Maryland Democrat Censured For Using Racial Slur


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Maryland House of Delegates Censures Mary Ann Lisanti for Using Racist Slur

The Maryland House of Delegates voted on Thursday to censure a white Democratic state delegate who admitted to using a racist slur during an after-hours gathering with her colleagues. Her name is Mary Ann Lisanti and she is a Democrat which is why the liberal mainstream media like the New York Times and others have not reported this....those lefty libs....

What Ms. Lisanti displayed is something that most black folks already knew which is -- there are racists in both parties, some just do a better job of hiding it than others. From the article:

"According to The Washington Post, Ms. Lisanti, 51, told another white lawmaker that when he had been campaigning for a candidate in Prince George’s County in the fall, he had been door-knocking in a “n*gger district.”

A growing number of lawmakers have called on Ms. Lisanti to resign. On Thursday evening, the House of Delegates approved a measure censuring her, saying her behavior had “brought dishonor to the entire General Assembly of Maryland.”

From what I understand, Prince George's County is 65% black or something, so if you simply refer to them all as "n*ggers" -- she would be factually correct. She did apologize and agreed to go to sensitivity training which is like band camp for racists but the chairpersons of both state parties, the ACLU and the republican governor are all calling for her to resign -- to which Ms. Lisanti refused to do, calling it the easy way out.

She shouldn't have to resign in my opinion; I think we need more racists to be able to be publicly racist if they so choose, instead of having to keep their depressing insecurities and hatred bottled up. If her constituents don't condone her racism, they will vote her out.

Most PG residents already refer to each other as n!gger so what’s the big deal?
The black percentage in PG used to be higher but many blacks moved south to Charles County to get away from the influx of highspanics because they so much love diversity.
Hypocrites deluxe.
Democrats have always referred to blacks as n****** in private conversations. It’s how they feel and why they’ve never done anything for blacks.
Many blacks are starting to see how they’ve been used by democrats for votes, and are now voting republican.

Trump has done more for blacks in 2 years than democrats ever have.

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