Marine & wife killed and tortured by own men?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
I think this case will be interesting to follow. A young marine and his wife are killed by men under his command. Police are not sure why the men killed their sgt.

A Brooklyn-raised Marine sergeant and his new bride were tortured and killed execution-style in their California home - allegedly by four other Marines under his command.

Sgt. Jan Pawel Pietrzak, who was raised in Bensonhurst, and his wife, Quiana, were found bound and gagged in the ransacked house, each shot in the head.

Pietrzak was the suspects' sergeant at Camp Pendleton, Quiana's mother said Wednesday.

"They're monsters," Faye Jenkins told the Daily News. "They're monsters."

Pietrzak's mother, Henryka Pietrzak-Varga, said she had prepared herself "for the possibility that my son could die in Iraq."

"But to die like this, in their own home?" she told The News. "They were good kids. They didn't deserve to die like this."

Full Article:

Brooklyn Marine sergeant & wife tortured, slain in Calif.; 4 of his men are arrested
I think this case will be interesting to follow. A young marine and his wife are killed by men under his command. Police are not sure why the men killed their sgt.

A Brooklyn-raised Marine sergeant and his new bride were tortured and killed execution-style in their California home - allegedly by four other Marines under his command.

Sgt. Jan Pawel Pietrzak, who was raised in Bensonhurst, and his wife, Quiana, were found bound and gagged in the ransacked house, each shot in the head.

Pietrzak was the suspects' sergeant at Camp Pendleton, Quiana's mother said Wednesday.

"They're monsters," Faye Jenkins told the Daily News. "They're monsters."

Pietrzak's mother, Henryka Pietrzak-Varga, said she had prepared herself "for the possibility that my son could die in Iraq."

"But to die like this, in their own home?" she told The News. "They were good kids. They didn't deserve to die like this."

Full Article:

Brooklyn Marine sergeant & wife tortured, slain in Calif.; 4 of his men are arrested

Faye Jenkins is right, they are monsters.

Why would they do this? There has to be more to the story.

My heart goes out to their families.
Wow.. the Marines have sure been making the news a lot recently.

I am a former Marine who was stationed at Camp Pendleton and during the 4 years I spent there a sergeant walked into his headquarters and shot his commanding officer, executive officer, and sergeant major. There were countless rapes, a child in Okinawa and many, many female Marines. And believe me there were many other incidences. Marines are an unstable bunch. I knew some real killers, and be thankful these guys are on our side.
Agreed. Same with my SEAL friends on North Island. Those guys were always in front of some JAG officer for beating their wives.
Hate Crime - Pure and Simple. Black on white. You know, the kind that routinely goes under-reported or suppressed by the government and media.

The second I posted that statement on NY Daily News, they deleted it. The want this suppressed.

You can expect a lot more of this kind of thing under the Obama regime. And those that don't want truth known will continue to suppress it.

Thanks for the chance to state my piece.
Hate Crime - Pure and Simple. Black on white. You know, the kind that routinely goes under-reported or suppressed by the government and media.

The second I posted that statement on NY Daily News, they deleted it. The want this suppressed.

You can expect a lot more of this kind of thing under the Obama regime. And those that don't want truth known will continue to suppress it.

Thanks for the chance to state my piece.

what makes it a "hate" crime? he was white, she was black. I do not know the race of the 4 arrested. why would you make this out to be racist?
Hate Crime - Pure and Simple. Black on white. You know, the kind that routinely goes under-reported or suppressed by the government and media.

The second I posted that statement on NY Daily News, they deleted it. The want this suppressed.

You can expect a lot more of this kind of thing under the Obama regime. And those that don't want truth known will continue to suppress it.

Thanks for the chance to state my piece.

Well, it may be a hate crime, but that is a really ignorant assumption to make. C'mon! Who is suppressing anything?? The only thing that was suppressed was your ignorant take on this.
Well, it may be a hate crime, but that is a really ignorant assumption to make. C'mon! Who is suppressing anything?? The only thing that was suppressed was your ignorant take on this.

"Charged with murder and other crimes are Pvt. Emrys John, 18, of Maryland; Lance Cpl. Tyrone Miller, 20, of North Carolina; Pvt. Kevin Darnell Cox, 20, of Tennessee, and Pvt. Kesuan Sykes, 21, of California."
God, do I hate that term "hate crime"


hate would seem to be hate...

I'm not sure of what use the distinctions as whether the hate is race motivated or money motivated or just blame monster driven are...

unless they can aid in prevention.
what makes it a "hate" crime? he was white, she was black. I do not know the race of the 4 arrested. why would you make this out to be racist?

The four killers were black. I cannot post the link showing the photos due to my newbie status but Google to here

Page 2 - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums @[/url] Marines Arrested for Murder - Page 2 - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums @[/url] -

one looks mixed with some hispanic possibly.

Think about it - four "ethnic" Marines who would work up enough hatred and anger to violate the Marine bond of brotherhood, in fact the general military bond,

further, they took the time to bind and torture the couple,

further, they took the time and hatered to rape the wife from supposed "professionals". This is not a slam on the MC and I love and admire all fellow branches. I would say the same thing if this happend in the Army or any other branch. Branch is not the issue.

=H.A.T.E was involved in this to work up that much loss of all control.

And somebody needs to get to the bottom of this to see why this all of the sudden happened, now, at this point of history.

This is like a crime scene where the individual was stabbed 222 times indicating extreme emotion, rage, anger and hate. That happened recently between two lesbians BTW - both well educated professionals.

What would cause four Marines to work up this much hatred for a brother and step over the line like this? I'm calling it racially motivated at least in part if not all of it.

Fact is, if this is true it would be horrifying to the entire military community, saddening, depressing and no one would want it to be true of course.

But think about it - what is the first thing the media, government and headlines would be screaming if 4 white marines killed a black marine married to a white woman?

Everyone knows damn well what they would be screaming before one bit of evidence came in.

The assumption double-standard is clear. I for one am sick of the double standards as I'm sure others are.

OK, thanks again for letting me say my piece as a newbie to the site who boldly jumped right in. Not attempting to jump out of line or anything.
The four killers were black. I cannot post the link showing the photos due to my newbie status but Google to here

Page 2 - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums @[/url] Marines Arrested for Murder - Page 2 - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums @[/url] -

one looks mixed with some hispanic possibly.

Think about it - four "ethnic" Marines who would work up enough hatred and anger to violate the Marine bond of brotherhood, in fact the general military bond,

further, they took the time to bind and torture the couple,

further, they took the time and hatered to rape the wife from supposed "professionals". This is not a slam on the MC and I love and admire all fellow branches. I would say the same thing if this happend in the Army or any other branch. Branch is not the issue.

=H.A.T.E was involved in this to work up that much loss of all control.

And somebody needs to get to the bottom of this to see why this all of the sudden happened, now, at this point of history.

This is like a crime scene where the individual was stabbed 222 times indicating extreme emotion, rage, anger and hate. That happened recently between two lesbians BTW - both well educated professionals.

What would cause four Marines to work up this much hatred for a brother and step over the line like this? I'm calling it racially motivated at least in part if not all of it.

Fact is, if this is true it would be horrifying to the entire military community, saddening, depressing and no one would want it to be true of course.

But think about it - what is the first thing the media, government and headlines would be screaming if 4 white marines killed a black marine married to a white woman?

Everyone knows damn well what they would be screaming before one bit of evidence came in.

The assumption double-standard is clear. I for one am sick of the double standards as I'm sure others are.

OK, thanks again for letting me say my piece as a newbie to the site who boldly jumped right in. Not attempting to jump out of line or anything.

I don't think these kinds of black-on-white hate crimes will be increasing in occurrence because we have a black president. In fact, I think there is more of a possibility that white supremacists and racists may commit more white-on-black hate crimes in reaction to the new president.
I don't think these kinds of black-on-white hate crimes will be increasing in occurrence because we have a black president. In fact, I think there is more of a possibility that white supremacists and racists may commit more white-on-black hate crimes in reaction to the new president.

My point exactly. The media and half the population thinks that it can only happen one way - white on black - period. End of story. Don't even bring up the reverse possibility.

Most people simply think its impossibly for there to be minority on white crime, or don't want to admit it, or just don't want that talked about.

When ever its brought up - it will immediately go to "I think that any hate crime will be white-on-black as usual.

That's ok, once it goes on for a few years and starts to hit saturation, eventually there won't be any avoidance of at least talking about the possibility. Whites don't want to admit it because this scares them more than anything if this started to emerge as a phenomenon.
Hate Crime - Pure and Simple. Black on white. You know, the kind that routinely goes under-reported or suppressed by the government and media.

The second I posted that statement on NY Daily News, they deleted it. The want this suppressed.

You can expect a lot more of this kind of thing under the Obama regime. And those that don't want truth known will continue to suppress it.

Thanks for the chance to state my piece.

You can state your piece.... everyone has the right to be as stupid as they wish. I think the Daily News must have deleted it to save you the embarrassment.

And believe me, that was pretty stupid. But someone who thinks it was a race crime without the slightest indication, is so consumed with hatred and ignorance that he has no credibility, not to mention the insanity of believing government somehow gives a rats patoot enough about it to suppress "this kind of thing".

Luckily, I have rarely, if ever, seen a military person express racism... it's generally one of the benefits of military service... you have to learn to be color blind when you rely on people to watch your back.

You aren't anyone who honors that tradition.

And, in fact, I pity you.

And its not that I don't think there are racial crimes on both sides, but this doesn't sound like one. And thinking a "president Obama" would create a more welcoming environment for such things is simply full tilt bozo.

Or do you think white people beat up on blacks or men beat up on women because we've had only white male presidents. :cuckoo:
My point exactly. The media and half the population thinks that it can only happen one way - white on black - period. End of story. Don't even bring up the reverse possibility.

Most people simply think its impossibly for there to be minority on white crime, or don't want to admit it, or just don't want that talked about.

When ever its brought up - it will immediately go to "I think that any hate crime will be white-on-black as usual.

That's ok, once it goes on for a few years and starts to hit saturation, eventually there won't be any avoidance of at least talking about the possibility. Whites don't want to admit it because this scares them more than anything if this started to emerge as a phenomenon.

I think that is a huge and totally warped assumption. We've been hearing about black crimes our whole lives! Black men have been demonized, depicted as angry and bent on revenge for the slavery and oppression they've suffered, and they really have been oppressed: without a doubt! That's one reason why racism is still so prevalent in this country: the way the media, movies, music, and prejudiced stereotypes have depicted black men.
But someone who thinks it was a race crime without the slightest indication, is so consumed with hatred and ignorance that he has no credibility, not to mention the insanity of believing government somehow gives a rats patoot enough about it to suppress "this kind of thing".

really? white guy marries black girl and gets kilt by four blacks. after being tortured and watching his wife get raped.


i don't think suggesting there might be race involved really is that far out of the question jill.

Or do you think white people beat up on blacks or men beat up on women because we've had only white male presidents. :cuckoo:

there's context to everything...

or are you saying having a woman president will mean nothing to woman's rights...
You can state your piece.... everyone has the right to be as stupid as they wish. I think the Daily News must have deleted it to save you the embarrassment.

And believe me, that was pretty stupid. But someone who thinks it was a race crime without the slightest indication, is so consumed with hatred and ignorance that he has no credibility, not to mention the insanity of believing government somehow gives a rats patoot enough about it to suppress "this kind of thing".

Luckily, I have rarely, if ever, seen a military person express racism... it's generally one of the benefits of military service... you have to learn to be color blind when you rely on people to watch your back.

You aren't anyone who honors that tradition.

And, in fact, I pity you.

And its not that I don't think there are racial crimes on both sides, but this doesn't sound like one. And thinking a "president Obama" would create a more welcoming environment for such things is simply full tilt bozo.

Or do you think white people beat up on blacks or men beat up on women because we've had only white male presidents. :cuckoo:

"You aren't anyone who honors that tradition. "

TRANSLATION: "Don't you DARE ever accuse anyone other than a white person of having a single racist thought!"

"Dig it! First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in their bellies. Wild!"

-Bernadine Dohrn

Bernadine Dohrn, as some of you might know, is Bill Ayers university educated wife, with law and political science degrees and fellow Communist radical. She made this statement in a speech during the December 1969 "War Council" meeting organized by the Weathermen and attended by about 400 radical Communists in Flint Michigan. The remarks were in reference to Charles Manson's murders.

These are the people, many of them well educated, that set about planning to violently overthrow our nation, intern millions in re-education camps and execute tens of millions of Americans, calmly, methodically, and deadly serious. These people don't care how the killing is done or who does it - they just want Capitalists dead - period. So they champion Manson and anyone else who engages in politically motivated killing for "their side". They champion Sirhan Sirhan the killer of Bobby Kennedy. They champion the death of JFK.

Many have referred to this as the Obama - Ayers doctrine. Have fun in your new Stalinist state.

Keep drinking your Obama kool aid. The first president who stole an election in history through unprecidented ACORN vote fraud, who launched his career in the home of far Left Wing radical terrorist sociopaths.

This is indeed historic. The most radical Left Winger ever with deep ties to farthest Left Wing subversives in America. A radical who has declared the constitution "fundamentally flawed".

I would say if you champion all that, it is truely YOU that has no honor.

The Left will never admit when it wrong.

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