man robs bank to get medical care

A couple of months ago Verone started weighing his options. He considered turning to a homeless shelter and seeking medical help through charitable organizations. Then he had another idea: commit a crime and get set up with a place to stay, food and doctors.

If all Americans want is security, they can go to prison.
-Dwight Eisenhower
He could have just walked into a hospital and claimed to be a illegal alien
[QUOTE]expect to see more of this. collapse is coming thanks to our politicians and wall st[/QUOTE]

It's always someone else's fault.With all the government programs out there this guy couldn't get help?
So he commits a crime and it wasn't his fault......geez.
I know a guy one time that broke into the post office just to lick the glue off the backs of stamps.
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Well, it's good to know the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in America.

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