Marriage is the law of the land and it is time to move forward and heal


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
A friend of mine wrote to his friends the below. He has some wise words for all of us on this issue and what it means to America.

As Gay couples are now getting their marriage licenses processed in that Kentucky county at last, the drama is winding down. I have to say I'm not impressed at all how the media and especially many LGBT people were in a frenzy to make fun of Kim Davis, especially of her looks, her hair, and her clothes. Were the snide, bitchy comments funny? Sure. But at a human being's expense. As a Young Homo, I endured so much torment from my peers for YEARS. But that did not give me the right to turn that ridicule onto another person. Kim, you should have done your governmental job - a job that Gay and Lesbian people's taxes contribute to. You claim to be a Christian but exhibited no love, no compassion, no mercy, which I know Jesus would do in abundance. Still, I am sorry for the immature, school-yard vitriol spewed at you over things that were completely irrelevant to your actions and your character. We are a deeply wounded people, and in our brokenness, we wanted to crush you too. Let's grow up and instead of paying forward our past traumas, let's take a higher road and judge people with justice and mercy. Even those who would hate us and discriminate against us. If we have to judge, let's be critical about actions and character, not looks and personal taste. ~

My friend is right. Let's follow the higher road of justice and mercy. All we can do is judge behavior and leave the morality to God. I am very proud of my friend.
A friend of mine wrote to his friends the below. He has some wise words for all of us on this issue and what it means to America.

As Gay couples are now getting their marriage licenses processed in that Kentucky county at last, the drama is winding down. I have to say I'm not impressed at all how the media and especially many LGBT people were in a frenzy to make fun of Kim Davis, especially of her looks, her hair, and her clothes. Were the snide, bitchy comments funny? Sure. But at a human being's expense. As a Young Homo, I endured so much torment from my peers for YEARS. But that did not give me the right to turn that ridicule onto another person. Kim, you should have done your governmental job - a job that Gay and Lesbian people's taxes contribute to. You claim to be a Christian but exhibited no love, no compassion, no mercy, which I know Jesus would do in abundance. Still, I am sorry for the immature, school-yard vitriol spewed at you over things that were completely irrelevant to your actions and your character. We are a deeply wounded people, and in our brokenness, we wanted to crush you too. Let's grow up and instead of paying forward our past traumas, let's take a higher road and judge people with justice and mercy. Even those who would hate us and discriminate against us. If we have to judge, let's be critical about actions and character, not looks and personal taste. ~

My friend is right. Let's follow the higher road of justice and mercy. All we can do is judge behavior and leave the morality to God. I am very proud of my friend.

Reminds me of Bishop Tutu after the ending of the Apartheid era looking to find ways to heal and come together again.
We should love one another, it's the 2nd of the 2 great commands.
The 1st and GREATER commandment is to Love GOD, and, as Christian's we must NEVER compromise - His desire and will should ALWAYS come first, regardless of the consequences.

The Apostles broke laws, were thrown in jail, stoned, beaten and killed.......

As Jesus said:

Matthew 10
34 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in- law.."
Gay marriage was inevitable, and we have no choice but to move.

Doesn't mean we have to like it or agree with it, and I don't.
You actually don't have to tolerate it either.
That depends on who "You" is. If you own a business that hires people or has interaction with the public, you have to tolerate it. If your job has any interaction with the general public, you have to tolerate it. If a gay couple moves next door to you, you have to tolerate it. Failure to tolerate what you say you do not have to tolerate can cost you money, jobs and force you to move your residence. If your local grocery store is owned by a gay couple you will have to tolerate it or go to a different grocery store.
Gay marriage was inevitable, and we have no choice but to move.

Doesn't mean we have to like it or agree with it, and I don't.
You actually don't have to tolerate it either.
That depends on who "You" is. If you own a business that hires people or has interaction with the public, you have to tolerate it. If your job has any interaction with the general public, you have to tolerate it. If a gay couple moves next door to you, you have to tolerate it. Failure to tolerate what you say you do not have to tolerate can cost you money, jobs and force you to move your residence. If your local grocery store is owned by a gay couple you will have to tolerate it or go to a different grocery store.
Actually as an individual you don't have to tolerate jack shit.

You are confusing the words tolerate and endure. If a gay couple owns the local grocery store you can not only go to another store, you can tell them to fuck off when you see them in the street. Instead of tolerating your gay neighbors, you can become the intolerable neighbor yourself. There is really quite a bit of latitude in how truly vicious and intolerable a person can be.

You don't have to allow gays in your home. You don't have to be kind to their children. Not only do you not have to patronize their businesses, but you can be pretty cruel to those businesses that solicit gay customers too.

When I had my business open every year the local high school called for donations to their programs. I knew that they also had gay outreach and gay tolerance programs. Not only did I tell that school there would be no money, but why.
Gay marriage was inevitable, and we have no choice but to move.

Doesn't mean we have to like it or agree with it, and I don't.
You actually don't have to tolerate it either.
That depends on who "You" is. If you own a business that hires people or has interaction with the public, you have to tolerate it. If your job has any interaction with the general public, you have to tolerate it. If a gay couple moves next door to you, you have to tolerate it. Failure to tolerate what you say you do not have to tolerate can cost you money, jobs and force you to move your residence. If your local grocery store is owned by a gay couple you will have to tolerate it or go to a different grocery store.
Actually as an individual you don't have to tolerate jack shit.

You are confusing the words tolerate and endure. If a gay couple owns the local grocery store you can not only go to another store, you can tell them to fuck off when you see them in the street. Instead of tolerating your gay neighbors, you can become the intolerable neighbor yourself. There is really quite a bit of latitude in how truly vicious and intolerable a person can be.

You don't have to allow gays in your home. You don't have to be kind to their children. Not only do you not have to patronize their businesses, but you can be pretty cruel to those businesses that solicit gay customers too.

When I had my business open every year the local high school called for donations to their programs. I knew that they also had gay outreach and gay tolerance programs. Not only did I tell that school there would be no money, but why.
I am not confusing the works tolerate and endure, you are. To tolerate something is passive and takes no action. To endure takes action and requires you to walk the razors edge between what is legal and what might be illegal. Plus the life you describe sounds like one of a miserable and bitter person that is constantly confronted with stressful situations. That to say nothing of the person in question having the reputation of the community asshole. So yes, if you don't mind being a miserable and bitter asshole, having to travel to shop, being restricted to your freedom of association, sure, you can be intolerant.
Gay marriage was inevitable, and we have no choice but to move.

Doesn't mean we have to like it or agree with it, and I don't.
You actually don't have to tolerate it either.
That depends on who "You" is. If you own a business that hires people or has interaction with the public, you have to tolerate it. If your job has any interaction with the general public, you have to tolerate it. If a gay couple moves next door to you, you have to tolerate it. Failure to tolerate what you say you do not have to tolerate can cost you money, jobs and force you to move your residence. If your local grocery store is owned by a gay couple you will have to tolerate it or go to a different grocery store.
Actually as an individual you don't have to tolerate jack shit.

You are confusing the words tolerate and endure. If a gay couple owns the local grocery store you can not only go to another store, you can tell them to fuck off when you see them in the street. Instead of tolerating your gay neighbors, you can become the intolerable neighbor yourself. There is really quite a bit of latitude in how truly vicious and intolerable a person can be.

You don't have to allow gays in your home. You don't have to be kind to their children. Not only do you not have to patronize their businesses, but you can be pretty cruel to those businesses that solicit gay customers too.

When I had my business open every year the local high school called for donations to their programs. I knew that they also had gay outreach and gay tolerance programs. Not only did I tell that school there would be no money, but why.
I am not confusing the works tolerate and endure, you are. To tolerate something is passive and takes no action. To endure takes action and requires you to walk the razors edge between what is legal and what might be illegal. Plus the life you describe sounds like one of a miserable and bitter person that is constantly confronted with stressful situations. That to say nothing of the person in question having the reputation of the community asshole. So yes, if you don't mind being a miserable and bitter asshole, having to travel to shop, being restricted to your freedom of association, sure, you can be intolerant.

The purpose is to increase the number of people who recognize that they really do not have to tolerate the 3% of the population that are perverts.

There is no freedom of association if you are forced to associate with anyone. Choose your friends. So far the government doesn't do that for us. Take advantage while you got it.

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