Mayor to Police: Your Paycheck Depends on How Many Tickets You Write


Apr 14, 2015
Leaked Document From Mayor to Police: Your Paycheck Depends on How Many Tickets You Write

By Cassandra Fairbanks | The Free Thought Project
April 15, 2015

Edmundson, MO– While police and their supporters continue to insist that police are out there keeping our streets safe, an internal document sent from the Edmundson Mayor John Gwaltney implies otherwise. The letter, which was included with the paychecks of the town’s police officers, spells out in very plain terms their actual role in the community – extorting money for the state.

In the document obtained by ThinkProgress, the mayor is careful to point out that the town does not have quotas. He states that he only wants “good tickets” written but adds that he is still very disappointed that the Department had been extorting fewer people. Gwaltney goes on to threaten the officers’ bank accounts, stating;

“The tickets that you write do add to the revenue on which the P.D. budget is established and will directly affect pay adjustments at budget time.”

He doesn’t stop with their pay, either, the mayor then goes on to imply that the officers benefits may be in danger, should they not get their ticket production up by budget time.

“It has always been the desire of myself and the Board to provide a safe and pleasant work place with good compensation and benefits for everyone. However ......

The rest of the story:

Leaked Document From Mayor to Police Your Paycheck Depends on How Many Tickets You Write The Free Thought Project

I would bet the city of Edmundson could do with a new mayor ...... and new police management too.
Many police department are nothing more than gangs of thugs who shake down residents to fill the government coffers.
The little town of Lanagan, Mo was fined by the state for writing more tickets and collecting more money than the city's budget...
Holy shit! Now this is bullshit.

Ive never liked podunk town mayors who try this shit. Fire the mayor. And I commend whichever cop leaked it.

I hope you ALL can join me in promoting the phrase "Non-Profit Police Officer". Ive heard many cops use it. Needs to be mainstream. That cops who believe in this idea make decisions...and revenue is NEVER a factor.

Here in South Carolina...the state takes 85% of all local ticket revenue for roads...for just this reason. To be sure no Bubba mayor pulls shit like this.
Just because the Free Thought Project is an absurdly bias source...I researched this incident.

Several sources included the note that a bill has been introduced that would stop cities from raising big revenue from tickets.

And the area Police Officers Association came out IN SUPPORT of the bill. The cops dont want to be revenue enhancers any more than we want them

As usual...its the politicians. The mayors are against the bill...for.obvious reasons.

I like seeing that nation wide...cops are slowing it down.

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