Mary McAleese on fighting the power in the Catholic Church


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
The former president of Ireland, Mary McAleese, told a town hall crowd in Sydney that women needed a bigger say in the Catholic Church and that the Vatican needs to share power. At a forum organised by the group Catalyst for Renewal, Professor McAleese, who was president from 1997 until 2011, said power should be dispersed more locally and through a synod of bishops. She also recalled a show-down early in her presidency with the controversial former archbishop of Boston, Bernard Law. The forum was hosted by RN's Andrew West.

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Mary McAleese on fighting the power in the Catholic Church - Religion and Ethics Report - ABC Radio National Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Her cause is hopeless, she can't even get her foot in the door, much less get the Church to share power. What do they plan to do, march up and down the sidewalk with signs? The Church is immune from such tactics. She can start her own church and make her own rules.

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