Man punches Nazi Richard Spencer during interview

Normally I'm against violence, but he's a Nazi.

Yet more tolerance from the lefties. Your moronic ass wouldn't know a National Socialist if they were sitting beside you. Its just another whiny snowflake insult for any white man or woman who dares stand or speak in favor of their race. You clowns dont seem to grasp the fact that you idiots have made nazi a pointless anti white slur that no one but the extremist left takes seriously

He waxes indignant about tolerance and yet celebrates Dylan Roof. Fuck you and the high horse you rode in on.
Normally I'm against violence, but he's a Nazi.

. OK, now do give us proof this guy is a Nazi, and if you can't then you are actually an accessory to a crime. And by your agreeing to this violent act, and by you suggesting this guy is a nazi if not true, then you are pushing fake news, and you are condoning violence against Trump supporters.

Oh, I googled him, and he is an out spoken white nationalist.

Still no reason to run up and punch him out while he was minding his own business.

Be like me walking up to Al Sharpton on the street, and putting him on the ground, just because I dont' like him.

I googled him too. I had no idea who the fuck he was...It doesn't matter, he has the right to his opinion just like communists and BLM do.

he has that right.

and thank you to anyone who would cap his ass

and thank you to anyone who would cap his ass

Proving to me that both you, and the 'capper' belong in cages, like the animals you are.
The man who was attacked should be legally allowed to draw down and shoot the attacker.
If he was a black nationalist the left would glorify him. Any attack would cause shock waves on CNN and MSNBC.
If he was a black nationalist...
Keep your sexual fantasies to yourself. Why are you people always fantasizing about blacks?
I fantasize about blacks all the time. I dream of faster checkout lanes, turn signals, no loudmouth curse words in public in front of my grandkids, nobody talking out loud to the screen at the cinema, and when you get a woman pregnant you raise your fucking kids.
Faster checkout lanes?!

The man who was attacked should be legally allowed to draw down and shoot the attacker.
Which is why i say his ass should have been capped.

no drawing anything after that evengt
Your a pussy. I will give the guy credit...he stands by his convictions and faces the fire. Marxist have to run up and blindside him.
yeah, the Nazis were so rugged and tough

Yes, they were.

and did quite well considering the number of fronts they were fighting on.

But, fortunately, they've been gone for about 70 years, and the dead should be allowed to rest in peace

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