Many Boston teens surveyed say Rihanna is at fault for assault

Bottom line.

It takes more of a man to walk away, than to strike back.

He could have stopped the car and walked away. But I guess that wouldn't be good for his "cred."

News reports that he let his ho give him the beat down and he didn't do anything?
Funny, most men in the older generation would never hit a girl back if she punched him.

Just saying.
Exactly why women think they can get away with being physical with a guy, and expecting that the guy won't hit back. I call bullshit on that.

Fair enough.

I just wonder how many guys on here would hit a girl back if she hit him first.
Funny, most men in the older generation would never hit a girl back if she punched him.

Just saying.
Exactly why women think they can get away with being physical with a guy, and expecting that the guy won't hit back. I call bullshit on that.

Fair enough.

I just wonder how many guys on here would hit a girl back if she hit him first.

My guess is honestly, quite a few whether they admit it or not.. The level of respect between human beings is pretty much at gutter level compared to what it once was.
Funny, most men in the older generation would never hit a girl back if she punched him.

Just saying.
Exactly why women think they can get away with being physical with a guy, and expecting that the guy won't hit back. I call bullshit on that.

Fair enough.

I just wonder how many guys on here would hit a girl back if she hit him first.

Depends on the girl. I used to get into fights with my cousins all the time. We were vicious. :evil:

Seriously though, I have no more respect for a woman that hits a man than I do a man that hits a woman. People can villainize a man who hits a woman all they want, but women who hit men are just as bad. If a relationship comes down to violence, it should have been over a long time ago.
nearly half the kids ask..said she was at fault...what in the world are we teaching kids as a society that they feel a young man has a right to beat down a young woman?

Didn't Rihanna hit him first? My mom always told me, "Don't start nothing, and there won't be nothing."

I think women have to take responsibility for their own actions. If you don't want a physical confrontation with a man, DON'T START ONE by throwing the first punch.

Funny, most men in the older generation would never hit a girl back if she punched him.

Just saying.
Echo, while I don't condone beating up women, I'm certainly not going to just let a woman hit me in my face. If it's once, fine. But just like women like to think that a man who gets physical once is probably a wife beater, I think the same about a woman. A woman who's willing to hit her man in his face is probably willing to do it frequently.

At some point you have to let a man OR a woman know where their boundaries lie. Neither should be hitting each other. Let's make sure both sides are held accountable for their actions here.
nearly half the kids ask..said she was at fault...what in the world are we teaching kids as a society that they feel a young man has a right to beat down a young woman?

Didn't Rihanna hit him first? My mom always told me, "Don't start nothing, and there won't be nothing."

I think women have to take responsibility for their own actions. If you don't want a physical confrontation with a man, DON'T START ONE by throwing the first punch.

Funny, most men in the older generation would never hit a girl back if she punched him.

Just saying.

A gentleman would never strike a woman even if she hits first. If she continues, he should bow out. If abuse continues from the woman's side in a relationship, he should end the relationship. Nothing so unmanly as to see a man hit a woman.
A gentleman would never strike a woman even if she hits first. If she continues, he should bow out. If abuse continues from the woman's side in a relationship, he should end the relationship. Nothing so unmanly as to see a man hit a woman.

Similarly, real women don't hit men. Only little girls do. There is nothing so unwomanly as a woman who would strike the man she supposedly loves.
Let me just put it this way. Women need to stop having a double standard for men. We want to be equals in our homes, on the job, and in life in general. If that is true, we need to stop thinking that we can punch some guy with impunity simply because we have ovaries and he has testicles. It's bullshit, and it's totally bogus.

If we're equals, we're equals. There should not be a double standard in domestic violence. NEITHER PARTNER SHOULD BE HITTING. If Rihanna hit Chris, they are both equally culpable in the incident. Pretending otherwise simply perpetuates a double-standard that we have attempted to abolish in almost every other area of life.
Let me just put it this way. Women need to stop having a double standard for men. We want to be equals in our homes, on the job, and in life in general. If that is true, we need to stop thinking that we can punch some guy with impunity simply because we have ovaries and he has testicles. It's bullshit, and it's totally bogus.

If we're equals, we're equals. There should not be a double standard in domestic violence. NEITHER PARTNER SHOULD BE HITTING. If Rihanna hit Chris, they are both equally culpable in the incident. Pretending otherwise simply perpetuates a double-standard that we have attempted to abolish in almost every other area of life.

I agree there should NEVER be any abuse in a relationship. In my old age I have never had a man hit me, nor have I ever hit a man.

Now, let's say I come home from work and find my hubby in bed with the nanny, and I'm so angry I go over and slap him across the face and throw the phone at him. He now has the right to hit me back, because I started it. Is that correct?

As for women who stay with a man who hits her, or a man who stays with a woman who hits him, even after the first time, that's a job for a professional head shrink to deal with that, nothing I'm qualified to wonder why they do stay.
Let me just put it this way. Women need to stop having a double standard for men. We want to be equals in our homes, on the job, and in life in general. If that is true, we need to stop thinking that we can punch some guy with impunity simply because we have ovaries and he has testicles. It's bullshit, and it's totally bogus.

If we're equals, we're equals. There should not be a double standard in domestic violence. NEITHER PARTNER SHOULD BE HITTING. If Rihanna hit Chris, they are both equally culpable in the incident. Pretending otherwise simply perpetuates a double-standard that we have attempted to abolish in almost every other area of life.

Have you ever noticed that there are physical, attitudinal, and other obvious differences between the sexes?

I hope that you are not still stuck in 60's, burning your bras, and demanding absolute blindness to the differences.

An unhappy result of WWII and our excessive taxes is women leaving the home and entering the workforce. If more women looked at prospective mates in terms of their ability and desire to provide for the family unit, many contemporary ills could be avoided.

Let me remind you that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke). The nonsense that male and female are identical is an abberation, a blip in the historical record.

Men are physically stronger. Men have an obligation to take care of their women, and their children. Any deviaton from this scheme results in societal instability and unhappiness.

I agree that "NEITHER PARTNER SHOULD BE HITTING," but the result cannot be treated equally.
An unhappy result of WWII and our excessive taxes is women leaving the home and entering the workforce. If more women looked at prospective mates in terms of their ability and desire to provide for the family unit, many contemporary ills could be avoided.

Because there was far less domestic violence and abuse of women when they were economically dependent on men, right? Please. Release your overly rosy view of the past and realize that equality is a GOOD thing.
Now, let's say I come home from work and find my hubby in bed with the nanny, and I'm so angry I go over and slap him across the face and throw the phone at him. He now has the right to hit me back, because I started it. Is that correct?

Give me a good reason why he should not reciprocate the slap, aside from an outdated patriarchal mentality that suggests that women are helpless, delicate little flowers?

Are you suggesting that it is somehow okay for a woman to hit a man, and it's not okay for him to reciprocate? There is no good reason for hitting, EVER, from either party. Nor should this act ever be excused when women initiate it.

So, let me just suggest...if you don't want to get hit, don't hit.
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Now, let's say I come home from work and find my hubby in bed with the nanny, and I'm so angry I go over and slap him across the face and throw the phone at him. He now has the right to hit me back, because I started it. Is that correct?

Give me a good reason why he should not reciprocate the slap, aside from an outdated patriarchal mentality that suggests that women are helpless, delicate little flowers?

Uh, he's sleeping with the nanny in our bed. You don't think that's worth a good slap and a cell phone against the head or balls? He should hit me back because he's scewing the nanny?
Now, let's say I come home from work and find my hubby in bed with the nanny, and I'm so angry I go over and slap him across the face and throw the phone at him. He now has the right to hit me back, because I started it. Is that correct?

Give me a good reason why he should not reciprocate the slap, aside from an outdated patriarchal mentality that suggests that women are helpless, delicate little flowers?

Are you suggesting that it is somehow okay for a woman to hit a man, and it's not okay for him to reciprocate? There is no good reason for hitting, EVER, from either party. Nor should this act ever be excused when women initiate it.

So, let me just suggest...if you don't want to get hit, don't hit.

Two main reasons.

Unless it is a stranger and I am in fear for my life or serious bodily injury, I'm not going to hit a woman. I'm just not going to do it.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, if she hits me, she goes to jail. If I hit her back, we both go to jail.
Now, let's say I come home from work and find my hubby in bed with the nanny, and I'm so angry I go over and slap him across the face and throw the phone at him. He now has the right to hit me back, because I started it. Is that correct?

Give me a good reason why he should not reciprocate the slap, aside from an outdated patriarchal mentality that suggests that women are helpless, delicate little flowers?

Are you suggesting that it is somehow okay for a woman to hit a man, and it's not okay for him to reciprocate? There is no good reason for hitting, EVER, from either party. Nor should this act ever be excused when women initiate it.

So, let me just suggest...if you don't want to get hit, don't hit.[/

Well, like I said, I have never hit nor been hit by a man. Oh, except in fourth grade Matt W. was being an ass, so I kicked him in the balls, and he hit me back and gave me a bloody nose. Fair is fair, we were sitting at the lunch table the next day friends again.
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Now, let's say I come home from work and find my hubby in bed with the nanny, and I'm so angry I go over and slap him across the face and throw the phone at him. He now has the right to hit me back, because I started it. Is that correct?

Give me a good reason why he should not reciprocate the slap, aside from an outdated patriarchal mentality that suggests that women are helpless, delicate little flowers?

Are you suggesting that it is somehow okay for a woman to hit a man, and it's not okay for him to reciprocate? There is no good reason for hitting, EVER, from either party. Nor should this act ever be excused when women initiate it.

So, let me just suggest...if you don't want to get hit, don't hit.

Crime of passion is a legal defense, although I do not condone violence in any shape or form.

Moreover, although the female is the aggressor in this scenario, it is not patriarichal in any way to suggest the person being attacked (a male) do nothing other than PREVENT the attacker from hitting further ie restrain, not slap/punch back, in the face. I was taught not to hit back, regardless of the hitter's sex. My mother was a hippy.
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Now, let's say I come home from work and find my hubby in bed with the nanny, and I'm so angry I go over and slap him across the face and throw the phone at him. He now has the right to hit me back, because I started it. Is that correct?

Give me a good reason why he should not reciprocate the slap, aside from an outdated patriarchal mentality that suggests that women are helpless, delicate little flowers?

Are you suggesting that it is somehow okay for a woman to hit a man, and it's not okay for him to reciprocate? There is no good reason for hitting, EVER, from either party. Nor should this act ever be excused when women initiate it.

So, let me just suggest...if you don't want to get hit, don't hit.

Crime of passion is a legal defense, although I do not condone violence in any shape or form.

Moreover, although the female is the aggressor in this scenario, it is not patriarichal in any way to suggest the person being attacked (a male) do nothing other than PREVENT the attacker from hitting further ie restrain, not slap/punch back, in the face. I was taught not to hit back, regardless of the hitter's sex. My mother was a hippy.

EXACTLY! I think restraining, walking or running away or locking yourself in the bathroom until she calms down would be the correct thing to do. But I guess hitting back is the only option to some when hit.
Now, let's say I come home from work and find my hubby in bed with the nanny, and I'm so angry I go over and slap him across the face and throw the phone at him. He now has the right to hit me back, because I started it. Is that correct?

Give me a good reason why he should not reciprocate the slap, aside from an outdated patriarchal mentality that suggests that women are helpless, delicate little flowers?

Are you suggesting that it is somehow okay for a woman to hit a man, and it's not okay for him to reciprocate? There is no good reason for hitting, EVER, from either party. Nor should this act ever be excused when women initiate it.

So, let me just suggest...if you don't want to get hit, don't hit.

Yeah, absolutly I'm suggesting that. There's NEVER a reason for a man to raise his hand against a woman and retaliate in a situation like that. A man can just walk away after getting slapped. What kind of pussy hits a woman after getting slapped? I've been slapped or punched once or twice, and it never entered my wildest fantasy to punch back. I just fucking walked away. Problem solved.
An unhappy result of WWII and our excessive taxes is women leaving the home and entering the workforce. If more women looked at prospective mates in terms of their ability and desire to provide for the family unit, many contemporary ills could be avoided.

Because there was far less domestic violence and abuse of women when they were economically dependent on men, right? Please. Release your overly rosy view of the past and realize that equality is a GOOD thing.

If you believe that exchanging abuse is the definition of 'equality,' I'd suggest a course in psychology, following one in English usage.
Uh, he's sleeping with the nanny in our bed. You don't think that's worth a good slap and a cell phone against the head or balls? He should hit me back because he's scewing the nanny?

I don't think hitting your husband is going to solve your problem. YOur efforts would be better spent being a little less emotional and screwing him financially in the divorce settlement for the next 20 years, frankly.

Been there, done that.

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