Maxine Waters, American Moron


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
How fucking stupid is this bitch?

Russian hackers called US Democratic representative Maxine Waters and informed her that she is speaking to Ukraine's prime minister Vladimir Groysman and that Russian army is now occupying all of Ukraine. Also, from this conversation Maxine learned that Russian hackers interfered in elections of a country called Limpopo and installed their puppet president there by the name of Aibolit.


How fucking stupid is this bitch?

Russian hackers called US Democratic representative Maxine Waters and informed her that she is speaking to Ukraine's prime minister Vladimir Groysman and that Russian army is now occupying all of Ukraine. Also, from this conversation Maxine learned that Russian hackers interfered in elections of a country called Limpopo and installed their puppet president there by the name of Aibolit.


I feel embarrassed for black women everybody everywhere because of this fucking loopy kunt...
After years of helping nursing with psych patients, I can honestly say the democrats have some serious problems.

The conversations I've had with many of these people remind me of the stuff I'm hearing from democrats.
The lunacy from democrats is in line with the mentality of psych patients I've been asked to watch.
How fucking stupid is this bitch?

Russian hackers called US Democratic representative Maxine Waters and informed her that she is speaking to Ukraine's prime minister Vladimir Groysman and that Russian army is now occupying all of Ukraine. Also, from this conversation Maxine learned that Russian hackers interfered in elections of a country called Limpopo and installed their puppet president there by the name of Aibolit.


This clearly makes her a front runner on Democrat's presidential ticket for 2020.
She's got the Race Card going for her; otherwise she would be in a penitentiary...if she came before any judge....except an Obama-appointed Judge...and even an Obama-appointed Judge would have to put her in an Insane Asylum...for her own protection.

Obviously, the Liberal Cocksucker-Rotting City-Bolsheviks will say Trump has driven her bat-shit crazy....but she has come to my attention before...and believe me, if she wasn't BLACK...she would be in a Jail or a Nut House.

Half a century of The Great Society, the War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action.....the productive citizens of this country have a right to expect something better than Maxine Waters.
How fucking stupid is this bitch?

Russian hackers called US Democratic representative Maxine Waters and informed her that she is speaking to Ukraine's prime minister Vladimir Groysman and that Russian army is now occupying all of Ukraine. Also, from this conversation Maxine learned that Russian hackers interfered in elections of a country called Limpopo and installed their puppet president there by the name of Aibolit.


Smarter than a turd like you. This is a well respected woman who has done more for her country than you will if you live two lifetimes.

To refer to her as a "stupid bitch" says far more about the kind of lowlife you are and nothing about Ms. Waters.

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