Maxine Waters Argues That The Term ‘Rioting’ Is Racist" I choose to call it an insurrection.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
In the wake of inner city looting and rioting across America, including destruction of people’s businesses and property, as well as violence against police and everyday Americans, Democratic rep. Maxine Waters has decreed that the use of the term ‘rioting’ is racist.

In an interview with The Cut, Waters seriously contended that the term “rioting” constitutes “negative language used far too often in a description of black people by folks who fundamentally don’t see black people the same way they see whites and others.”
“A lot of negative language gets used against black people, describing what whites often believe is true about us: that language includes ‘lazy,’ ‘criminal,’ and ‘rioting,’” Waters added

BJ - So, Maxine is calling for President Trump to use The Insurrection Act - Thanks Mad Max - with ya baby girl!
I have to believe there is a silent majority out there, both black and white, appalled by what they see on their TVs every night and will vote to give Trump 4 more years. Rioting, violence, destruction, defunding police, social media attacks, everything is racist now attitude, lockdowns (while allowed to riot) IMO will not sit well with most of America.

Pretty soon they'll be declaring makers of toilet paper s racist because it's all white..

She needs to be donkey kicked.
Aunt Maxipad is the definition of what the problem really is.

Exactly. As well as dung piles like AOC and rabid snarks like Pelosi.

Actually, once you start to list them, you realize it's a pretty long list.

Pretty soon they'll be declaring makers of toilet paper s racist because it's all white..

She needs to be donkey kicked.
Aunt Maxipad is the definition of what the problem really is.

Exactly. As well as dung piles like AOC and rabid snarks like Pelosi.

Actually, once you start to list them, you realize it's a pretty long list.
Lol. I would rather have AOC put in as mayor instead of that Fturd Didisastrio

Pretty soon they'll be declaring makers of toilet paper s racist because it's all white..

She needs to be donkey kicked.
The enviro people complained about tp and the dye. Good thing. But white toilet paper is racist.

Worse yet... I remember years ago, they made tp in colors. Then it was found that colored tp was killin folks by attacking their kidneys or some damn organ. It's been a long time, lol!

So what it boils down to is the colored tp was attacking and killing people and the white tp was blameless.
You can call these Democrat riots anything you want. They really are just a political tactic Dems are using to tear this country apart and replace Trump with a Marxist Dem. 'We'd also like to thank Maxine Watters for her imbicillic input.
You can call these Democrat riots anything you want. They really are just a political tactic Dems are using to tear this country apart and replace Trump with a Marxist Dem. 'We'd also like to thank Maxine Watters for her imbicillic input.
When it happens, remember who did it. Never forget them. And many of you won't.
In the wake of inner city looting and rioting across America, including destruction of people’s businesses and property, as well as violence against police and everyday Americans, Democratic rep. Maxine Waters has decreed that the use of the term ‘rioting’ is racist.

In an interview with The Cut, Waters seriously contended that the term “rioting” constitutes “negative language used far too often in a description of black people by folks who fundamentally don’t see black people the same way they see whites and others.”
“A lot of negative language gets used against black people, describing what whites often believe is true about us: that language includes ‘lazy,’ ‘criminal,’ and ‘rioting,’” Waters added

BJ - So, Maxine is calling for President Trump to use The Insurrection Act - Thanks Mad Max - with ya baby girl!

Ya see the real problem is the white people
Once you kill all the white people things will be fine

In the wake of inner city looting and rioting across America, including destruction of people’s businesses and property, as well as violence against police and everyday Americans, Democratic rep. Maxine Waters has decreed that the use of the term ‘rioting’ is racist.

In an interview with The Cut, Waters seriously contended that the term “rioting” constitutes “negative language used far too often in a description of black people by folks who fundamentally don’t see black people the same way they see whites and others.”
“A lot of negative language gets used against black people, describing what whites often believe is true about us: that language includes ‘lazy,’ ‘criminal,’ and ‘rioting,’” Waters added

BJ - So, Maxine is calling for President Trump to use The Insurrection Act - Thanks Mad Max - with ya baby girl!

Ya see the real problem is the white people
Once you kill all the white people things will be fine

View attachment 346391
Now that's some fat ass rioter!
After ALL the Republicans we have elected in the last 30 years, why does NPR still get government funding?

Fake News NPR Claims That Calling A Riot A "Riot" Is Racist

NPR claims that calling a riot a “riot” is offensive because it’s “rooted in racism.”

Left Wing Propagandists Laying Smoke For Violent Left Wing American Hating Scum​

Portland has experienced 93 days of continuous rioting – last night was the first time in that entire period that the city has not seen unrest – but according to NPR, merely calling a riot a riot is a racist dog whistle. Yet another dog whistle that only racist leftists hear.

NPR’s argument for this position is vague to the point of being non-existent. They are upset that police are able to declare a riot and use crowd control measures to disperse violent Left Wing BLM mobs.


Because crowd control measures were also used in the 60s during the civil rights era, this means that using them today is "racist", despite the fact that the clear majority of BLM protesters in Portland are white.

The Lying Fake News Collaborators are taking three different approaches to the riots.

Claim that they are largely “peaceful,” as both Fake News CNN and CBS News did this week.

Claim that the riots aren’t even happening at all or are minimal, as Fake News CNN political analyst Kirsten Powers did.

Or as Fake News NPR has done, simply declare that anyone who dares use the words “riot” to describe the mayhem that has plagued American cities for the past 3 months is a despicable racist.

Polls Show that all three of these methods fail to fool The American People because the unrest is turning voters away from Slo Joe and The Ho in droves.

Pretty soon they'll be declaring makers of toilet paper s racist because it's all white..

She needs to be donkey kicked.

You made me wonder if there is a market for colored toilet paper. Most likely black or brown toilet paper would be boycotted because it would definitely be considered racist.

Pretty soon they'll be declaring makers of toilet paper s racist because it's all white..

She needs to be donkey kicked.

You made me wonder if there is a market for colored toilet paper. Most likely black or brown toilet paper would be boycotted because it would definitely be considered racist.

They used to make colored toilet paper some years back. But they discovered it caused problems with the kidneys, I think it was.

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