Marriage of Morons: Mitt and Bibi


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Uri Avnery's thoughts on Romney and Netanyahu:

"IN HIS latest seizure of wisdom, Romney did not only disclose that 47% of Americans are parasites, but also that 'the Palestinians' want to destroy Israel. According to him, the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has no solution, it will go on forever.

"I wonder where he got this last piece from..."

"I know quite a number of Palestinians, and not one of them believes that Israel can be annihilated. Since Yasser Arafat decided in late 1973 that he must come to terms with Israel, the great majority of Palestinians want a deal that will enable them to set up a state of their own in a part of historical Palestine. This is called the 'two-state solution”'

"The present government of Israel does not want this, because they are not ready to give up the 22% of historical Palestine which would become the State of Palestine. Since they have no viable alternative, the government’s spokespeople assert that 'this conflict has no solution'”

This conflict has no solution as long as there's more profit in war than in peace.
"Choosing" between Republican OR Democrat guarantees more of the former.
FLUSH Republicans AND Democrats from DC on November 6th.

Romney and Netanyahu » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
...Romney did not only disclose that 47% of Americans are parasites, but also that 'the Palestinians' want to destroy Israel. According to him, the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has no solution, it will go on forever.

This is quite correct.

And you are quite retarded.
Could you be a little more obtuse?

What is quite correct:

47% of Americans are parasites?
The conflict between Israel and Palestine will go on forever?
Mitt's a moron?
"Once upon a time, President Richard Nixon wanted to appoint a certain lawyer to the US Supreme Court.

“'But the man is a complete moron!' one senator exclaimed.

“'So what,' answered another, 'There are a great many morons in the US, and they have a right to be represented in the court as much as any other sector of society.'”


Romney and Netanyahu » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Mitt's another rich, white draft dodger like Dubya.
If he wins the White House, he'll have the same need to prove his "courage" to those in the military.
Things could get real scary in Iran if Mitt and Bibi put their heads together.

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