Maximum Irony


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I am doing a wierd vacation this week, touring around Philadelphia, mainly looking at a couple museums I thought would be interesting (I was right). My wife is golfing at Myrtle Beach, so I'm on my own.

This morning I was standing in a small group, waiting for a 2-hour walking tour to start. We were gathered around a statue outside the National Museum of American Jewish History, looking across a green area at Independence Hall, where historic copies of the Declaration and the Constitution are maintained on display. The Jewish museum had several posters hanging up as they are celebrating Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg with a special exhibition. (NMAJH: Special Exhibitions). Whilst speaking about the chances of visiting Independence Hall later in the day, the tour guide told us that getting into the Hall these days is like getting onto an international flight with the security shit. It seems that some vandals recently broke in and tried to destroy the "constitution."

And it occurred to me that here is one guy who is trying to destroy the constitution with hammers and hatchets, and he is a hated scoundrel, and on the other side of the street is a lawyer who is trying to destroy the Constitution with devious words and specious arguments, and she is being celebrated as a national "hero." The irony was priceless.

You couldn't make this up.
I am doing a wierd vacation this week, touring around Philadelphia, mainly looking at a couple museums I thought would be interesting (I was right). My wife is golfing at Myrtle Beach, so I'm on my own.

This morning I was standing in a small group, waiting for a 2-hour walking tour to start. We were gathered around a statue outside the National Museum of American Jewish History, looking across a green area at Independence Hall, where historic copies of the Declaration and the Constitution are maintained on display. The Jewish museum had several posters hanging up as they are celebrating Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg with a special exhibition. (NMAJH: Special Exhibitions). Whilst speaking about the chances of visiting Independence Hall later in the day, the tour guide told us that getting into the Hall these days is like getting onto an international flight with the security shit. It seems that some vandals recently broke in and tried to destroy the "constitution."

And it occurred to me that here is one guy who is trying to destroy the constitution with hammers and hatchets, and he is a hated scoundrel, and on the other side of the street is a lawyer who is trying to destroy the Constitution with devious words and specious arguments, and she is being celebrated as a national "hero." The irony was priceless.

You couldn't make this up.

Actually I think you just did.

Go see the Franklin Institute. Of course that advice is based on experience from the 1950s so it may have changed. :uhh:

But above all *TRY* to see if you can just have a good interesting time without continually trying to bring political shit into everything. K?
. It seems that some vandals recently broke in and tried to destroy the "constitution."
Those who are destroying the constitution take an oath to defend and protect it- *an* irony is those paid to write the rules (laws) don't pay attention to the rules for them, proving beyond a doubt, that rules are made to be broken yet they continue to write more rules- SMH-

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