Meanwhile, jihadism marches on


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
I'm not sure if this horrific story is allowed, since finding threads on it is a little difficult among all the Hitler threads.

But those killed in Barcelona are still dead.

Okay, back to the only story the Regressives want discussed.

Oops, wait, quick photo, sorry:
Yep. I didn't like the way the mods have handled this at all.
They allow the current events and politics boards to be flooded with multiple threads about Charlottesville, but then hide away a much bigger terror attack by sending news stories to a board most of us do not use.
Yep. I didn't like the way the mods have handled this at all.
They allow the current events and politics boards to be flooded with multiple threads about Charlottesville, but then hide away a much bigger terror attack by sending news stories to a board most of us do not use.
USMB: All Hitler, All The Time!

(a point about the POSTS, by the way)
This is horrible!! American people on a message board are more concerned with a terror attack in an American city and the rise of domestic terror groups than they are with a terror attack in Europe perpetrated by Islamic extremists.

It's so weird! Why won't people get mad at the right things around here?? Fucking regressives.

News flash. First segment of every regressives news cast since yesterday afternoon has been coverage of Barcelona attack. Why does CNN hate America?
Clearly a small group of goobers and their Confederate flags are a bigger danger to Western civilization as we know it than the world wide Islamic campaign to infiltrate every Western country, multiply, and kill off the non-Muslims in that country.
I'm not sure if this horrific story is allowed, since finding threads on it is a little difficult among all the Hitler threads.

But those killed in Barcelona are still dead.

Okay, back to the only story the Regressives want discussed.

Oops, wait, quick photo, sorry:

So what?

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

The west isn't going to stop bombing and invading the middle east.

If you keep sticking your dick in a hornet's nest, don't whine to me when you get stung.
Clearly a small group of goobers and their Confederate flags are a bigger danger to Western civilization as we know it than the world wide Islamic campaign to infiltrate every Western country, multiply, and kill off the non-Muslims in that country.

One more time, buddy. How many bombs have we dropped on the middle east since 2001? (I won't even count the bombs we dropped on them before that.)

How many Palestinians were killed by the Zionists?

Muslims are like everyone else... you kill people they care about, they will try to kill you back.

Now since the Jews control our politics and we have an unsatiable thirst for oil, we aren't going to change our policies. Neither are our allies like Spain.

so this is what we have to live with. Since we aren't going to tax people at 90% and conscript every able bodied young person to go over there like we did in WWII, we should expect the occasional nut to shoot or run down some people.
Clearly a small group of goobers and their Confederate flags are a bigger danger to Western civilization as we know it than the world wide Islamic campaign to infiltrate every Western country, multiply, and kill off the non-Muslims in that country.

One more time, buddy. How many bombs have we dropped on the middle east since 2001? (I won't even count the bombs we dropped on them before that.)

How many Palestinians were killed by the Zionists?

Muslims are like everyone else... you kill people they care about, they will try to kill you back.

Now since the Jews control our politics and we have an unsatiable thirst for oil, we aren't going to change our policies. Neither are our allies like Spain.

so this is what we have to live with. Since we aren't going to tax people at 90% and conscript every able bodied young person to go over there like we did in WWII, we should expect the occasional nut to shoot or run down some people.

So you admit they want to kill us. Why is it so hard to then say we should ban them from immigrating to our country?
So you admit they want to kill us. Why is it so hard to then say we should ban them from immigrating to our country?

1) Not all of them do.

2) If you are going to ban them, ban the countries that are actually producing the terrorists. Not just the ones that don't have Trump Businesses in them.

If Trump were serious about wanting to stop terrorists, he'd cut off Saudi Arabia, the worst actor of the lot over there. Instead, he sold these guys a shitload of weapons, some of which ARE going to find their way into terrorist hands.

3) Most of the Muslim "terrorists" (A word I'd like to expunge from the language) are born in the countries they are doing their attacks in. Since you can't place a ban on their momma's vaginas from 25 years ago, maybe we need to look at other methods.
So you admit they want to kill us. Why is it so hard to then say we should ban them from immigrating to our country?

1) Not all of them do.

2) If you are going to ban them, ban the countries that are actually producing the terrorists. Not just the ones that don't have Trump Businesses in them.

If Trump were serious about wanting to stop terrorists, he'd cut off Saudi Arabia, the worst actor of the lot over there. Instead, he sold these guys a shitload of weapons, some of which ARE going to find their way into terrorist hands.

I agree, all Islamist countries should be banned.
Yep. I didn't like the way the mods have handled this at all.
They allow the current events and politics boards to be flooded with multiple threads about Charlottesville, but then hide away a much bigger terror attack by sending news stories to a board most of us do not use.
USMB: All Hitler, All The Time!

(a point about the POSTS, by the way)
and yet by choice, here you are.
I agree, all Islamist countries should be banned.

Okay. Won't stop the problem of people who are born here, who are doing most of these kinds of attacks... but never mind.

They should be put on a terror watch list and monitored. Won't take long to find them sympathizing with terror groups, round 'em up and drop them off at Islamic country of their choice.

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