MAYDAY Is A Distress Signal


Sep 23, 2010

M A Y D A Y -- .- -.-- -.. .- -.--

Dumping this Socialist/Communist holiday is the world’s call for help:


May 1st, or May Day, is celebrated by some around the world as “International Workers’ Day.” A friend recently sent me an article by Jeff Dunetz in which he suggests designating May 1st as a day to remember and honor the millions of dead discarded in the ruins of leftist utopias. Great idea.​

May 1st: International Collectivist Victims Day
By Jim ONeill
May 1, 2017

May 1st: International Collectivist Victims Day


If you are marching on this May Day, in the freest and most prosperous country in the world and protesting imagined and manufactured oppression, you do not really know your history, you are asking for totalitarian communism, not for freedom.​

May Day is a March for Communism
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
May 1, 2017

May Day is a March for Communism
This is the way we used to celebrate May Day in my public elementary school in Tx- with a festival. It was fun!


Too bad it's been reduced to this
Aside from professors, an army of liars promoting Socialism live on tax dollars one way or another:

“There are still Marxist professors who are saying: ‘Oh well, communism is this marvelous idea. It’s just never been tried adequately and, therefore, we can’t dismiss it.'”​

May Day and 'biggest liars in human history'
Posted By Greg Corombos On 05/01/2017 @ 6:15 pm

May Day and ‘biggest liars in human history’

I have one minor disagreement with Greg Corombos’ informative piece. Communist liars are not the biggest liars in human history. Liars throughout history told the same lie. Paying liars to lie began with the first unholy alliance between government and organized religion.

The lie has been told by teachers and priests when humans lived in caves. Every teacher and priest wanted to speak for God which is the same thing as being God. Priests of every stripe were only slightly worse than teachers because they were certain that their God condemns sinners to Hell because they were not good enough in life. That is why mankind will always hear:

The oldest Communist chestnut of all. “True Communism was never tried.” The fact is that no matter how many times Socialism/Communism fails true Socialism was not tried. It is the eternal excuse for establishing the next totalitarian government.​

High Prices & Cheap Labor

If anything, Mao was disillusioned with imperfect Communism. Making excuses for Mao is a variation of the standard crap offered up every time Communism fails: Real Communism was never tried. The fact is that power applies to government as well as to men:​

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad man. John Emerich Edward Dalberg (1834–1902)​

Who Gave China To The Communists?

Bottom line: Great men are bad because they can never be God.
Dumping this Socialist/Communist holiday is the world’s call for help:
One truth debunks all of the horse manure Communist priests spread about their religion. Communism is the only religion that cannot survive on voluntary contributions.

The column, titled, “When Communism Inspired Americans,” lionizes communism as a religion with a “founding myth” that helped the “educated middle class” feel relevant in national politics. The author, Vivian Gornick, quotes her mother expressing gratitude for communists and crediting them with America’s thriving republic.​

The only conviction Communists hold is the Right to be supported by tax dollars:

Gornick writes that she grew up in a “progressive” household where communists “spoke and thought within a context that lifted them out of the nameless, faceless obscurity into which they had been born, and gave them the conviction that they had rights as well as obligations.”​

Self-appointed spiritual leader Obama came along and gave Communist parasites the moral authority to be supported by strangers:

“They were not simply the disinherited of the earth, they were proletarians with a founding myth of their own (the Russian Revolution) and a civilizing worldview (Marxism),” she remarks wistfully, praising the Communist Party’s “moral authority.”

NYT Op-Ed: Communism Gave Americans ‘Sense of One’s Own Humanity’
by Frances Martel
1 May 2017

NYT Op-Ed: Communism Gave Americans a 'Sense of One's Own Humanity'

Worst of all, fools who have no love of freedom or individual liberties may not know it but America got the democracy lie from Saul Alinsky not Karl Marx:

My mother was in the audience that night and said, when she came home: “America was fortunate to have had the Communists here. They, more than most, prodded the country into becoming the democracy it always said it was.”​

When Communism Inspired Americans
Vivian Gornick

America is not a democracy, and never will be a democracy, no matter how hard Communists torture the language:

I got the impression that the Alinsky pep talk on Page 9 was Hillary Rodham’s introduction to doublespeak.

Alinsky substitutes the word radicals for the word Communists. According to Alinsky the Communist were everywhere, doing wonderful things, even while the Founding Fathers were writing the Constitution. One line really got to me:

The American Radicals were in the colonies grimly forcing the addition of the Bill of Rights to our Constitution.​

Fighting For The United Nations?

In one sense it is a tragedy that Hillary Clinton will forgotten in a generation or two. The tragedy is that so long as Communists fund their religion with tax dollars they will find a replacement willing to kill millions in the name of democracy-building.

p.s. Every once in a while I post my reason for using the upper case when I write Socialist, Socialism, Communist, and Communism. I do it for the same reason every religion is capitalized —— Catholicism, Islam, Judaism and so on.

p.p.s. Here is another clarification for those who are might wonder why I write certain words the way I do:

Several years ago I began referring to the Democratic party as the Democrat party because I refuse to associate today’s Democrats with democratic ideals. No one can make the case that the Democrat party is in favor of individual liberties, while just about anyone can easily make the case that the Democrat party is all about collectivism.​

Walter E. Williams
Democracy Versus Liberty

Walter E. Williams - Democracy Versus Liberty

Repeal Is Needed More Than Another Amendment
In one sense it is a tragedy that Hillary Clinton will be forgotten in a generation or two.
Remembering Hillary is the greater tragedy:


STILL WITH HER? After being upset in last year’s election, Hillary Clinton stated she’s ‘testing the waters’ on another run for president in 2020.

Don’t put away those “I’m With Her” signs yet.

Did anyone really think Hillary Clinton was going to stay in the woods and live like a hermit for the next three years? She’s back and she wants to run. Again.​

The most profound observation about wannabes ever recorded defines Hillary Clinton:

The only cure for presidential fever is embalming fluid. Anonymous

Should Hillary somehow manage to stay out of jail and become president she will forever be remembered alongside obscene rulers like Caligula (Ad 12 - AD 41):

. . . Clinton is clearly not accepting blame, and not fading away. She’ll never give up her White House quest.​

Battenfeld: Don’t kid yourself, she’s running
‘I would’ve been president,’ Hillary tells CNN
Joe Battenfeld Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Battenfeld: Don’t kid yourself, she’s running
In one sense it is a tragedy that Hillary Clinton will be forgotten in a generation or two.
Remembering Hillary is the greater tragedy:


STILL WITH HER? After being upset in last year’s election, Hillary Clinton stated she’s ‘testing the waters’ on another run for president in 2020.

Don’t put away those “I’m With Her” signs yet.

Did anyone really think Hillary Clinton was going to stay in the woods and live like a hermit for the next three years? She’s back and she wants to run. Again.​

The most profound observation about wannabes ever recorded defines Hillary Clinton:

The only cure for presidential fever is embalming fluid. Anonymous

Should Hillary somehow manage to stay out of jail and become president she will forever be remembered alongside obscene rulers like Caligula (Ad 12 - AD 41):

. . . Clinton is clearly not accepting blame, and not fading away. She’ll never give up her White House quest.​

Battenfeld: Don’t kid yourself, she’s running
‘I would’ve been president,’ Hillary tells CNN
Joe Battenfeld Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Battenfeld: Don’t kid yourself, she’s running

Why is everyone dressed in they are going to a funeral?....except for the nerd with textbooks on his iphone....
may day existed before commies
To strollingbones: True. I should have pointed out that Communists took over the holiday so Communism would be celebrated with the good. The same thing happens on President’s Day: Celebrate the bad ones with the good ones.
Why is everyone dressed in black
To percysunshine: I think this slogan may have something to do with it:

Only clerics and Fascists wear black.​


First Lady Official Portrait

Back in 2004 Aldrich’s column about Senator Clinton reminded me that Communists used to say “Only clerics and Fascists wear black.” That slogan was popular back in the days when Christianity and fascism were the Left’s most feared targets. The catchphrase probably originated because of SS uniforms and the black suits associated with the Catholic priesthood although I’m not certain of that.

Mr. Aldrich informed his readers that Mrs. Clinton has taken to wearing black pants suits. Did she finally admit that she is a Communist cleric? Or has the old Commie become a Fascist? More frightening still, have Communists and Fascists openly become one totalitarian entity personified in Senator Clinton and her sister feminazis? Such a symbiotic alliance would certainly justify the standing order Nazi party recruiters obeyed throughout Hitler’s rise to power: Recruit new members from the ranks of the Communists because they always make the best Fascists.​


For the first time ever, a former First Lady is portrayed in a pantsuit - and a black one at that.​

Hillary wears the pants
Gary Aldrich
June 16, 2004

Hillary wears the pants

Category 5 Storm Coming Hillary’s Way
Good men who distrust theocracy sever Islam the religion from Islam the political movement. And just like Socialism/Communism, Islam cannot survive as a religion alone. Islam can only survive as a theocracy; i.e., a totalitarian government.

Islam is a political movement because it establishes theocracy by combining government and religion; the exact opposite of what America stands for. Islam’s biggest fear is losing its status as a religion should the First Amendment be applied as it applies to every other Supreme Deity religion. Churches can lose their tax exempt status for preaching politics from the pulpit, yet Islam does just that every time it tries to gain a foothold in America’s judicial system with Shariah law.

Both Islam and Socialism/Communism are theocracies that must destroy individual liberties if they are to survive. Both fly in the face of mankind’s march towards freedom from totalitarian government. Ultimately, Islam must be legally defined as a political movement, while Socialism must be legally defined as a religion. That is the only way to deny both their First Amendment protection.

Notice that America is the only country that provides a tool for reining in theocracy. Stopping theocracy is infinitely more difficult than is simply stopping big government alone. Here’s the reason. Religion and government will always plague mankind. The trick is to limit government and keep religion voluntary. Theocracy does the opposite.

Socialism has been the most destructive of the two theocracy movements to date because Socialists fund their religion with income tax dollars thanks to the XVI Amendment, while petroleum money is responsible for Islam’s resurgence in the past century. Ask yourself: Where would Socialism be today without the tax on income? and where would Islam be today without petro-dollars?

Paying liars to lie began with the first unholy alliance between government and organized religion.
Socialists have been taking all the best of it for a century. Muslims have cashing in for several decades. So President Trump leveling the playing field for every organized religion is justification for an unholy alliance:

President Trump will sign an executive order Thursday to make it easier for churches to actively participate in politics without risking their tax-exempt status, and to protect faith-based groups from being forced to pay for abortion services under Obamacare, the White House said.​

By God! Trump lifting ban on political activity by churches
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Donald Trump religious freedom order to lift political activity by churches ban

Let us all pray that political expediency is Trump’s only reason for leveling the playing field. If so, he must never lose sight of every priesthood’s eternal hatred of individual liberties:

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson


History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson -- Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813​


Trump obviously believes that allowing priests into government as well as enriching them further is a winning strategy. He clearly thinks Christian clerics will make America great again. Whether or not he believes it, Trump advocates passing organized religion’s tax exemption onto the backs of everybody. Clearly, he lacks an understanding of the First-Amendment-cum-the-separation-of-church-and-state.​

More importantly, does Trump really believe he can let churches keep their tax exempt status and stop coerced charity everywhere else? or is he simply laying down a smokescreen in order to leave such a flagrant violation of the First Amendment in place?​

Where Is Trump On The Constitution?


Apparently, the pope never heard about the separation of church and state. The Roman Catholic priest stuck his nose in America’s internal affairs in so many places, I see an opportunity to deny the Catholic Church its tax exempt status.​

Herded Not Huddled


Finally, Catholic priests spouting their garbage over the public airwaves is a clear violation of the First Amendment. Print and soap boxes are constitutionally protected venues for bullshit artists of every stripe. Using the public airwaves to preach illegal immigration, or anything a priest happens to be selling, has no such protection. In fact, I would eliminate a church’s tax exempt status whenever a priest moralizes politics from the pulpit.​

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