Mathematics Can't Prove Evolution


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. So many authors of 'dime novels' rely on the concept "Cherchez la femme."
"Cherchez la femme is a French phrase which literally means "look for the woman." The implication is that a man behaves out of character or in an otherwise inexplicable manner because he is trying to cover up an affair with a woman, or trying to impress or gain favor with a woman."
Cherchez la femme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

" ...out of character..." or behavior "...otherwise inexplicable..." based on that mysterious emotion.....

2. Mathematicians.....often the same. You might recall Swift's satire, Gulliver's Travels,"
"... in the common actions and behavior of life, I have not seen a more clumsy, awkward, and unhandy people, nor so slow and perplexed in their conceptions upon all other subjects, except those of mathematics and music. They are very bad reasoners, and vehemently given to opposition, unless when they happen to be of the right opinion, which is seldom their case. Imagination, fancy, and invention, they are wholly strangers to, nor have any words in their language by which those ideas can be expressed; the whole compass of their thoughts and mind being shut up within the two forementioned sciences."

3. Swift makes a point that, even today, is largely true: It seems that for those thoroughly immersed in the science of mathematics, including the real world in their calculations, takes a distant second place.

4. What happens, then, when sciences such as physics, cosmology, chemistry, or biology, use the calculations and other mathematical constructions in their experiments/conclusions? Well, if the precursor is wrong in its will be said conclusions.

5. Cut to the chase: in pure mathematics we can create any reality by starting with seemingly arbitrary assumptions. The mathematician gets to define terms, and proceed to theorems, lemmas, or corollaries....and that will remain mathematical reality.

a. That's different from physics, for example, where a result believed to be true can always be replaced later if experimentation that better reflects reality. Einstein's general theory of relativity replaced Newtonian mechanics in understanding gravitation (but...when speeds are less than 'c' or masses less than that of the sun, Newton still works pretty well...except, maybe for the shift in Mercury's perihelion.....).

6. is a major difference: physics tries to insert reality into its theories via experimentation, while math is content with reliance on reasoning.
A theory can be built around mathematical equations in physics, but it is then used to make testable predictions. And that becomes 'proven' until such time as another physicist comes up with a better model...

7. In "The Road to Reality," Roger Penrose speaks of three distinct worlds that interact: the physical universe, the human mind, and mathematics. Think in terms of a Venn Diagram....
....but the overlap is well below complete.

a. So....if physics irons out the wrinkles by would be inclined to accept the conmputations.

Cosmology, theories of evolution, have no such compensation.

Therefore, mathematics can't be used to prove evolution.
Evolution is simple Geometry

things that can't adapt die. things that evolve with positive adaptations survive.

it's science and not the bible... so PC hates it.

the fatal flaw in the whole so called "intelligent" design is that if the planner is perfect he wouldn't create a changing environment or changes in his creatures because both would have been planned perfectly.

the anti-science crowd is getting tiresome and the constant drone is almost enough to destroy my belief in a divine power because they're so irrational and clueless
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Evolution is simple Geometry

things that can't adapt die. things that evolve with positive adaptations survive.

it's science and not the bible... so PC hates it.

the fatal flaw in the whole so called "intelligent" design is that if the planner is perfect he wouldn't create a changing environment or changes in his creatures because both would have been planned perfectly.
the anti-science crowd is getting tiresome and the constant drone is almost enough to destroy my belief in a divine power because they're so irrational and clueless

and just how did you come to that conclusion. Could the planner not have designed changes into the grand scheme ?

Therefore proving that evolution exists
Evolution is simple Geometry

things that can't adapt die. things that evolve with positive adaptations survive.

it's science and not the bible... so PC hates it.

the fatal flaw in the whole so called "intelligent" design is that if the planner is perfect he wouldn't create a changing environment or changes in his creatures because both would have been planned perfectly.

the anti-science crowd is getting tiresome and the constant drone is almost enough to destroy my belief in a divine power because they're so irrational and clueless

Once again, a post totally unconnected to any substance in the OP.


Too lazy to read it?

Too dense to comment on it?

Just one more "I don't like you" post.
I can live with that.

Seems the reason for your dislike is that I post material far over your head.

Therefore proving that evolution exists

You've served your purpose....comic relief.

But, you maybe I owe you something.

Some advice?

This may be important to you, at your advanced age: the worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades.
8. In a sense, on might see math's ignoring the real world as a plus, no pun intended, because of how inadequate any understanding of reality is....

The interpretations and explanations provided by science come, mainly by way of our observations, and a few instruments.
Human observations, which are limited at best!

Proud of our eyesight.....
But birds and bees communicate within the ultraviolet portion of sunlight… a part of the spectrum that humans don’t see.
Ultraviolet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. And eyesight is our most important sense. It provides the majority of our sensory information about the world. Consider how much less we’d know if we had no eyes. Even so…we’d probably feel that we knew everything about our surroundings. But we don’t know about the world in ultraviolet. Or in infrared. We live between 400 and 700 nanometers.
What Wavelength Goes With a Color?

b. And the inner ear contains hair cells that are moved by sound waves between 20 and 20,000 Hertz.
Sensitivity of Human Ear
That’s the extent of our contact with the real world. Beyond said ranges…we don’t know about it!

9. Further, our sensory system actually distorts the information that we do collect. For example, there is no such thing as color in the real world: color is made in the mind based on the wavelength information that the eyes send to the brain.

c. And, when we look at a rock, or any solid material, what we are actually seeing is swarms of subatomic particles with lots of empty space between; over 99% of the rock is empty space. Yet, that’s not what our limited senses and processing center tell us is true and real.

As is so often the case, the human mind rationalizes, and claims as true what is wished to be true.
One can point to the sense organs as some sort of proof of the world.....

...but it isn't.

And if mathematics is based on that rationalization.....well....what can it actually prove?
10. So, based on the fact that our senses are very far from we gather and understand half of what there is to know about the universe?
A tenth?
A millionth?

Is it possible that there is a force, call that force 'God,' in the universe, and we are unable to process the information due to our limited senses and limited ability to interpret sensory data?

11. Perhaps claiming that we are abandoning ‘faith’ and engaging ‘reason’ is no more than hubris. Rather, the abandonment is a mistake, based on not realizing how little we know of the parameters of what we call reality.

It may simply a question of God in a form that we can never perceive or comprehend.

"Hold on!" you say.....why should any accept that argument, considering how little evidence there is for it?

Good point.

And the same applies to Darwin's theory of evolution.

The Greek philosopher Epicurus: ‘ It is best to keep an open mind in the absence of decisive verification.’
Now it's two subjects we know you shouldn't try to voice an opinion on. Politics and Mathematics. I didn't think it possible but you demonstrate an even more tenuous grasp on the principles of mathematics than politics. Let's hope the next time you go rock climbing your grip is better there.

Therefore proving that evolution exists

You've served your purpose....comic relief.

But, you maybe I owe you something.

Some advice?

This may be important to you, at your advanced age: the worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades.

Makes as much sense as your OP don't you think?
Now it's two subjects we know you shouldn't try to voice an opinion on. Politics and Mathematics. I didn't think it possible but you demonstrate an even more tenuous grasp on the principles of mathematics than politics. Let's hope the next time you go rock climbing your grip is better there.

So....where did you note any inaccuracies? didn't.

Simply another post based on hot air.
Just what you are relegated to vis-a-vis politics.
Biology can't prove 2+2=4, so, let's call it a day. Are you serious? Chemistry cant prove North from south, need I go on? Theologians can't prove god exists, so what is the big ol' fuss here?

It gets worse

PC claims that since 2+2=4 does not prove evolution...therefore evolution does not exist

PC did not major in logic, she majored in cut and paste

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