Media is full of crap on Ferguson

What is sadder, that our media "professionals" are...

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Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Watch the actual news conferences with Chief Jackson and compare that with what you have read in the media.

Darren Wilson Is the Ferguson Cop Who Shot Michael Brown | Mediaite

Chief Jackson: The convenience store robbery and Michael Brown shooting not connected |

Now here I am, nobody truck driver in podunk Missouri, and I can figure this shit out...but the folks who have made this their lifes work, their career, schooled and educated in journalism...they can't find their collective asses with both hands a flashlight and a topographical map.

Or they are intentionally misleading the public.

Which is sadder, that they are incompetent or dishonest.
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It's another media frenzy over a dead thug. Like the previous one, the media has manipulated it to obscene proportions and thus attracting race pirmps like flies to shit.

The outcome is predictable and it'll just serve to scar the country further.
They go with the flow of dirty laundry. The blacks used this as an excuse to riot and loot.

They are pushing the racist BS again, saying it's racism instead of an isolated incident fanning the flames causing the violence.............

Had this been a white kid shot, there wouldn't be any of this. This happens from time to time all over the country. Hate leaders amp it up whenever they see fit.

The media just does what their corp. sponsors tell them to do.
Look at the Justice Department willfully suppressing the store video and then expressing their displeasure that it was released.

That department is actually trying to foster discontent with a false narrative. Without that store video the "gentle giant" and "innocent child killed for jaywalking" narrative would be all that we had.

Actually lying to America in order to make this a white-cop kills black-man for jaywalking.

Corruption up and down the line from our elites.
Liberal media wants to give excuse for federal government interference into a state affair.
Nearly every mainstream media outlet spread misinformation about this press conference. The videos are about 8 minutes combined...see it for yourself.
Been watching CNN mostly (since Fox would be my preferred source but seems to think other things like bears trapped in cars are more important.) And I gotta say, I'm hearing fullblown lies. Not mistakes as per incompetance, but outright lies. And a ton of bias trying to crucify the officer, police department, and law enforcement in general. I was quite surprised. I knew bias existed and all, but they're really screwing Ferguson officials over with their pants on.
Watch the actual news conferences with Chief Jackson and compare that with what you have read in the media.

Darren Wilson Is the Ferguson Cop Who Shot Michael Brown | Mediaite

Chief Jackson: The convenience store robbery and Michael Brown shooting not connected |

Now here I am, nobody truck driver in podunk Missouri, and I can figure this shit out...but the folks who have made this their lifes work, their career, schooled and educated in journalism...they can't find their collective asses with both hands a flashlight and a topographical map.

Or they are intentionally misleading the public.

Which is sadder, that they are incompetent or dishonest.
Dishonesty is sadder.

They are frieghted to tell the truth. The robbers state of mind at the time Office Wilson came upon him is key
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You can be sure there would be less brouhaha if a black guy was shot and killed by a black cop.

There would be hardly any or no press coverage if a white guy was shot and killed by a white cop.

If a black cop shot and killed a white guy that cop would get praises from Al Sharpton and all other poverty pimp race baiters of his ilk.
Look at the Justice Department willfully suppressing the store video and then expressing their displeasure that it was released.

That department is actually trying to foster discontent with a false narrative. Without that store video the "gentle giant" and "innocent child killed for jaywalking" narrative would be all that we had.

Actually lying to America in order to make this a white-cop kills black-man for jaywalking.

Corruption up and down the line from our elites.

Yep. The Fact that the Justice Department tried to Stop it's release claiming it would cause more Tensions is very telling. What are they worried about that Regular folks will see this and decide to go confront the Rioting fuck faces?
Been watching CNN mostly (since Fox would be my preferred source but seems to think other things like bears trapped in cars are more important.) And I gotta say, I'm hearing fullblown lies. Not mistakes as per incompetance, but outright lies. And a ton of bias trying to crucify the officer, police department, and law enforcement in general. I was quite surprised. I knew bias existed and all, but they're really screwing Ferguson officials over with their pants on.

It's not shocking once you accept the Fact that CNN and other outlets are not about the News. they are Propaganda machines.
Watch the actual news conferences with Chief Jackson and compare that with what you have read in the media.

Darren Wilson Is the Ferguson Cop Who Shot Michael Brown | Mediaite

Chief Jackson: The convenience store robbery and Michael Brown shooting not connected |

Now here I am, nobody truck driver in podunk Missouri, and I can figure this shit out...but the folks who have made this their lifes work, their career, schooled and educated in journalism...they can't find their collective asses with both hands a flashlight and a topographical map.

Or they are intentionally misleading the public.

Which is sadder, that they are incompetent or dishonest.

Chief Jackson: The convenience store robbery and Michael Brown shooting not connected
And exactly how does he know they are not connected?
Yes, it's true that Officer Darren Wilson didn't know about the convenience store robbery, but Michael Brown certainly knew it. What Michael Brown didn't know was that the officer was unaware of his criminal acts just minutes earlier. I would propose that Michael Brown reacted towards the officer as if he thought the officer knew what he had just done. That's probably why he rushed at the officer. That makes the two acts connected.
Watch the actual news conferences with Chief Jackson and compare that with what you have read in the media.

Darren Wilson Is the Ferguson Cop Who Shot Michael Brown | Mediaite

Chief Jackson: The convenience store robbery and Michael Brown shooting not connected |

Now here I am, nobody truck driver in podunk Missouri, and I can figure this shit out...but the folks who have made this their lifes work, their career, schooled and educated in journalism...they can't find their collective asses with both hands a flashlight and a topographical map.

Or they are intentionally misleading the public.

Which is sadder, that they are incompetent or dishonest.
what exactly are you referring to? I watched the entire press conference from Friday (link below) and in it the chief first said he didn't know if the cop knew about the robbery but then twice stated that the cop did not know about the robbery. So he doesn't know and he does know all at the same time...

Maybe the police are the problem, not the media.
Watch the actual news conferences with Chief Jackson and compare that with what you have read in the media.

Darren Wilson Is the Ferguson Cop Who Shot Michael Brown | Mediaite

Chief Jackson: The convenience store robbery and Michael Brown shooting not connected |

Now here I am, nobody truck driver in podunk Missouri, and I can figure this shit out...but the folks who have made this their lifes work, their career, schooled and educated in journalism...they can't find their collective asses with both hands a flashlight and a topographical map.

Or they are intentionally misleading the public.

Which is sadder, that they are incompetent or dishonest.
what exactly are you referring to? I watched the entire press conference from Friday (link below) and in it the chief first said he didn't know if the cop knew about the robbery but then twice stated that the cop did not know about the robbery. So he doesn't know and he does know all at the same time...

Maybe the police are the problem, not the media.
Sorry kid. You've lost this one. You'll look even more inept when the forensics and toxicology reports are issued.
Watch the actual news conferences with Chief Jackson and compare that with what you have read in the media.

Darren Wilson Is the Ferguson Cop Who Shot Michael Brown | Mediaite

Chief Jackson: The convenience store robbery and Michael Brown shooting not connected |

Now here I am, nobody truck driver in podunk Missouri, and I can figure this shit out...but the folks who have made this their lifes work, their career, schooled and educated in journalism...they can't find their collective asses with both hands a flashlight and a topographical map.

Or they are intentionally misleading the public.

Which is sadder, that they are incompetent or dishonest.

Chief Jackson: The convenience store robbery and Michael Brown shooting not connected
And exactly how does he know they are not connected?
Yes, it's true that Officer Darren Wilson didn't know about the convenience store robbery, but Michael Brown certainly knew it. What Michael Brown didn't know was that the officer was unaware of his criminal acts just minutes earlier. I would propose that Michael Brown reacted towards the officer as if he thought the officer knew what he had just done. That's probably why he rushed at the officer. That makes the two acts connected.

No, it's not true...that is the media lying to you.

The detailed description of the robbery, the suspects and what was stolen went out over police radio at 11:52.

Officer Wilson made contact with Brown at noon, give or take a minute.

So Wilson DID know about the robbery.

All Chief Jackson says is that the initial contact was not related to the one asks him at the press conference to elaborate (watch it above).

NBC reported that in an interview with Chief Jackson that he says that sometime during the contact with Brown, Officer Wilson observes the box of cigars in Brown's hand, and at that point identifies him as a possible suspect in the strong arm robbery.
Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown. Asked why Brown and a friend were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.”

[Chief] Jackson later said that "at some point" during the encounter, the officer saw the cigars in Brown's hands and thought he might be a suspect.

(there is video, at the end of which reporter Allen confirms that he received this information from Chief Jackson, but I cannot find a video record of that interview online as yet)

So the question becomes, why is the media still reporting that the robbery and the shooting are unrelated?

Shouldn't this information be replacing all the misinformation that Wilson didn't know about the robbery?

Bottom line, the media is intentionally misleading the public.
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Watch the actual news conferences with Chief Jackson and compare that with what you have read in the media.

Darren Wilson Is the Ferguson Cop Who Shot Michael Brown | Mediaite

Chief Jackson: The convenience store robbery and Michael Brown shooting not connected |

Now here I am, nobody truck driver in podunk Missouri, and I can figure this shit out...but the folks who have made this their lifes work, their career, schooled and educated in journalism...they can't find their collective asses with both hands a flashlight and a topographical map.

Or they are intentionally misleading the public.

Which is sadder, that they are incompetent or dishonest.

Chief Jackson: The convenience store robbery and Michael Brown shooting not connected
And exactly how does he know they are not connected?
Yes, it's true that Officer Darren Wilson didn't know about the convenience store robbery, but Michael Brown certainly knew it. What Michael Brown didn't know was that the officer was unaware of his criminal acts just minutes earlier. I would propose that Michael Brown reacted towards the officer as if he thought the officer knew what he had just done. That's probably why he rushed at the officer. That makes the two acts connected.

No, it's not true...that is the media lying to you.

The detailed description of the robbery, the suspects and what was stolen went out over police radio at 11:52.

Officer Wilson made contact with Brown at noon, give or take a minute.

So Wilson DID know about the robbery.

All Chief Jackson says is that the initial contact was not related to the one asks him at the press conference to elaborate (watch it above).

NBC reported that in an interview with Chief Jackson that he says that sometime during the contact with Brown, Officer Wilson observes the box of cigars in Brown's hand, and at that point identifies him as a possible suspect in the strong arm robbery.
Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown. Asked why Brown and a friend were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.”

[Chief] Jackson later said that "at some point" during the encounter, the officer saw the cigars in Brown's hands and thought he might be a suspect.

(there is video, at the end of which reporter Allen confirms that he received this information from Chief Jackson, but I cannot find a video record of that interview online as yet)

So the question becomes, why is the media still reporting that the robbery and the shooting are unrelated?

Shouldn't this information be replacing all the misinformation that Wilson didn't know about the robbery?

Bottom line, the media is intentionally misleading the public.

Every once in a while, I trust the media to report some things accurately, in this case, that Officer Wilson was unaware of the previous robbery.
Once again, I have to suffer self-embarrassment for trusting part of what the media reported.
And exactly how does he know they are not connected?
Yes, it's true that Officer Darren Wilson didn't know about the convenience store robbery, but Michael Brown certainly knew it. What Michael Brown didn't know was that the officer was unaware of his criminal acts just minutes earlier. I would propose that Michael Brown reacted towards the officer as if he thought the officer knew what he had just done. That's probably why he rushed at the officer. That makes the two acts connected.

No, it's not true...that is the media lying to you.

The detailed description of the robbery, the suspects and what was stolen went out over police radio at 11:52.

Officer Wilson made contact with Brown at noon, give or take a minute.

So Wilson DID know about the robbery.

All Chief Jackson says is that the initial contact was not related to the one asks him at the press conference to elaborate (watch it above).

NBC reported that in an interview with Chief Jackson that he says that sometime during the contact with Brown, Officer Wilson observes the box of cigars in Brown's hand, and at that point identifies him as a possible suspect in the strong arm robbery.
Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown. Asked why Brown and a friend were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.”

[Chief] Jackson later said that "at some point" during the encounter, the officer saw the cigars in Brown's hands and thought he might be a suspect.

(there is video, at the end of which reporter Allen confirms that he received this information from Chief Jackson, but I cannot find a video record of that interview online as yet)

So the question becomes, why is the media still reporting that the robbery and the shooting are unrelated?

Shouldn't this information be replacing all the misinformation that Wilson didn't know about the robbery?

Bottom line, the media is intentionally misleading the public.

Every once in a while, I trust the media to report some things accurately, in this case, that Officer Wilson was unaware of the previous robbery.
Once again, I have to suffer self-embarrassment for trusting part of what the media reported.

You know, I think to many times on this very site have I quoted a media report as indisputable proof to support my arguments.

Perhaps I was naive before, but the scales have fallen from my eyes.

Nothing in the media can be taken as indisputable proof.

And who has the time to factcheck every news story?

Not me.

And that makes the news media less than worthless.

Might as well not waste the time watching or reading...I can get misinformation anywhere.
Look at the Justice Department willfully suppressing the store video and then expressing their displeasure that it was released.

That department is actually trying to foster discontent with a false narrative. Without that store video the "gentle giant" and "innocent child killed for jaywalking" narrative would be all that we had.

Actually lying to America in order to make this a white-cop kills black-man for jaywalking.

Corruption up and down the line from our elites.

"For much of his life, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. carried around something peculiar…an old clipping of a quote from Harlem preacher Reverend Samuel D. Proctor. Holder put the clipping in his wallet in 1971, when he was studying history at Columbia University, and kept it in wallet after wallet over the ensuing decades.

What were Proctor’s words that Holder found so compelling?
“Blackness is another issue entirely apart from class in America. No matter how affluent, educated and mobile [a black person] becomes, his race defines him more particularly than anything else.”…When asked to explain the passage, Holder replied, “It really says that… I am not the tall U.S. attorney, I am not the thin United States Attorney. I am the black United States attorney. And he was saying that no matter how successful you are, there’s a common cause that bonds the black United States attorney with the black criminal or the black doctor with the black homeless person.”

…It may seem shocking to hear these racialist views ascribed to America’s top law enforcement officer. But to people who have worked inside the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice, these attitudes are perfectly familiar."
DOJ Whistleblower J. Christian Adams Releases New Book | Video |
You can be sure there would be less brouhaha if a black guy was shot and killed by a black cop.

There would be hardly any or no press coverage if a white guy was shot and killed by a white cop.

If a black cop shot and killed a white guy that cop would get praises from Al Sharpton and all other poverty pimp race baiters of his ilk.

But what if it was 'a white Hispanic'????

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