McCarthyism...the ultimate conspiracy...or not


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
If we can manage to discuss the topic without the usual liberal hysterics we might learn something. First of all we need to understand that Communism was considered to be the primary enemy of America after WW2. The pop-culture educated might confuse HUAC with the Tydings Senate committee aka "senate internal security subcommittee". HUAC aka house unAmerican activities committee was a congressional committee. Both were chaired by democrats and senator McCarthy was a republican.
McCarthyism was the Left using it's media monopoly to totally lie about the man and his mission on a scale not seen since they lied about FDR "Saving" us from the FDR Depression
Hollywood managed to convince the radical left and the ignorant American pop-culture educated that "McCarthyism" caused the poor communist screen writers to be "blacklisted". They were wrong on two counts. McCarthy had nothing to do with HUAC hearings and the government had no power to prevent screen writers from working. The truth is that hollywood created the blacklist because they were afraid TV was replacing movies and they thought having communist writers would sink the movie industry for good. With the cooperation from the leftie media hollywood managed to blame the whole thing on a single republican senator during a democrat administration.

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