
Of course, there are opposing opinions because of the difficult nature involved. Nevertheless, for those starting out with pot, it is an enormous risk to take and rely on anyone's mere opinion that it won't go horribly wrong. A lifetime of mental illness is a incredibly high price to pay. Right?

For those "staring out with pot?"

What about those starting out with alcohol? No risk there. Right?

Whatever the risks of alcohol are they do not change the consequences for some who have serious problems with weed.

Whatever the risks of weed are they do not change the consequences for some who have serious problems with alcohol.
Whatever the risks of weed are they do not change the consequences for some who have serious problems with alcohol.


There is a lot of work to do and a lot of young people out there who deserve better and more and better role models.


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I am tired of the same old lines from both sides and the useless statistics that both will bend to suit their own point. Regardless of position, the main fact is that Prohibition will never work in an open free society. More are addicted to and die to this date from legal medications pushed daily in ads. Heroin use and deaths are increasing as more people become addicted to legal medications and seek to find a cheaper way to feed that addiction. We have become the pill popping nation on legal meds while people are freaking out about the damn pot.

My view... legalize then ban all advertising for any substance from every form of media. You should not be asking your doctor to see if "____ is right for you". Your doctor should make that determination after a proper diagnosis. Make treatment immediately available for those seeking it rather than using the justice system on users. As long as we continue our current path the cartels will only get stronger and the rest of America will continue to overdose on legal and illegal drugs.

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