#Me Too Movement Falling Apart as do Most Idiotic Leftist Movements

Well, it went from women claiming to be harassed to homos and pedoes, so naturally it is being killed off, like the Big Giant Recount we were going to get in Michigan; getting too close to the worst demographic and its antics in Wonderful Hollywood. I haven't seen word one about it in at least a week now, and it was here on this board. Most of the gossip mongers are faggots, so they aren't going to be digging any deeper now, that's for sure, and we certainly won't see that TMZ show covering it any more.
Hollywood doesn't have any cause for outrage anyway; most of the players out there would blow a train load of donkeys in the Hollywood Bowl for a big part in a movie, so it's not like they can claim to be hapless innocents, except for the kids that routinely get raped out there. The entire city is a giant sewer; some studies out recently think the air pollution is affecting IQ levels and probably the mental health of the natives, and it's easy to believe.
Well, it went from women claiming to be harassed to homos and pedoes, so naturally it is being killed off, like the Big Giant Recount we were going to get in Michigan; getting too close to the worst demographic and its antics in Wonderful Hollywood. I haven't seen word one about it in at least a week now, and it was here on this board. Most of the gossip mongers are faggots, so they aren't going to be digging any deeper now, that's for sure, and we certainly won't see that TMZ show covering it any more.
Argento is a typical Hollywood idiot liberal.
#Me Too lunatic movement is crumbling after Asia Argento claims 17 year old boy sexually assaulted her. :21: Really?
Bella Thorne wants out of #MeToo movement after new Asia Argento claims

The bitch caught raping that 17 yr old ( not that it was nec. rape( since boys have been getting laid at 14 for centuries, but anyway she help sink the front holes.

They hurt those who were really raped because now nobody gives a dam if someone was raped any more including me because I don't believe any rape accusing unless I see it with my own two eyes now. fk Videos theyc an be rigged, spliced, edited ot set someone up. , screw photos those too can be used to set someoe up.

Me too can suck balls.
#Me Too

This thread is hilarious. How many predators did the movement nab? But conservatives, who support the right to sexually assault, abuse and harass women, now claim it’s “falling apart” :lmao:
This thread is hilarious. How many predators did the movement nab? But conservatives, who support the right to sexually assault, abuse and harass women, now claim it’s “falling apart” :lmao:

At least that is true ... I used to look up to Harvey Weinstein as a scion of the film industry. A facilitator of quality entertainment.

But, after finding out he slept with a washed-up D-Lister like Argento, I'm more than a little sickened and kind of ashamed for my people.

This thread is hilarious. How many predators did the movement nab? But conservatives, who support the right to sexually assault, abuse and harass women, now claim it’s “falling apart” :lmao:
No one supports a right to Harrass women you idiot. Some of these claims are proving to be false. Correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t it President Obama ( not a conservative ) who gave medals to Weinstein and Cosby?
This thread is hilarious. How many predators did the movement nab? But conservatives, who support the right to sexually assault, abuse and harass women, now claim it’s “falling apart” :lmao:
No one supports a right to Harrass women you idiot. Some of these claims are proving to be false. Correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t it President Obama ( not a conservative ) who gave medals to Weinstein and Cosby?
Of course you support it. Yours is the party of “women are asking for it.” Hostility to the movement comes from the right. It’s not your boogeyman Obama joking about it “falling apart.” And you’re stupider than I thought (somehow) if you think Obama would have given those medals had this stuff come out before then.
This thread is hilarious. How many predators did the movement nab? But conservatives, who support the right to sexually assault, abuse and harass women, now claim it’s “falling apart” :lmao:
No one supports a right to Harrass women you idiot. Some of these claims are proving to be false. Correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t it President Obama ( not a conservative ) who gave medals to Weinstein and Cosby?
Of course you support it. Yours is the party of “women are asking for it.” Hostility to the movement comes from the right. It’s not your boogeyman Obama joking about it “falling apart.” And you’re stupider than I thought (somehow) if you think Obama would have given those medals had this stuff come out before then.
You’re an idiot. Nobody supports it. How ignorant can you be?
#Me Too lunatic movement is crumbling after Asia Argento claims 17 year old boy sexually assaulted her. :21: Really?
Bella Thorne wants out of #MeToo movement after new Asia Argento claims

The bitch caught raping that 17 yr old ( not that it was nec. rape( since boys have been getting laid at 14 for centuries, but anyway she help sink the front holes.

They hurt those who were really raped because now nobody gives a dam if someone was raped any more including me because I don't believe any rape accusing unless I see it with my own two eyes now. fk Videos theyc an be rigged, spliced, edited ot set someone up. , screw photos those too can be used to set someoe up.

Me too can suck balls.

they only reported that in an attempt to deflect for the overwhelming numbers of faggots who would get outed if they kept up the witch hunt; 'straight people do it too!!!' type of apologia, trying for some sort of false appearance of equivalency.
The lunatic left...because of the spasms of self-righteousness associated with each of their movements...always flame out.
This thread is hilarious. How many predators did the movement nab? But conservatives, who support the right to sexually assault, abuse and harass women, now claim it’s “falling apart” :lmao:
so your saying the 17 year old boy is a predator who has been exposed by Argento? :cranky: Really?
This thread is hilarious. How many predators did the movement nab? But conservatives, who support the right to sexually assault, abuse and harass women, now claim it’s “falling apart” :lmao:

At least that is true ... I used to look up to Harvey Weinstein as a scion of the film industry. A facilitator of quality entertainment.

But, after finding out he slept with a washed-up D-Lister like Argento, I'm more than a little sickened and kind of ashamed for my people.

Her next career move may be porn. That doesn’t require acting skills and she would keep her mouth shut. MILF seduces sons best friend from high-school would be her genre. :auiqs.jpg:Afterward the kid would need a shot of penicillin.:auiqs.jpg:

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