Media Spotlights: <TrumpUSA Productivity>


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a mock-interview of American celebrity Tom Cruise by a fictional TIME magazine reporter-journalist named Ajay Satan about coordinating media with politics in our modern network-driven culture (e.g., European Union, Facebook, etc., etc.).

The purpose of such a dialogue is to illuminate important eco-mindedness relevant to the consumerism-focus of the arguably marketing-oriented 'TrumpUSA.'

How will the American First Lady (Melania Trump) complement her husband's campaign for a media-centric profitability-approach to globalization politics, and will she work with eco-activism groups such as the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation?


AJAY: Thanks so much for speaking with us, Mr. Cruise...
CRUISE: My pleasure.
AJAY: You must be very pleased with all your media/entertainment/social successes!
CRUISE: I'm honored and happy and still pensive about future adventures...
AJAY: Now, you've made multiple films about U.S. politics and an upcoming film is in the works.
CRUISE: Yes, I was happy with Lions for Lambs and the others too.
AJAY: Do you feel that your membership in the Church of Scientology compels you to be a 'media diplomat'?
CRUISE: I believe in religious pluralism and advocating values using the 'media pulpit.'
AJAY: You had that 'crazy' interview with Oprah...
CRUISE: Who can forget? Hahaha.
AJAY: Yes!
CRUISE: I plan to investigate some activities of the eco-minded Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation too!
AJAY: That's a very well-respected celebrity-managed environmentalism organization.
CRUISE: Yes, Leo's work has been outspoken and impressive, and I intend to talk to him about Scientology.
AJAY: Do you feel that Scientology platforms can be coordinated with eco-consciousness?
CRUISE: With modern media and resources, much is possible, Ajay.
AJAY: I liked your science-fiction films Minority Report, Oblivion, and Edge of Tomorrow.
CRUISE: Sci-fi entertainment reflects a modern-age investment in 'tech-lifestyle.'
AJAY: So, what is the scope of Scientology and eco-activism within the framework of 'TrumpUSA'?
CRUISE: I believe given President Trump's consumerism-background, he's interested in media...
AJAY: What do you think about the Oakland Raiders moving to Las Vegas, Nevada?
CRUISE: If we can elect an Atlantic City casino-owner as the U.S. President, why not celebrate marketing?





The marketing of youth-targeted toy and confectionary companies such as Fisher-Price and Haribo reflects a modern interest in a commerce-based approach to community values (arguably).

The release of naturalism-experimentation films such as The Revenant (Tom Hardy) and Toys (Robin Williams) reveals a social interest in experience-based storytelling symbolic of our modern empirical world (i.e., eBay, eTrade).

This media focus suggests that TrumpUSA is really about 'commercial politics,' which suggests that new age celebrities and diplomats are really interested in exploitation-themed discussions, which explains perhaps why Tom Cruise recently completed his relevant traffic-intrigue film American Made.

So here's another symbolic TrumpUSA 'status interview' between (once again) our hypothetical interviewer Ajay and the actor Tom Hardy.

I think to keep abreast of TrumpUSA, you have to focus really on pedestrian politics...


HARDY: Thanks for inviting me to this 'TrumpUSA' interview.
AJAY: Sure. Are you happy with your recent film The Revenant?
HARDY: Yes, Leo and I had a good time working with the film.
AJAY: The story was very visceral and perhaps relevant to modern pioneerism-themed concerns.
HARDY: Sure. Have you seen Boiler Room or Rogue Trader?
AJAY: Yes, I have. Have you seen The Wolf of Wall Street?
HARDY: Yes! Leo was terrific. I like 'symbolic films.'
AJAY: Cool. What do you think of the Planet Hollywood franchise?
HARDY: It certainly reflects a modern interest in commerce-based 'couture,' no?
AJAY: Absolutely. Though I've always preferred Hard Rock Cafe...
HARDY: That's cool too. What do you think of Donald Trump?
AJAY: I know he's busy wrestling with Syria-Iran (i.e., Sunni-Shia relations) among other things.
HARDY: I'm sure he's concerned about Al Jazeera TV as well...
AJAY: President Trump is very 'media-focused' (for good or bad!).
HARDY: I wonder if Trump is a fan of Toys 'R Us!
AJAY: Maybe you'd like to make a film about TrumpUSA someday?
HARDY: Maybe. I'm making a cameo in the next Star Wars film.
AJAY: Awesome! Perhaps Trump will consider you a 'British brain-trust resource.'
HARDY: It all depends (I think) upon how much his administration focuses on consumer-politics.
AJAY: Did you know there's a Burger King in Afghanistan?
HARDY: Cool!



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