Maria Bartiromo To Join Fox Business Network

Advrtisers may line up because they will get cheap rates because of low ratings....
The flip side is they are not reaching anyone...because no one is watching...
FBN will do well with her on the team.

Comparison with CNN is rather spurious.
The point is why she left CNBC after two decades and reaching the top of her game. Being a business woman and upwardly mobile she read the CNBC future and saw her prospects were better at Fox. One thing about Fox is that they are fair and balanced and they welcome a smart liberal woman.
Advrtisers may line up because they will get cheap rates because of low ratings....
The flip side is they are not reaching anyone...because no one is watching...
They are reaching everyone OUTSIDE the Mitt-Romney-will-win-for- sure far rightwing bubble.
She's just saving herself before the msdnc/hindenburg hits da ground...:eusa_shhh:

If any cable network needs help with ratings it's CNN and the Obama News network MSNBC...
None of them are going anywhere soon, as advertising are still lining up to pay them for their airtime.

Ad rates are generally determined by audience size. The smaller the audience the less it costs you to buy time. So however much one spends for a spot on MSNBC or CNN, that same spot would cost a lot more to run on Fox because its audience is 2-3 times the sizes of the aforementioned alsorans.

Ailes primarily founded FBN to compete with CNBC, battle them for audience share. If anyone thinks it doesn't sting the CNBC suits to lose their biggest star to the competition, they're either a dope, a dupe, or a hopelessly disingenuous partisan hack. And possibly all three.

Strategically, Ailes has a distinct advantage that he's capitalizing on. Part of MBs audience will jump to watching her on Fox as soon as they're aware she's there. Good luck replacing them. Current Fox viewers are likely to welcome her because she's good at what she does, her track record speaks for itself.

But then Roger has also pulled an ace out of his sleeve by slotting her for a Sunday gig on the Fox News Channel and its much larger audience than FBC. He'll be exposing her to them and you can bet the ranch there will be copious reminders and probably ad spots telling that audience she's also got a weekday show on the FBC. Welcome aboard new viewers.

So basically Roger Ailes is just doing what he does best, slicing and dicing away at his competitors by offering viewers a better product. And we get to sit by and watch CNBC begin to crumble as a result. Fun, huh?
If any cable network needs help with ratings it's CNN and the Obama News network MSNBC...
None of them are going anywhere soon, as advertising are still lining up to pay them for their airtime.

Ad rates are generally determined by audience size. The smaller the audience the less it costs you to buy time. So however much one spends for a spot on MSNBC or CNN, that same spot would cost a lot more to run on Fox because its audience is 2-3 times the sizes of the aforementioned alsorans.

Ailes primarily founded FBN to compete with CNBC, battle them for audience share. If anyone thinks it doesn't sting the CNBC suits to lose their biggest star to the competition, they're either a dope, a dupe, or a hopelessly disingenuous partisan hack. And possibly all three.

Strategically, Ailes has a distinct advantage that he's capitalizing on. Part of MBs audience will jump to watching her on Fox as soon as they're aware she's there. Good luck replacing them. Current Fox viewers are likely to welcome her because she's good at what she does, her track record speaks for itself.

But then Roger has also pulled an ace out of his sleeve by slotting her for a Sunday gig on the Fox News Channel and its much larger audience than FBC. He'll be exposing her to them and you can bet the ranch there will be copious reminders and probably ad spots telling that audience she's also got a weekday show on the FBC. Welcome aboard new viewers.

So basically Roger Ailes is just doing what he does best, slicing and dicing away at his competitors by offering viewers a better product. And we get to sit by and watch CNBC begin to crumble as a result. Fun, huh?

CNBC is not going to crumble. :lol:
None of them are going anywhere soon, as advertising are still lining up to pay them for their airtime.

Ad rates are generally determined by audience size. The smaller the audience the less it costs you to buy time. So however much one spends for a spot on MSNBC or CNN, that same spot would cost a lot more to run on Fox because its audience is 2-3 times the sizes of the aforementioned alsorans.

Ailes primarily founded FBN to compete with CNBC, battle them for audience share. If anyone thinks it doesn't sting the CNBC suits to lose their biggest star to the competition, they're either a dope, a dupe, or a hopelessly disingenuous partisan hack. And possibly all three.

Strategically, Ailes has a distinct advantage that he's capitalizing on. Part of MBs audience will jump to watching her on Fox as soon as they're aware she's there. Good luck replacing them. Current Fox viewers are likely to welcome her because she's good at what she does, her track record speaks for itself.

But then Roger has also pulled an ace out of his sleeve by slotting her for a Sunday gig on the Fox News Channel and its much larger audience than FBC. He'll be exposing her to them and you can bet the ranch there will be copious reminders and probably ad spots telling that audience she's also got a weekday show on the FBC. Welcome aboard new viewers.

So basically Roger Ailes is just doing what he does best, slicing and dicing away at his competitors by offering viewers a better product. And we get to sit by and watch CNBC begin to crumble as a result. Fun, huh?

CNBC is not going to crumble. :lol:

Yeah, that's what CNN said when Ailes took them on with the Fox News Channel. My money's on the master.

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