Marijuana - Main Street Wall Street


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Apr 5, 2009
Peter Thiel's fund buys into marijuana business
Friday, 9 Jan 2015

The pros are getting into pot. Founders Fund, the $2 billion San Francisco venture capital firm run by Silicon Valley stars including Peter Thiel, co-founder and former CEO of Paypal, is investing in Privateer Holdings, a marijuana company that owns several pot-related brands.

The companies declined to disclose the size of the investment Thursday, but described it as a "multi-million dollar" participation in a $75 million fundraising effort by Privateer. The deal had been rumored last year.
Privateer, based in Seattle, owns the Canadian medical marijuana producer Tilray and the pot information service Leafly. It is also launching a brand of marijuana and products with the family of Bob Marley called Marley Natural.

Founders Fund partner Geoff Lewis, who is leading the firm's investment in Privateer, said in an interview that he believes the broader legalization of marijuana is inevitable.

"Public sentiment is there, and it crosses political lines," Lewis said.

There are 23 states that allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes and Colorado has legalized its recreational use.

There has been some pushback, however, despite growing public support. The states of Nebraska and Oklahoma have filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, saying that they are being overrun with marijuana from across their borders.


Privateer CEO Brendan Kennedy thinks the Founders investment will lead to more professional investment into marijuana-related businesses and help advance the push toward legalization.

"One of the important milestones for this business is having access to capital, and significant capital," he said. "There will be a lot of people who wake up (now) and realize they need to look at this industry just as they have looked at other emerging industries around the world."

Put enough money into the pot and there has to be a campaign to encourage more people to become potheads.
Peter Thiel's fund buys into marijuana business
Friday, 9 Jan 2015

The pros are getting into pot. Founders Fund, the $2 billion San Francisco venture capital firm run by Silicon Valley stars including Peter Thiel, co-founder and former CEO of Paypal, is investing in Privateer Holdings, a marijuana company that owns several pot-related brands.

The companies declined to disclose the size of the investment Thursday, but described it as a "multi-million dollar" participation in a $75 million fundraising effort by Privateer. The deal had been rumored last year.
Privateer, based in Seattle, owns the Canadian medical marijuana producer Tilray and the pot information service Leafly. It is also launching a brand of marijuana and products with the family of Bob Marley called Marley Natural.

Founders Fund partner Geoff Lewis, who is leading the firm's investment in Privateer, said in an interview that he believes the broader legalization of marijuana is inevitable.

"Public sentiment is there, and it crosses political lines," Lewis said.

There are 23 states that allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes and Colorado has legalized its recreational use.

There has been some pushback, however, despite growing public support. The states of Nebraska and Oklahoma have filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, saying that they are being overrun with marijuana from across their borders.


Privateer CEO Brendan Kennedy thinks the Founders investment will lead to more professional investment into marijuana-related businesses and help advance the push toward legalization.

"One of the important milestones for this business is having access to capital, and significant capital," he said. "There will be a lot of people who wake up (now) and realize they need to look at this industry just as they have looked at other emerging industries around the world."

Great news! This will definitely put the Mafia out of business! .....Wait.....they control the business. My mistake.
The more laws the more power. Shut it down! How? BY supporting all proposed laws, spending, etc etc etc. We are almost OB. Help these fools put speed into the lack of logic.
Peter Thiel's fund buys into marijuana business
Friday, 9 Jan 2015

The pros are getting into pot. Founders Fund, the $2 billion San Francisco venture capital firm run by Silicon Valley stars including Peter Thiel, co-founder and former CEO of Paypal, is investing in Privateer Holdings, a marijuana company that owns several pot-related brands.

The companies declined to disclose the size of the investment Thursday, but described it as a "multi-million dollar" participation in a $75 million fundraising effort by Privateer. The deal had been rumored last year.
Privateer, based in Seattle, owns the Canadian medical marijuana producer Tilray and the pot information service Leafly. It is also launching a brand of marijuana and products with the family of Bob Marley called Marley Natural.

Founders Fund partner Geoff Lewis, who is leading the firm's investment in Privateer, said in an interview that he believes the broader legalization of marijuana is inevitable.

"Public sentiment is there, and it crosses political lines," Lewis said.

There are 23 states that allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes and Colorado has legalized its recreational use.

There has been some pushback, however, despite growing public support. The states of Nebraska and Oklahoma have filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, saying that they are being overrun with marijuana from across their borders.


Privateer CEO Brendan Kennedy thinks the Founders investment will lead to more professional investment into marijuana-related businesses and help advance the push toward legalization.

"One of the important milestones for this business is having access to capital, and significant capital," he said. "There will be a lot of people who wake up (now) and realize they need to look at this industry just as they have looked at other emerging industries around the world."


More than anything else, this will cause federal marijuana laws to change.

When the RIGHT people start making money on it, federal law will be changed.

The republicans work for the rich only. When the rich start profiting off marijuana the republicans will support legalizing it.

For the record, I support legalized recreational marijuana for all adults 21 and over. I support legal medical marijuana for everyone. My state has both laws. We passed legal medical marijuana in 1998. We passed legal recreational marijuana in 2012.
Put enough money into the pot and there has to be a campaign to encourage more people to become potheads.

Excuse me but not everyone who uses marijuana is a pothead.

In my case, I'm trying not to die from breast cancer returning and killing me. I have to take a drug that's side effects are much like chemo in that most of what I put in my stomach doesn't stay there. If i don't take that cancer drug it will return and kill me just like it did to 4 of my relatives and millions of women. I've tried all the pills and they don't work. The only thing that keeps food in me is marijuana.

There are many grades or strains of marijuana with a wide variety of levels of thc. I get the lowest in thc because thc isn't what I'm looking for in that drug. It works very fast and I don't have to take more than 2 or 3 hits for my stomach to settle down and I don't throw up.

Would it be right for me to state that everyone who drinks alcohol is an alcoholic?
Put enough money into the pot and there has to be a campaign to encourage more people to become potheads.

Do you have a problem with free enterprise?

I've always said conservatives/Republicans don't know how to invest in America, i.e. they lack long term thinking skills but-----but it turns out conservatives/Republicans also lack the foresight/investment skills to invest, on the ground floor, in a business that's about to take off around the country.
Buy in or get left behind.

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