Marc Montoni: ‘Libertarians: Decriminalize Sex Work’


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Oh boy- lets stir up hornets nest- LOL

Marc Montoni: ‘Libertarians: Decriminalize Sex Work’

In Larimer County, CO, this year, over 300 men have been arrested for attempting to have voluntary sex. Here’s what the cops and their media parrots said about one week’s haul: “An operation to help reduce the demand for human trafficking in Larimer County led to the arrest of eight men who are accused of patronizing prostitutes.”
But yet there’s no “war on men” going on.

So the cops [and parrots] equate having voluntary, contractual sex to “human trafficking”.

Ummm.. No. Sorry, Charlie, but prostitution is not trafficking.

Public schools and caging human beings by police might resemble human trafficking, but prostitution does not.

Besides, no actual humans were trafficked, much less prostituted — all of the “prostitutes” were cops hiding behind a computer.
Nowadays, that's what guys do- they pimp over the internet. I guess it saves them money for nice clothes and ride. But it would be interesting to see if this new sting just drives the hoes, pimps and johns back into the streets.
More and more men are opting to stay away from long term relationships with women as Feminists and the "Me Too" movement have recently been shown to try to nail men frequently on unfounded allegations. It is becoming better for a man to have a contract for sex. That way, he at least has some proof of her consent. If a man has consensual sex with a woman where there is no evidence of her consent, he could be hung by her 20 to 40 years later as we saw most recently in the Kavanaugh and (before that) Justice Thomas senate hearings.

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