Mask wearing is the tin foil hat of the pandemic.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The dynamics of mass hysteria are never pleasant. There are examples throughout history of absurd behavior among human groups that defy explanation. Sociologists describe this affliction as mass psychogenic illness, Mass psychogenic Disorder, or Epidemic hysteria But until a pathogen was released from a lab in Wuhan China in late 2019 or early 2020, mass hysteria/conversion disorder had been the business of children or adolescents not adults and had never gone worldwide.

Now the stability of the entire planet is under threat as otherwise normal human beings cover their faces with masks, follow arrows in public markets, sit under the blazing sun in pot-holed parking lots to eat in public, and close elementary schools. The US is particularly vulnerable to the disorder as many citizens who were already cerebrally weakened by a presidential derangement syndrome, riot in the streets, Firebomb police stations and topple statues over a presidential election.

Local city governments are getting in on the act with another manifestation called CYA as they mobilize to pass Halloween ordinances requiring mandatory mask-wearing in public. No matter that the sainted icon of the hysteria, Dr. Anthony Fauci, first advised against mask wearing. No matter that fauci has ties directly to the both the labs in China where the concocted, DNA-spliced, gain-of-function, germ has all the earmarks of an unnatural manufactured agent.

Mass sociogenic illness (hysteria) among the population makes an excellent smokescreen to hide the real perpetrators whose motives are economic, political, and ideological not medical. In a state of chaos and confusion mask wearing has become the tin foil hat of a manipulated population. Big Pharma and its collusion with the People’s Republic of China foster the great lie that an American president is a menace to world health by calling for a return to domestic control of industry and in particular, drug manufacturing.

The foolish and worthless practice of mask wearing has become so engrained in the public psyche that the fact that it does nothing to prevent viral spread is lost like the plot in a panic porn movie. Citizens are advised not to succumb to the foisted fear imposed on them by a dark and treacherous status quo trying to overthrow the results of the last US presidential election.

Wear your mask in public. Not to prevent illness but to calm the natives before November when common sense returns to the masses.
What do the lefties claim that mask wearing accomplishes for a medical perspective?
To limit the spread of airborne water droplets that may carry the virus. Over half a year in and you still have to ask that question?!?! SMH

Fauci said they don’t work.

Are they to protect the wearer of the mask or those who the mask wearer is near.

I thought only medical grade n95 actually do anything. Why are people allowed to wear bandanas.

Doesnt it seem like virtue signaling if wearing masks that don’t work are legal?

How far do the droplets go? Why do we have to wear masks AND socially distance?
What do the lefties claim that mask wearing accomplishes for a medical perspective?
To limit the spread of airborne water droplets that may carry the virus. Over half a year in and you still have to ask that question?!?! SMH

How do you know a bandana prevents COVID from infecting the bandana wearer or anyone nearby?
I am still passing on the mask. Give an extremist an inch and they want a mile.
Thankfully in MD we have a governor that doesn't fall for this BS.
160,000 dead, more every day, many more with long term problems, and these folks are still doing this.

That's how thick the walls in the alternate universe are. They're existing in a complete vacuum.
And for those who are willing to be mislead keep in mind this is just an initial stage of
this attack of your personal liberties.
There was a letter to the editor in the Citrus Chronicle a few days ago. Some utter Karen complained about driving around her neighborhood and seeing people on their front porches WITHOUT MASKS! She claimed these people are “INFECTING THE NEIGHBORHOOD“.

Clearly a very stupid liberal pearl clutcher.

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