker.Rush { Rusty } was inspired by
Groza.I'm from Cleveland and understand entirely.
Someone need inform Hugh Hewitt about That Cleveland
Browns.Hewitt just can't seperate himself from the Browns.
Like he'd know about - The Fortune Cookie - { 1966 }
The Billy Wilder Masterpiece with the first teaming of
Lemmon & Matthau.I have a DVD copy.I watch each year.

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