Media Fake News Strikes Again - Against Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
This morning on Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace, a graphic was shown onscreen that said there are 705 US Covid deaths per day. That would be almost 5,000/week. But looking at the CDC's numbers, in the latest full week reported (week ending September 19), the table shows 2,305, and "only" 637 counted so far for week ending September 26.

So where did Fox or Chris Wallace come up with the number 705 per day ? Looks fake.

BTW - for all those who think they can be critical of the president's job on the pandemic, the 2,305/week number is way down from the CDC's number on April 18, 2020, which was then 17,058/week, an 86% reduction.

Don't fall for it! COVID is fake.! Lick a gas-station toilet seat! It's all good!
Don't fall for it! COVID is fake.! Lick a gas-station toilet seat! It's all good!
What does this moronic post have to do with the OP ? On topic posts are desired. Ones that show idiocy are not.
Don't fall for it! COVID is fake.! Lick a gas-station toilet seat! It's all good!
What does this moronic post have to do with the OP ? On topic posts are desired. Ones that show idiocy are not.

Let me be clear. You are insane and immoral. And something close to half the country suffers from your sickness.
More like 38%.
It's far too close to half, regardless. WTF happened??? Is it all Fox News? Reality TV? I don't get it. How did so many Americans become shitstains?
Don't fall for it! COVID is fake.! Lick a gas-station toilet seat! It's all good!
What does this moronic post have to do with the OP ? On topic posts are desired. Ones that show idiocy are not.

Let me be clear. You are insane and immoral. And something close to half the country suffers from your sickness.
More like 38%.
It's far too close to half, regardless. WTF happened??? Is it all Fox News? Reality TV? I don't get it. How did so many Americans become shitstains?
Trump attacks on MSM have caused many Americans to rely on blogs, propaganda partisan news sources, conspiracy theory pimps, and pundits for news. He has purposely dumbed down America.
Don't fall for it! COVID is fake.! Lick a gas-station toilet seat! It's all good!
What does this moronic post have to do with the OP ? On topic posts are desired. Ones that show idiocy are not.

Let me be clear. You are insane and immoral. And something close to half the country suffers from your sickness.
Looks like we lost another one to the panic porn.

It's really sad to watch a dude crack up like this.
Trump attacks on MSM have caused many Americans to rely on blogs, propaganda partisan news sources, conspiracy theory pimps, and pundits for news. He has purposely dumbed down America.
The MSM did that to themselves. Three years of the Fake Russia Collusion and Mueller nonsense. They lie about everything. CNN has been dedicated to hating President Trump, it’s a complete joke.
This morning on Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace, a graphic was shown onscreen that said there are 705 US Covid deaths per day. That would be almost 5,000/week. But looking at the CDC's numbers, in the latest full week reported (week ending September 19), the table shows 2,305, and "only" 637 counted so far for week ending September 26.

So where did Fox or Chris Wallace come up with the number 705 per day ? Looks fake.

BTW - for all those who think they can be critical of the president's job on the pandemic, the 2,305/week number is way down from the CDC's number on April 18, 2020, which was then 17,058/week, an 86% reduction.

' BTW - for all those who think they can be critical of the president's job on the pandemic, the 2,305/week number is way down from the CDC's number on April 18, 2020, which was then 17,058/week, an 86% reduction??...I'll go with some different numbers. Under Obama..H1N1..aproxamartely 2,000 deaths..Ebola..2
Let me be clear. You are insane and immoral. And something close to half the country suffers from your sickness.
You are QUITE clear You are insane and immoral. And something close to half the country suffers from your sickness. >> Disregard of FACTS, which your bullshit media carefully scripts out of its broadcasts, to keep you being the ignorant fool that you are.
It's far too close to half, regardless. WTF happened??? Is it all Fox News? Reality TV? I don't get it. How did so many Americans become shitstains?
You became that way by putting all your attention to liberal OMISSION media while ignoring the conservative ones (Newsmax, the First, the Blaze, OAN Encore, America's Voice), where you could have gotten informed, rather than continue on information-deprived.

Think you're informed ? Take my Quiz for liberals quizzes. You'll find out how much you don't know,
Trump attacks on MSM have caused many Americans to rely on blogs, propaganda partisan news sources, conspiracy theory pimps, and pundits for news. He has purposely dumbed down America.
That's what liberal OMISSION media does. Where did you get the idea that Trump and conservatives are dumbing down America ? Liberals control the universities and the mass media. and they're the ones doing the dumbing down.
' BTW - for all those who think they can be critical of the president's job on the pandemic, the 2,305/week number is way down from the CDC's number on April 18, 2020, which was then 17,058/week, an 86% reduction??...I'll go with some different numbers. Under Obama..H1N1..aproxamartely 2,000 deaths..Ebola..2
Yes. It's an 86% reduction. What's the matter you flunked 7th grade math ?
Trump attacks on MSM have caused many Americans to rely on blogs, propaganda partisan news sources, conspiracy theory pimps, and pundits for news. He has purposely dumbed down America.
That's what liberal OMISSION media does. Where did you get the idea that Trump and conservatives are dumbing down America ? Liberals control the universities and the mass media. and they're the ones doing the dumbing down.
An example of this 'dumbing down'??
This morning on Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace, a graphic was shown onscreen that said there are 705 US Covid deaths per day. That would be almost 5,000/week. But looking at the CDC's numbers, in the latest full week reported (week ending September 19), the table shows 2,305, and "only" 637 counted so far for week ending September 26.

So where did Fox or Chris Wallace come up with the number 705 per day ? Looks fake.

BTW - for all those who think they can be critical of the president's job on the pandemic, the 2,305/week number is way down from the CDC's number on April 18, 2020, which was then 17,058/week, an 86% reduction.

That's true. Chris Wallace is a biased weasel who ran a one sided debate against Trump and now FOX News is making an obvious attempt to prevent any talk on their station that accuses Wallace of being unfair. I'm pretty sure Wallace was so excited he damn near pissed himself a couple of those times when he really put the screws to Trump. Wallace ran an ambush, not a debate, and FOX has just entered the fake news zone.
Don't fall for it! COVID is fake.! Lick a gas-station toilet seat! It's all good!
What does this moronic post have to do with the OP ? On topic posts are desired. Ones that show idiocy are not.

Let me be clear. You are insane and immoral. And something close to half the country suffers from your sickness.
Looks like we lost another one to the panic porn.

It's really sad to watch a dude crack up like this.
I can't get myself stupid enough to believe that COVID is a conspiracy to make Trump look bad. Sorry to disappoint you.
Don't fall for it! COVID is fake.! Lick a gas-station toilet seat! It's all good!
What does this moronic post have to do with the OP ? On topic posts are desired. Ones that show idiocy are not.

Let me be clear. You are insane and immoral. And something close to half the country suffers from your sickness.
Looks like we lost another one to the panic porn.

It's really sad to watch a dude crack up like this.
I can't get myself stupid enough to believe that COVID is a conspiracy to make Trump look bad. Sorry to disappoint you.
Straw man argument....Nobody said it was a conspiracy.

It's really a sad thing to watch you lose your marbles like this.
Trump attacks on MSM have caused many Americans to rely on blogs, propaganda partisan news sources, conspiracy theory pimps, and pundits for news. He has purposely dumbed down America.
That's what liberal OMISSION media does. Where did you get the idea that Trump and conservatives are dumbing down America ? Liberals control the universities and the mass media. and they're the ones doing the dumbing down.
An example of this 'dumbing down'??
Endless examples are found right here on USMB. Just read the moronic comments and threads from USMB Trumpoholics.

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