Mayor Emanuel?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Daley won't run again in Chicago | POLITICO 44

White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel has said he would like to run for mayor of Chicago someday – and that day might have arrived.

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley announced Tuesday that he will not run for reelection, saying he wants to move on. His decision could clear an exit from the White House for Emanuel, who himself is widely believed to be looking for a graceful way to move on after two grueling years in President Obama’s inner circle.

In an interview with Charlie Rose in April, Emanuel said he supported Daley but that he would like to seek the position if the opportunity presented itself.

"I hope Mayor Daley seeks reelection. I will work and support him if he seeks reelection," Emanuel said. "But if Mayor Daley doesn't, one day I would like to run for mayor of the city of Chicago.”

Emanuel added, “That's always been an aspiration of mine, even when I was in the House of Representatives.”

The problem for Emanuel is that the election in Chicago is a short six months away – Feb. 22 – and his plate at the White House is full, as he is juggling the midterm elections, Obama’s efforts to turn around the economy and a host of other policy issues...

(....If there's gotta be a Change!!)

The machine will determine whom they want sitting in the Big Chair.

yup....and why not rahm?

hes smarter than obama in a political sense, so he'll take this excuse to get out while there is any getting to be done with out pitchforks up his ass and maybe some reputation intact.

a machine politcian for a machine city...

(the least covered city in America btw considering what their political system is like but hey....favored status is what it is, his highness and all.)
Axelrod: Rahm has the President's Blessing, and the Personality to Make it as Chicago Mayor - Political Punch

Axelrod: Rahm has the President's Blessing, and the Personality to Make it as Chicago Mayor
September 08, 2010 7:43 AM

ABC's Ann Compton reports:

White House Senior Advisor and native Chicagoan David Axelrod designed the strategy for no fewer than six Richard M. Daley campaigns for mayor in the Windy City. So Axelrod knows what a political plum City Hall is and why his fellow White House colleague Rahm Emanuel is lusting for the job.

“The mayoralty in Chicago is an unbelievably attractive opportunity,” Axelrod said in a West Wing interview, “and I’m sure if Rahm decides to do that, the President will support that decision.” ...
The machine will determine whom they want sitting in the Big Chair.

yup....and why not rahm?

hes smarter than obama in a political sense, so he'll take this excuse to get out while there is any getting to be done with out pitchforks up his ass and maybe some reputation intact.

a machine politcian for a machine city...

(the least covered city in America btw considering what their political system is like but hey....favored status is what it is, his highness and all.)

Indeed. Watching reruns of "The Good Wife" last evening. All about 'corruption in Cook County.' :lol:
The machine will determine whom they want sitting in the Big Chair.

yup....and why not rahm?

hes smarter than obama in a political sense, so he'll take this excuse to get out while there is any getting to be done with out pitchforks up his ass and maybe some reputation intact.

a machine politcian for a machine city...

(the least covered city in America btw considering what their political system is like but hey....favored status is what it is, his highness and all.)

Indeed. Watching reruns of "The Good Wife" last evening. All about 'corruption in Cook County.' :lol:

I have no doubt the idiots in Chicago would elect that fool.

I wish it were just Chicago, but isn't.

I live in DuPage where the corruption on the right, county level, comes close to that on the left in Cook.

Municipalities though are vastly different, thank g.
Looks like it. Nothing surprises me in Chicagoland. The Democrats have thoroughly destroyed that once great city. What is Daley's legacy? His legacy is that he created one of the most dangerous & failed Third World Nightmares in the world. Rahm Emanuel is a corrupt & evil man. I'm sure he will continue Daley's destruction of Chicago. So why do people in Chicago continue voting for Democrats? It's just so sad & bizarre.
Looks like it. Nothing surprises me in Chicagoland. The Democrats have thoroughly destroyed that once great city. What is Daley's legacy? His legacy is that he created one of the most dangerous & failed Third World Nightmares in the world. Rahm Emanuel is a corrupt & evil man. I'm sure he will continue Daley's destruction of Chicago. So why do people in Chicago continue voting for Democrats? It's just so sad & bizarre.

I disagree. Chicago is still a great city. The city that works, as they say. Granted, the murder rate has skyrocketed in recent years and that buck stops at Daley's desk, but it's pretty much black on black crime confined to the near south and west sides. Other neighborhoods and downtown are as safe as they've ever been IMO. As big cities go in this country I'll take Chicago over NYC, Boston, LA, Houston, or whatever.
Emanuel is as corrupt & evil as they come. He will only continue Daley's legacy of thoroughly destroying Chicago. What the Democrats have done to Chicago is just plain sad. I still don't get why the people of Chicago have voted for Democrats for so long. Man,they've become gluttons for punishment for sure. It really is weird.
Looks like it. Nothing surprises me in Chicagoland. The Democrats have thoroughly destroyed that once great city. What is Daley's legacy? His legacy is that he created one of the most dangerous & failed Third World Nightmares in the world. Rahm Emanuel is a corrupt & evil man. I'm sure he will continue Daley's destruction of Chicago. So why do people in Chicago continue voting for Democrats? It's just so sad & bizarre.

Have you actually been to Chicago? In the last 10 years? If so, you'd realize how dumb your statement really is. 'Destroyed the once great city". Ha! This city has come A LONG way in the last 25 years and is a fantastic city. It's far from perfect, with high crime on the south and west sides but those sections of the city are almost a different world from the rest of Chicago. Chicago is one of the best, if not best, city in this country in terms of balancing cost of living, public transportation, culture, dining, nightlife, medical services, schools, public parks, etc...
From a Tribune columnist who knows the city and knows the politics: John Kass -

Former federal prosecutor and City Hall corruption buster Patrick Collins. He's as tough an Irishman as they come, and he has friends in the federal building. Those federal connections would terrify the insiders.

"If Patrick Collins ran for mayor and showed up at City Hall, it would be like Wyatt Earp walking through Dodge City," said political consultant Thom Serafin.

Daley's decision means the time is now for democracy
If some people in Chicago want to pretend that Chicago is not a horrific mess,that's ok with me. Personally i feel that Democrats have completely destroyed that once great city. It really is a miserable Third World mess. If some want to go on living in denial than so be it. I don't have to live there so i'm good.
If some people in Chicago want to pretend that Chicago is not a horrific mess,that's ok with me. Personally i feel that Democrats have completely destroyed that once great city. It really is a miserable Third World mess. If some want to go on living in denial than so be it. I don't have to live there so i'm good.

In other words, you've never lived in Chicago, let alone visited. So you're speaking from a point of no 1st hand knowledge. Got it. Why don't you tell me where you live so I can give my opinion, doesn't matter if I've ever been there, but I'm sure I can tell you all about it and what it's really like.
It's so obvious. The thugs are peeling off bits of territory for themselves when the regime collapses.

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