McGraw-Hill to rewrite textbook after mom's complaint

As long as the time frame referenced in the text book is accurate, the changes should be made. i doubt if there was any intent as you suggest..
"Roni Dean-Burren took to Facebook last week to vent her frustration over the wording of a passage in her son's "World Geography" textbook that calls African slaves "workers" and "immigrants."

"The Atlantic slave trade brought millions of workers ... notice the nuanced language there. Workers implies wages ... yes?" she wrote.

Dean-Burren's post gathered a lot of attention; a subsequent video sparked spirited feedback and had drawn 1.4 million page views on Facebook as of Sunday.

McGraw-Hill heard the outcry, reviewed the section and concluded that the wording doesn't live up to the publisher's standards."

Should be changed. Especially given the ongoing problem with slavery even here in the US with them being called workers and not what they in fact are - slaves.
"Roni Dean-Burren took to Facebook last week to vent her frustration over the wording of a passage in her son's "World Geography" textbook that calls African slaves "workers" and "immigrants."

"The Atlantic slave trade brought millions of workers ... notice the nuanced language there. Workers implies wages ... yes?" she wrote.

Dean-Burren's post gathered a lot of attention; a subsequent video sparked spirited feedback and had drawn 1.4 million page views on Facebook as of Sunday.

McGraw-Hill heard the outcry, reviewed the section and concluded that the wording doesn't live up to the publisher's standards."

Should be changed. Especially given the ongoing problem with slavery even here in the US with them being called workers and not what they in fact are - slaves.

Sex slaves in Las Vegas are usually referred to as prostitutes. I wonder if they'll ever get that corrected.
Did anyone else feel the earth stop for a nanosecond?

I agreed with guano.

I was sure he was the Oregon shooter and was dead, and I know he is a complete blithering imbecile but what this article his thread refers to says on it's face:

Roni Dean-Burren took to Facebook last week to vent her frustration over the wording of apassage in her son's "World Geography" textbook that calls African slaves "workers" and "immigrants."

Granted this is an Al-CNN story and most likely half of it is complete bullshit and more than half of the truth is left out, taken at face value the illustration referring to blacks as "workers or immigrants" shoulds be revised.

I'm sure however the left would want to gloss over the fact that african and arab slave traders sold africans to Portuguese traders for rum and that slavery as an institution has biblical history that is still currently practiced all over the 3rd world. Libtards want to pretend that the US is the only place that ever had slavery, that whites were the only people to have ever had them, and that agnostic liberals selflessly fought a war under democrook government for no other reason than to free poor black people from rich white southern republicans.

Welcome back from hell guano.


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