Mechanics Of Satanic Enslavement

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Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004

The Monarch victims of today are the tail end of centuries of efforts by the Kaballists, Freemasons, and the Illuminati adepts to completely control other human beings. The following quote comes from a communist manual on how to brainwash a nation. It could just have well been written by Monarch Mind-Control Programmers. "The first thing to be degraded in any nation is the state of Man, himself. Nations which have high ethical tone are difficult to conquer. Their loyalties are hard to shake, their allegiance to their leaders is fanatical, and what they usually call their spiritual integrity cannot be violated by duress. It is not efficient to attack a nation in such a frame of mind. It is the basic purpose of [mind-control] to reduce that state of mind to a point where it can be ordered and enslaved. Thus, the first target is Man, himself. He must be degraded from a spiritual being to an animalistic reaction pattern. He must think of himself as an animal, capable only of animalistic reactions. He must no longer think of himself, or of his fellows, as capable of ‘spiritual endurance,’ or nobility... " As it seems in foreign nations that the church is the most ennobling influence, each and every branch and activity of each and every church, must, one way, or another, be discredited. Religion must become unfashionable by demonstrating broadly, through pyschopolitical indoctrination, that the soul is non-existent, and that Man is an animal."

Later this chapter will describe how a person is dehumanized. One spiritual principle is that if you can get a person angry at God, you can get that person to commit any sin. Great effort is taken, via staged events to make the victim being programmed certain that God has rejected them. For instance, some victims had someone play God and walk away from them when they needed help in a life & death situation.
Freemasonry has such a bad rap. This is worthy of the best Conspiracy site. Notice how it quotes a Communist Brainwashing manual then says it is "worthy" of the other, because there is no evidence of the other group's "brainwashing manuals"?

Really, it is because they don't exist.
no1tovote4 said:
Freemasonry has such a bad rap. This is worthy of the best Conspiracy site. Notice how it quotes a Communist Brainwashing manual then says it is "worthy" of the other, because there is no evidence of the other group's "brainwashing manuals"?

Really, it is because they don't exist.

Suuurrre. This from the Freemason. :cof:
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no1tovote4 said:
Freemasonry has such a bad rap. This is worthy of the best Conspiracy site. Notice how it quotes a Communist Brainwashing manual then says it is "worthy" of the other, because there is no evidence of the other group's "brainwashing manuals"?

Really, it is because they don't exist.

Tell us more, adept.
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dilloduck said:
Actually I think you speak a lot of truth, white man----aliens ????? That's where it gets a bit flakey for my taste.

I didn't see anything about aliens in this article, but on that note, do you really believe a weather balloon crashed in roswell?
dilloduck said:
Actually I think you speak a lot of truth, white man----aliens ????? That's where it gets a bit flakey for my taste.

From you link to Eyes Wide Shut--

Once again, the tricky part is trying to untangle this web of fact vs. fiction, for a great measure of the Monarch mythos is the obvious result of contaminated stories, planted as a means of discrediting the truth, or simply due to pure delusion on the part of the believed victims For example: the current trend of shape-shifting Reptilian extraterrestrials who have entered into the mind control lexicon of late, such as one purported Monarch victim has described ex-President George Bush, among a group of other world leaders, who double as alien lizards and smack-shooting Satanists.
dilloduck said:
From you link to Eyes Wide Shut--

Oh, that's just a minor part of the article. And the author himself admits he may not take it all that far.

The agents are taught to mix lies with the truth as well, to discredit detractors.
Anyone who knows even a little bit about christian thought knows satan bestows worldly power. Is it really hard to believe therefore, that the worldly powerful are in league with satan? Or do we just really not believe any of this religion crap?
rtwngAvngr said:
Anyone who knows even a little bit about christian thought knows satan bestows worldly power. Is it really hard to believe therefore, that the worldly powerful are in league with satan? Or do we just really not believe any of this religion crap?

Good and evil??---sure !!

Aliens ???? naaaaaaaaaaa
dilloduck said:
Good and evil??---sure !!

Aliens ???? naaaaaaaaaaa

Not that aliens are connected to NWO theories, but do you believe a weather balloon is what crashed in Roswell, NM in 1947?
Oh wait. I'm talking to the guy so high on koolaid he thinks the port deal was just good business.
rtwngAvngr said:
Not that aliens are connected to NWO theories, but do you believe a weather balloon is what crashed in Roswell, NM in 1947?

I have no fricken idea but I am pretty impressed with the secrecy with which the NWO can operate in.

wait--now I hear tha aliens ARE a part of the NWO

The acquisition and consolidation of ever greater wealth, natural resources, total political power, and control over others are the motivating forces which drives the decisions of the Illuminati. The toll in human suffering and the loss of innocent lives are non issues for these individuals, who are aligned with very dark and malevolent 4th dimensional aliens. The dominant group of 4th dimentional malevolent aliens controlling and manipulating the human Iluminati are known as Draconians or Drakos Reptilians. Not all alien reptilians are of a negative spiritual orientation
dilloduck said:
I have no fricken idea but I am pretty impressed with the secrecy with which the NWO can operate in.

It's actually pretty out in the open. It's too hard to believe for most people though; the hopelessness it engenders is too much to bear. If you really believe in jesus, however, you will know that in the end good wins. It'd be nice if we could preempt a lot of bad stuff with mass rejection of this materialistic system, ummm preemptively. Is it heresy to think we can avoid the antichrist's reign? Maybe. that's my sin, I suppose.
rtwngAvngr said:
It's actually pretty out in the open. It's too hard to believe for most people though; the hopelessness it engenders is too much to bear. If you really believe in jesus, however, you will know that in the end good wins. It'd be nice if we could preempt a lot of bad stuff with mass rejection of this materialistic system, ummm preemptively. Is it heresy to think we can avoid the antichrist's reign? Maybe. that's my sin, I suppose.

The fact that I would even consider something like a NWO surprises even me but denial and self-delusion are pretty poweful. I have no doubts that our attachment to the material is the root of what ails us. Taking out all those mind control dudes to save the world may be quite a task but sign me up! :teeth:
dilloduck said:
The fact that I would even consider something like a NWO surprises even me but denial and self-delusion are pretty poweful. I have no doubts that our attachment to the material is the root of what ails us. Taking out all those mind control dudes to save the world may be quite a task but sign me up! :teeth:

It's harder to believe the the old monarchies of europe would just consign themselves to being beat down to rival the joneses when all the "egalite, fraternite, bleu bleu brie" cries started mounting.
rtwngAvngr said:
It's harder to believe the the old monarchies of europe would just consign themselves to being beat down to rival the joneses when all the "egalite, fraternite, bleu bleu brie" cries started mounting.

Those damn microchips !
rtwngAvngr said:
It's actually pretty out in the open. It's too hard to believe for most people though; the hopelessness it engenders is too much to bear. If you really believe in jesus, however, you will know that in the end good wins. It'd be nice if we could preempt a lot of bad stuff with mass rejection of this materialistic system, ummm preemptively. Is it heresy to think we can avoid the antichrist's reign? Maybe. that's my sin, I suppose.
I think you understand things quite well.
Heresy? I don't know. I don't think what's in store is unavoidable. Not that we don't have a choice, it's just the way we WILL choose.
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