Marines marching with disassembled rifles


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Is the president completely paranoid? Does he think the Marines are the enemy? Why would he have the Marines marching in the inauguration parade with the bolts missing from their rifles?
do you guys not read the crazy things some of you say about anyone whos not a republican?
Maybe political hack Leon Panetta decided that the Marines should look like "a global force for good" like the current Navy slogan claims. I guess it's better than marching with flowers in the barrels.
those are Garands, M-1's, a WW2 rifle btw.

now, I don't know if they have ever been asked to remove the bolts before, I think they do march with them becasue its looks kind of dorky and they get dirtier quicker etc.

I do know they are never armed in those ceremonial marches in any case.

One would have to google past events and see maybe by checking th pics if the bolts are there or not, or of there are any past references to such.

If it was done at the SS's behest due to security concerns, thats fucked up, even if it was done for previous admins. etc.
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those are Grands, M-1's, a WW2 rifle btw.

now, I don't know if they have ever been asked to remove the bolts before, I think they do march with them becasue its looks kind of dorky and they get dirtier quicker etc.

I do know they are never armed in those ceremonial marches in any case.

One would have to google past events and see maybe by checking th pics if the bolts are there or not, or of there are any past references to such.

If it was done at the SS's behest due to security concerns, thats fucked up, even if it was done for previous admins. etc.

I believe they are M-14's not Garand M-1's. Years ago schools and civilian organizations marched with fake rifles but I'm willing to go out on a limb and suggest that the Marines have never marched with disassembled weapons anytime in history even during the time when the left publicly disrespected the Military.
Not once in 23 years of military service - including my last couple of years as the Administrative Supervisor in the Office of The Adjutant General of The Military District of Washington did I ever participate in a military drill with a disassembled weapon!

I was involved with the Inaugural Parade of President Reagan and NO branch of service marched with disassembled weapons!

We clearly did not carry ammunition.

If there is such a law, why are military guards at the White House carrying armed weapons? And other security forces in the District?
I never participated in a march during an innaguration with dissasembled weapons either.

I never participated in an innagural march period :D
Not once in 23 years of military service - including my last couple of years as the Administrative Supervisor in the Office of The Adjutant General of The Military District of Washington did I ever participate in a military drill with a disassembled weapon!

I was involved with the Inaugural Parade of President Reagan and NO branch of service marched with disassembled weapons!

We clearly did not carry ammunition.

If there is such a law, why are military guards at the White House carrying armed weapons? And other security forces in the District?

You see, I did not know this. Thanks for the insight, it makes the information put forth in the OP all the more curious...

Perhaps someone did fear there might be a Sadat type incident? Though I would have a hard time believing anyone in the administration could think such a thing possible here.

And as far as the DC gun laws and the White House, and I confess to not being up on the laws of the city, I would guess that they wouldn't apply to those on the White House or Presidential details.
Is the president completely paranoid? Does he think the Marines are the enemy? Why would he have the Marines marching in the inauguration parade with the bolts missing from their rifles?

My first guess would be because he knows well what is within his own heart. Guilt brings caution, his deeds bring extreme caution.
those are Grands, M-1's, a WW2 rifle btw.

now, I don't know if they have ever been asked to remove the bolts before, I think they do march with them becasue its looks kind of dorky and they get dirtier quicker etc.

I do know they are never armed in those ceremonial marches in any case.

One would have to google past events and see maybe by checking th pics if the bolts are there or not, or of there are any past references to such.

If it was done at the SS's behest due to security concerns, thats fucked up, even if it was done for previous admins. etc.

It is is a security thing, as in the Secret Service not trusting the MArines, I would suggest they stop allowing Obama to fly in Marine One.

There are ways to ensure the parade issue weapons cannot fire without removing the bolts and making the Marines holding them look like idiots.
It could be a deliberate attempt at humiliating the Marines by the vindictive administration for not cooperating with their female combat agenda.

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