Massacre Or Incident?

No problem. If darkfurry sticks to his MO it will be awhile before he comes off with a link. Just look at the one he just gave.
Seems the fella was a Obama supporter!
“Rumors abound on white nationalist forums that Kessler’s ideological pedigree before 2016 was less than pure and seem to point to involvement in the Occupy movement and past support for President Obama.”
It Just CAME OUT Who Charlottesville White Supremacist Leader Was And Obama's Involved
Of course Obama was involved. LOL.
His ah background is strong democrat. REAL strong.
Then why did he run over liberal counter-protesters?
Because Liberals are stupid.
We're trying to be serious here.
unlike you i will post the link

the unnecessary, indiscriminate killing of a large number of humanbeings or animals, as in barbarous warfare or persecution or forrevenge or plunder.
a general slaughter, as of persons or animals:
the massacre of millions during the war.

the definition of massacre
unlike you i will post the link

TY for noting the oversight. My earlier post has been corrected.

FWIW Here's the link: Definition of MASSACRE

thanks for posting that you edited the definition

to justify your false assumption

typical leftist

from your link

the act or an instance of killing a number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings
I do not edit the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

You will notice, by comparing your post that quoted my original remarks with my update of my post, that the only thing that's changed is the addition of the Merriam-Webster link. The definition I placed in my original post is what one will find at Merriam-Webster, and it is no different now than it was when I initially posted it.


you selectively left out parts to make it appear that a "massacre" could be one person

when all definitions state it is killing a number persons or animals

you got caught doing this

you fool no one

"Massacre" is an accurate term for what happened to Ms. Heyer.

massacre is inaccurate term for what happened to this person
you selectively left out parts to make it appear that a "massacre" could be one person

You are either stupid, obtuse or both.

I left out the word "wanton," and the word wanton does not mean or intimate "more than one."

stop it leftist liar

you purposefully left out "killing of a number of people"

to justify your false assumption that killing one makes it a massacre
Xelor has chosen his hill to defend, and you might as well give it up.
Xelor has chosen his hill to defend, and you might as well give it up.
I am perfectly content to "own" my mistakes on points of act when I make them. I do not cotton to being called a liar, particularly by someone who can't/won't read a dictionary's entries and faithfully represent what is found there.
Seems the fella was a Obama supporter!
“Rumors abound on white nationalist forums that Kessler’s ideological pedigree before 2016 was less than pure and seem to point to involvement in the Occupy movement and past support for President Obama.”
It Just CAME OUT Who Charlottesville White Supremacist Leader Was And Obama's Involved
Of course Obama was involved. LOL.
His ah background is strong democrat. REAL strong.
Then why did he run over liberal counter-protesters?
Because Liberals are stupid.
We're trying to be serious here.
So am I.
The few Liberals I try my best not to have conversations with have no attention span, cannot maintain eye contact and are incapable of engaging in a conversation that doesn't follow a script.
I'm not saying neo-cons are the brightest people in the world but they will let you speak.

To be succinct, Liberals are wind up toys.
I guarantee if we were sitting at a table, you would get up after 5 minutes in a huff and a puff with a near heart attack and brain seizure.
Xelor has chosen his hill to defend, and you might as well give it up.
I am perfectly content to "own" my mistakes on points of act when I make them. I do not cotton to being called a liar, particularly by someone who can't/won't read a dictionary's entries and faithfully represent what is found there.
Well, I'm sure as hell not going to argue with you about it. But you are perfectly aware that massacre usually connotes killing a large number of people. However, for Fury to use that as some kind of argument or defense is off point.
Xelor has chosen his hill to defend, and you might as well give it up.
I am perfectly content to "own" my mistakes on points of act when I make them. I do not cotton to being called a liar, particularly by someone who can't/won't read a dictionary's entries and faithfully represent what is found there.
Well, I'm sure as hell not going to argue with you about it. But you are perfectly aware that massacre usually connotes killing a large number of people. However, for Fury to use that as some kind of argument or defense is off point.
The fact is no one yet knows what happened.
Of course Obama was involved. LOL.
His ah background is strong democrat. REAL strong.
Then why did he run over liberal counter-protesters?
Because Liberals are stupid.
We're trying to be serious here.
So am I.
The few Liberals I try my best not to have conversations with have no attention span, cannot maintain eye contact and are incapable of engaging in a conversation that doesn't follow a script.
I'm not saying neo-cons are the brightest people in the world but they will let you speak.

To be succinct, Liberals are wind up toys.
I guarantee if we were sitting at a table, you would get up after 5 minutes in a huff and a puff with a near heart attack and brain seizure.
I'm a teacher. You'd be surprised what I can tolerate. LOL.
And stereotyping all liberals as idiots will not serve your purpose in the end. Never underestimate your enemy, Indeependent.
Xelor has chosen his hill to defend, and you might as well give it up.
I am perfectly content to "own" my mistakes on points of act when I make them. I do not cotton to being called a liar, particularly by someone who can't/won't read a dictionary's entries and faithfully represent what is found there.
Well, I'm sure as hell not going to argue with you about it. But you are perfectly aware that massacre usually connotes killing a large number of people. However, for Fury to use that as some kind of argument or defense is off point.
The fact is no one yet knows what happened.
Just what else do you need to know that hasn't been explained?
His ah background is strong democrat. REAL strong.
Then why did he run over liberal counter-protesters?
Because Liberals are stupid.
We're trying to be serious here.
So am I.
The few Liberals I try my best not to have conversations with have no attention span, cannot maintain eye contact and are incapable of engaging in a conversation that doesn't follow a script.
I'm not saying neo-cons are the brightest people in the world but they will let you speak.

To be succinct, Liberals are wind up toys.
I guarantee if we were sitting at a table, you would get up after 5 minutes in a huff and a puff with a near heart attack and brain seizure.
I'm a teacher. You'd be surprised what I can tolerate. LOL.
And stereotyping all liberals as idiots will not serve your purpose in the end. Never underestimate your enemy, Indeependent.
I can only describe what I have experienced.
Most of the teachers I meet are socially liberal and fiscally conservative.
Everybody will know his name...thanks to a dishonest media.

Will anyone know the name of that crazed Bernie supporter who tried to murder R congressmen on the baseball field? Oh...just another conveniently forgotten story by the DNC media.

It appears you don't know the name of the Representative who was shot and whom you've poorly attempted to use as a means for illustrating/amplifying your so-called point. LOL

Of course, many people knew the name of James Hodgkinson. How could anyone reading about the matter not learn that piece of information? It's not as though it and his image weren't widely communicated.
"Neanderthal," do us all a favor and crawl back into your cave and let people who actually live in, pay attention to and have accurate memories have a discussion absent your nonsense.
The elite .01% DNC media dropped that story after 2 days.

Do you think they will drop the Chancellorsville story in 2 days?
Xelor has chosen his hill to defend, and you might as well give it up.
I am perfectly content to "own" my mistakes on points of act when I make them. I do not cotton to being called a liar, particularly by someone who can't/won't read a dictionary's entries and faithfully represent what is found there.
Well, I'm sure as hell not going to argue with you about it. But you are perfectly aware that massacre usually connotes killing a large number of people. However, for Fury to use that as some kind of argument or defense is off point.
The fact is no one yet knows what happened.
Just what else do you need to know that hasn't been explained?
Context...what happened in the few minutes leading up to to the incident.
I am always suspicious in this day and age when no one has a video until hours after something occurs.
Everybody will know his name...thanks to a dishonest media.

Will anyone know the name of that crazed Bernie supporter who tried to murder R congressmen on the baseball field? Oh...just another conveniently forgotten story by the DNC media.
You mean J. Hodgekinson?
Everybody will know his name...thanks to a dishonest media.

Will anyone know the name of that crazed Bernie supporter who tried to murder R congressmen on the baseball field? Oh...just another conveniently forgotten story by the DNC media.
You mean J. Hodgekinson?
That's one person....but who's counting?
Xelor has chosen his hill to defend, and you might as well give it up.
I am perfectly content to "own" my mistakes on points of act when I make them. I do not cotton to being called a liar, particularly by someone who can't/won't read a dictionary's entries and faithfully represent what is found there.
Well, I'm sure as hell not going to argue with you about it. But you are perfectly aware that massacre usually connotes killing a large number of people.

I know because that denotation, not connotation, is listed first, it is the most common denotation of the word as a noun. (There's not much to say above the verbal denotation because it refers to the noun when context doesn't convey the denotation of "mangle.") I know too that the second most common denotation is the one I noted. To your point, connotations do not supercede denotations; rather, they "flavor" them, provided the "flavor" doesn't also conflict with the explicit denotation that may be contextually applicable when the word is used. For instance:
  • If the C-ville driver had killed multiple people, one'd know that contextually, the first denotation of "massacre" is the relevant one if one sees the word used with regard to the killing.
  • Since the driver did not kill multiple people, the second denotation of "massacre" must necessarily be the one that applies.
Insofar as the word has multiple denotations, each is a meaning of the word, not the meaning of the word. Definition number one emphasizes the quantity of people killed, whereas the second one emphasizes the wantonness of the killing act itself. The difference may be too sublet for some to grasp readily, but it's nonetheless enough of a difference to make "massacre" a valid term for the act the driver committed.

However, for Fury to use that as some kind of argument or defense is off point.

I agree. He's clearly using a version of equivocation, seemingly argumentum ad dictionarium (see also: Appeal to Definition). It is, AFAIC, among the weakest lines of fallacious argumentative founding one might make, especially when the heart of one's entire argument depends on it.
Everybody will know his name...thanks to a dishonest media.

Will anyone know the name of that crazed Bernie supporter who tried to murder R congressmen on the baseball field? Oh...just another conveniently forgotten story by the DNC media.

It appears you don't know the name of the Representative who was shot and whom you've poorly attempted to use as a means for illustrating/amplifying your so-called point. LOL

Of course, many people knew the name of James Hodgkinson. How could anyone reading about the matter not learn that piece of information? It's not as though it and his image weren't widely communicated.
"Neanderthal," do us all a favor and crawl back into your cave and let people who actually live in, pay attention to and have accurate memories have a discussion absent your nonsense.
The elite .01% DNC media dropped that story after 2 days.

Do you think they will drop the Chancellorsville story in 2 days?
The elite .01% DNC media dropped that story after 2 days.
Merely clicking on the first noted Google search results link I provided shows that various major media outlets carried the story over a period of at least two weeks. One can without even reading the content at the links see that on June 14th, CBS ran a story including the man's name and on July 2nd, the LA Times ran one that also included the man's name.

As far as I know, the DNC do not own any "elite" media outlets. Are you aware of any such media outlets to which the DNC holds title? If so, do tell, that is do tell, provided you don't, as you now twice in succession in your current discourse with me, fabricate the information you present.
Boy the press is busy convicting on this one huh? Almost as bad as they did Richard Jewel. They got him guilty and hung! Funny I thought in free just nations we had trials? I have seen more then a few videos of the incident. One shows a car right before his ALSO escaping a riotess crowd and with damage.

Oh it's possible he and his car were under attack. Did he hit the crowd out of confusion or injury? Only his car and his body will tell us that. Liberal press is screaming MASSACRE! When was the last time you read of a massacre of one? I myself worry about truth when the press deliberately over plays the story. Makes you kind of wonder what their agenda is and why the over blown narrative?

im taking the side of the man is DUE a fair investigation and possible trial by a jury NOT the press. Demanding national leaders of ANY office pass judgement BEFORE trial is both foolish and unethical and in some cases illegal.

Two years AFTER the press convicted Richard Jewel he was found to be a hero that had SAVED lives! And all he had to do was lose his freedom his girlfriend his job his friends and his home to prove it!

The press is NOT a court room and the sooner they quit acting that way the better for all of us!

Does, "Lock her up!", ring a bell, or is your hypocrisy blinding?
TY for noting the oversight. My earlier post has been corrected.

FWIW Here's the link: Definition of MASSACRE

thanks for posting that you edited the definition

to justify your false assumption

typical leftist

from your link

the act or an instance of killing a number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings
I do not edit the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

You will notice, by comparing your post that quoted my original remarks with my update of my post, that the only thing that's changed is the addition of the Merriam-Webster link. The definition I placed in my original post is what one will find at Merriam-Webster, and it is no different now than it was when I initially posted it.


you selectively left out parts to make it appear that a "massacre" could be one person

when all definitions state it is killing a number persons or animals

you got caught doing this

you fool no one

"Massacre" is an accurate term for what happened to Ms. Heyer.

massacre is inaccurate term for what happened to this person
you selectively left out parts to make it appear that a "massacre" could be one person

You are either stupid, obtuse or both.

I left out the word "wanton," and the word wanton does not mean or intimate "more than one."

stop it leftist liar

you purposefully left out "killing of a number of people"

to justify your false assumption that killing one makes it a massacre
Xelor has chosen his hill to defend, and you might as well give it up.

well he certainly will stop at no lie to prove it

--LOL what a loser
Everybody will know his name...thanks to a dishonest media.

Will anyone know the name of that crazed Bernie supporter who tried to murder R congressmen on the baseball field? Oh...just another conveniently forgotten story by the DNC media.

It appears you don't know the name of the Representative who was shot and whom you've poorly attempted to use as a means for illustrating/amplifying your so-called point. LOL

Of course, many people knew the name of James Hodgkinson. How could anyone reading about the matter not learn that piece of information? It's not as though it and his image weren't widely communicated.
"Neanderthal," do us all a favor and crawl back into your cave and let people who actually live in, pay attention to and have accurate memories have a discussion absent your nonsense.
The elite .01% DNC media dropped that story after 2 days.

Do you think they will drop the Chancellorsville story in 2 days?
The elite .01% DNC media dropped that story after 2 days.
Merely clicking on the first noted Google search results link I provided shows that various major media outlets carried the story over a period of at least two weeks. One can without even reading the content at the links see that on June 14th, CBS ran a story including the man's name and on July 2nd, the LA Times ran one that also included the man's name.

As far as I know, the DNC do not own any "elite" media outlets. Are you aware of any such media outlets to which the DNC holds title? If so, do tell, that is do tell, provided you don't, as you now twice in succession in your current discourse with me, fabricate the information you present.

Regarding the MSM and DNC, some think the elite NYC/DC media control the D Party. It does appear this just might be the truth.

When six billionaires control most of the media, what do you think is likely? The MSM and the government are very much in bed together. They both want ever growing centralization...more control of the masses so the Oligarchy can do as they wish and of course get richer and more powerful.
Which liberal press is calling the terrorist attack a massacre? How about a link.
View attachment 143670

Sorry for the levity, but I couldn't help myself.
No problem. If darkfurry sticks to his MO it will be awhile before he comes off with a link. Just look at the one he just gave.
Seems the fella was a Obama supporter!
“Rumors abound on white nationalist forums that Kessler’s ideological pedigree before 2016 was less than pure and seem to point to involvement in the Occupy movement and past support for President Obama.”
It Just CAME OUT Who Charlottesville White Supremacist Leader Was And Obama's Involved
Of course Obama was involved. LOL.
His ah background is strong democrat. REAL strong.

Wrong Jason Kessler. The person your link is referring to is a freelance writer that has worked with CNN, GQ, Bon Appétit, and The Travel Channel. He appears to mostly write about food and travel.

Articles by Jason Kessler:

Wall Street protests grow after unions' endorsement - CNNPolitics

What Testicular Cancer Is Really Like | GQ


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