McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales...

Once again, leftist claims proven to be lies.

From OP: "McDonalds' Higher Wages = Higher Sales..."

Two years later:
McDonald's to lay off U.S. employees in turnaround plan

The Wall Street Journal obtained an email that McDonald's President Chris Kempczinski sent to employees, suppliers and franchisees Wednesday saying the restaurant will restructure.

"I recognize that change is difficult, and that eliminating layers within our organization means some employees will ultimately exit our system," Kempczinski wrote.

Kempczinski did not specify the number of employees who to be laid off, but said he would provide more details next week.

The layoffs are part of the company's plan to reduce expenses by $500 million by the end of 2019.

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Reduce expenses...

Keep fighting for fifteen when your work isn't worth that much.
Neither s executive compensation; but, hey; they are Worth it, under Any form of Capitalism, right.

A statutory minimum wage, is what, makes it worth it, for the rest of us.

Statutory minimum wage makes those jobs disappear. What's that worth to "rest of you"?
Low wage jobs should disappear if they are being subsidized through social service spending.

McDonald's Big Mac is turning 50, and it's still America's essential burger
Hollis Johnson

iconic Big Mac turns 50 this year.[/URL][/URL]
[URL='']When it comes to the classic fast-food burger, nothing comes close to the Big Mac at [URL='']McDonald's.
Like blue jeans and the iPhone, it has become a symbol of American culture around the world.
The Big Mac's main competitors are "better burger" chains like Shake Shack.

This year marks half a century of one of America's most enduring legacies: The Big Mac.

On Sunday, the chain unveiled the MacCoin, a "global currency" that can be redeemed for a free burger at McDonald's locations around the world. Customers can receive a MacCoin with the purchase of a Big Mac on Thursday, August 2, to be redeemed starting the next day at McDonald's in more than 50 countries around the world.[/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]
Once again you confuse opposition to government mandating of something with opposition to the actual item in question.

Results are the same regardless

That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.
Once again you confuse opposition to government mandating of something with opposition to the actual item in question.

Results are the same regardless

That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

What is a fair living wage dumbass?
Once again you confuse opposition to government mandating of something with opposition to the actual item in question.

Results are the same regardless

That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

No one has a right to a living wage. That's something entirely made up by socialist morons.
Once again you confuse opposition to government mandating of something with opposition to the actual item in question.

Results are the same regardless

That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

What is a fair living wage dumbass?
A wage that affords the uneducated an xbox, a cell phone, cable TV, fancy rims on their jalopy, a 4k TV, a 200.00 wireless mouse for PC gaming....oh and hopefully a bit left for SOME bills.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



Well...he said compensation and benefits. He said nothing about wages.

And, though I am quite sure giving workers more money increases job satisfaction...and might increase customer satisfaction (at least with the service they get). I do not see how it would help sales much.
I don't know anyone who goes to McDonald's for the service (I certainly don't). And since the food is prepared in very strict and set ways - not sure how the food could be better just because the employees are happier.

McDonald's patrons go for reasonably cheap, reasonably tasty food that they can pickup quickly...not for the 'customer experience'.
So I don't think the sales rise is mostly or even largely due strictly to the pay rise.

Same goes for other discount corporations - like Walmart.
Rightwingers/Republicans will deny, deny, deny - but the proof is in the puddin'. McDonald's CEO Says Better Worker Benefits Boosting U.S. Sales
by Phil Wahba
April 22, 2016, 3:19 PM EDT


“The improvements we made to our compensation and benefits package to employees in U.S.-company operated restaurants, along with expanding Archways to Opportunity … have resulted in lower crew turnover and higher customers satisfaction scores,” Easterbrook said.



That's totally unfair. They're robbing liberals of all the fun of socialism. Businesses aren't supposed to pay people more because it's a good idea. They're supposed to pay them more because government says so!
Once again you confuse opposition to government mandating of something with opposition to the actual item in question.

Results are the same regardless

That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

No one has a right to a living wage. That's something entirely made up by socialist morons.

The ignorance and stupidity of American right wingers knows no bounds.

The US is the only first world country in the world where the middle class subsidizes the low wages of manual labourers through social spending. It is such an economically draining and stupid system but Americans refuse to give it up. All while complaining about the the level of social spending.

Most of US social spending could be eliminated by raising the minimum wage. But that would be logical and cheaper than the current system so of course the idiot right opposes it.
Results are the same regardless

That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

No one has a right to a living wage. That's something entirely made up by socialist morons.

The ignorance and stupidity of American right wingers knows no bounds.

The US is the only first world country in the world where the middle class subsidizes the low wages of manual labourers through social spending. It is such an economically draining and stupid system but Americans refuse to give it up. All while complaining about the the level of social spending.

Most of US social spending could be eliminated by raising the minimum wage. But that would be logical and cheaper than the current system so of course the idiot right opposes it.

We don't need minimum wage laws. This thread proves it. It's just good business sense to pay your employees well.
Results are the same regardless

That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

No one has a right to a living wage. That's something entirely made up by socialist morons.

The ignorance and stupidity of American right wingers knows no bounds.

The US is the only first world country in the world where the middle class subsidizes the low wages of manual labourers through social spending. It is such an economically draining and stupid system but Americans refuse to give it up. All while complaining about the the level of social spending.

Most of US social spending could be eliminated by raising the minimum wage. But that would be logical and cheaper than the current system so of course the idiot right opposes it.

No kidding, for some reason you don't feel raising the minimum wage would raise the price of just about everything. Which in turn will raise the poverty line. And we're the ignorant ones.
That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

No one has a right to a living wage. That's something entirely made up by socialist morons.

The ignorance and stupidity of American right wingers knows no bounds.

The US is the only first world country in the world where the middle class subsidizes the low wages of manual labourers through social spending. It is such an economically draining and stupid system but Americans refuse to give it up. All while complaining about the the level of social spending.

Most of US social spending could be eliminated by raising the minimum wage. But that would be logical and cheaper than the current system so of course the idiot right opposes it.

No kidding, for some reason you don't feel raising the minimum wage would raise the price of just about everything. Which in turn will raise the poverty line. And we're the ignorant ones.

History tells us your theory is a lie. Bill Clinton raised the minimum wage and unemployment fell. So did social spending.

In the 1950’s, minimum wage provided a modest roof over your head, and three squares a day. A basic living. Now you need a second job, food stamps and Section 8 to get the same basic living. Think of the costs of processing all the paperwork and payments involved. It would be much cheaper all the way around if companies simply paid their employees the double the current minimum wage without all of the intervening paperwork and the associated costs.
No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

No one has a right to a living wage. That's something entirely made up by socialist morons.

The ignorance and stupidity of American right wingers knows no bounds.

The US is the only first world country in the world where the middle class subsidizes the low wages of manual labourers through social spending. It is such an economically draining and stupid system but Americans refuse to give it up. All while complaining about the the level of social spending.

Most of US social spending could be eliminated by raising the minimum wage. But that would be logical and cheaper than the current system so of course the idiot right opposes it.

No kidding, for some reason you don't feel raising the minimum wage would raise the price of just about everything. Which in turn will raise the poverty line. And we're the ignorant ones.

History tells us your theory is a lie. Bill Clinton raised the minimum wage and unemployment fell. So did social spending.

In the 1950’s, minimum wage provided a modest roof over your head, and three squares a day. A basic living. Now you need a second job, food stamps and Section 8 to get the same basic living. Think of the costs of processing all the paperwork and payments involved. It would be much cheaper all the way around if companies simply paid their employees the double the current minimum wage without all of the intervening paperwork and the associated costs.

Great, we're now resorting to subjective terms (i.e. modest roof and a basic living). With today's minimum wages you can still get a modest roof over you head and three squares a day. Although your definition of a modest roof and three squares is probably not the same as it was in the 50's.
Once again you confuse opposition to government mandating of something with opposition to the actual item in question.

Results are the same regardless

That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

Only part that's missing is you pointing to the place in Constitution where that right is listed.
No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.

No one has a right to a living wage. That's something entirely made up by socialist morons.

The ignorance and stupidity of American right wingers knows no bounds.

The US is the only first world country in the world where the middle class subsidizes the low wages of manual labourers through social spending. It is such an economically draining and stupid system but Americans refuse to give it up. All while complaining about the the level of social spending.

Most of US social spending could be eliminated by raising the minimum wage. But that would be logical and cheaper than the current system so of course the idiot right opposes it.

No kidding, for some reason you don't feel raising the minimum wage would raise the price of just about everything. Which in turn will raise the poverty line. And we're the ignorant ones.

History tells us your theory is a lie. Bill Clinton raised the minimum wage and unemployment fell. So did social spending.

In the 1950’s, minimum wage provided a modest roof over your head, and three squares a day. A basic living. Now you need a second job, food stamps and Section 8 to get the same basic living. Think of the costs of processing all the paperwork and payments involved. It would be much cheaper all the way around if companies simply paid their employees the double the current minimum wage without all of the intervening paperwork and the associated costs.

If minimum wage back then could have provided all you said, why did we need Section 8 at the first place?
Once again you confuse opposition to government mandating of something with opposition to the actual item in question.

Results are the same regardless

That is where you are wrong. When government sticks its nose into things, the results are pretty much always worse. For example....look at the transgender bathroom nonsense in NC. Could have simply left it alone and let businesses decide how to solve their own problems. But the government had to get involved, and now it's illegal for a father to take his three year old daughter into a public bathroom when she has to make potty.

No its not...stop being fucking silly. The results are the same like I said.

You can tell me WHY your reason to be against it is different but it all leads to the same conclusion.

Right wingers hate having the government tell them to do anything. It impinges on their “freedom”.

To hell with rights of workers to receive a living age for their labour.
You got that right. Why should I want the government telling me what to do? Only a servile worm would prefer that.

Workers have no right to receive a living wage.
History tells us your theory is a lie. Bill Clinton raised the minimum wage and unemployment fell. So did social spending.

No, history tells us that Welfare Reform worked and that Clinton presided in the technology era which provided tons of jobs. It had nothing to do with minimum wage. Please explain the dynamics of how raising minimum wage created more jobs. Dying to hear this one.

In the 1950’s, minimum wage provided a modest roof over your head, and three squares a day. A basic living. Now you need a second job, food stamps and Section 8 to get the same basic living. Think of the costs of processing all the paperwork and payments involved. It would be much cheaper all the way around if companies simply paid their employees the double the current minimum wage without all of the intervening paperwork and the associated costs.

So why don't companies pay all their workers six figure salaries while they're at it? And when they do, are you going to buy any of their products when cheaper foreign made products are next to them for less than half the price?

You leftist don't have a clue how business works, not even an inkling.

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