Krazy Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work.

In 2008 as San Francisco district attorney, Harris excoriated Prop K, a ballot measure which would have ceased the enforcement of anti-prostitution laws and defunded the city's anti-prostitution programs.

"Proposition K empowers pimps and human traffickers, allowing them to exploit their victims without repercussion," wrote Harris in the ballot guide's official rebuttal. "If Proposition K passes, San Francisco's justice system will turn a blind eye to those who violate the human rights and dignity of their victims, encouraging these dangerous predators to come to San Francisco."

While she had a valid concern that a poor execution of decriminalization could result in more human trafficking and exploitation, Harris spent the rest of her career endangering sex workers at every turn.

In 2015 as state attorney general, Harris fought back against a lawsuit seeking to decriminalize prostitution, focusing her efforts a year later on pursuing a classified ad website , prominently used by sex workers to solicit business. The merits of legalizing sex work aside, Harris' crusade against the site constituted a flagrant disregard for the First Amendment, manipulating the Communications Decency Act as a bludgeon to justify attacking the site.

As senator, she joined President Trump in backing the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act, a bill that arguably did anything but. SESTA enabled the federal government to enact an Internet-wide crackdown on websites which allowed sex workers to control their own trade. Opponents of the bill argued that without forums and sites allowing sex workers to screen and choose their own clients, they'll inevitably return to the control and exploitation of johns or face unvetted clientele.

Prostitution may be bad for society as a whole, but even at the risk of criminal prosecution, it's persisted, often putting sex workers in even more risk of exploitation than they would be in the absence of criminalization.

If Harris wants to explain her genuine evolution on the matter, she can have it. But as it stands, this just reads like the latest episode of Kamala is a cop and a Hypocrite.
We need to legalize prostitute concubinage faggot ladyboys on a life-long publicly celebrated ceremony, or , I'm not going to church, honestly. Think about it. Old Misses' marry will the weavers, gay deceiver is happy actually. health of next door misses, all lady boys want to comfort women.
Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work.

In 2008 as San Francisco district attorney, Harris excoriated Prop K, a ballot measure which would have ceased the enforcement of anti-prostitution laws and defunded the city's anti-prostitution programs.

"Proposition K empowers pimps and human traffickers, allowing them to exploit their victims without repercussion," wrote Harris in the ballot guide's official rebuttal. "If Proposition K passes, San Francisco's justice system will turn a blind eye to those who violate the human rights and dignity of their victims, encouraging these dangerous predators to come to San Francisco."

While she had a valid concern that a poor execution of decriminalization could result in more human trafficking and exploitation, Harris spent the rest of her career endangering sex workers at every turn.

In 2015 as state attorney general, Harris fought back against a lawsuit seeking to decriminalize prostitution, focusing her efforts a year later on pursuing a classified ad website , prominently used by sex workers to solicit business. The merits of legalizing sex work aside, Harris' crusade against the site constituted a flagrant disregard for the First Amendment, manipulating the Communications Decency Act as a bludgeon to justify attacking the site.

As senator, she joined President Trump in backing the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act, a bill that arguably did anything but. SESTA enabled the federal government to enact an Internet-wide crackdown on websites which allowed sex workers to control their own trade. Opponents of the bill argued that without forums and sites allowing sex workers to screen and choose their own clients, they'll inevitably return to the control and exploitation of johns or face unvetted clientele.

Prostitution may be bad for society as a whole, but even at the risk of criminal prosecution, it's persisted, often putting sex workers in even more risk of exploitation than they would be in the absence of criminalization.

If Harris wants to explain her genuine evolution on the matter, she can have it. But as it stands, this just reads like the latest episode of Kamala is a cop and a Hypocrite.
Was it not the goal of the Progressive to stop the degrading women? Strange but a woman being a whore is kind of degrading isn't .?

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