Matt Gaetz 2024

I'm calling it now. He is our man to succeed Trump in 2024.
You mean the alcoholic, DUI guy?
uh, no.
Matt Gaetz DUI Arrest: What Led to His Mugshot |
The case against Gaetz was officially dropped in December of 2008. His attorney argued that there had been no evidence Gaetz had been impaired while behind the wheel. Deputy Anglin ended up quitting his job shortly after arresting Gaetz, after he was accused of grabbing a suspect’s neck during another arrest in early November.

Gaetz was never convicted for DUI.
I like Mike Johnson too,, but I honestly think Trump is going to get a third term they will make an amendment.
Nikki Haley should be the next GOP Candidate. Liberal democrats will have to attack a real women, not like that freak Hellary.
I think Gaetz is too young for 2024

From 2016
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
John Kasich
Lindsey Graham??

Nikki Haley
Mike Pence
Ben Carson
Mike Pompeo

My top picks for president in 2024 are Cruz and Pompeo

My VP picks could include Nikki Haley, Matt Gaetz, Collins, Jim Jordan

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