Media Skews Reports – Again


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Woman beats a 91-year-old Mexican man with a brick, tells him to ‘go back to your country,'” declared the headline of one Post article from Tuesday, July 10.

Want to guess who the woman was?

An eyewitness later told The Washington Post that Rodriguez had accidentally bumped into a young girl while walking on the sidewalk,” continued the newspaper. “The child’s mother — a black woman — then pushed the elderly man to the ground and repeatedly bashed him in the face with a concrete brick while yelling, ‘Go back to your country,’ the eyewitness said.”

It didn’t stop there. Other people, identified by the Post as “a group of young men,” joined in the assault and allegedly tried to stomp on the elderly Mexican man’s head, even after he fell to the ground. Conveniently, the race of this gang of attackers was left unreported by the newspaper.

Here’s a pix of the attacker:



But that wasn’t the only one. Remember this one?

#IDAdam, the white man who called police on a woman at their neighborhood pool, loses job,”

Notice how they play up the white man part?

In the second incident, which didn’t involve a physical assault and was many degrees less serious, the Post apparently decided that the race of the person who made a phone call is not just relevant, but one of the most important pieces of the headline.

No wonder confidence in the media is at such a low point.

More @ Media Reports Racist Brick Attack on Hispanic Man, Buries Race of Attacker

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