Man kicked off flight for t-shirt.

i don't know which is worse for the loons... that i lean left or that i'm female. either way, it's kind of funny in a warped sort of way. also, they have nothing to put up in response to what i said... all of which happens to be true.

that makes them melt down sometimes.

"They said it was because your lean left and you're shite with politics. The fact you're a woman never entered into it."


but i'm so bad with politics i just kicked their whiny little butts and made them melt down.

yay me. :)



Prison » Man Kicked Off Flight Over Anti-TSA Shirt

TSA doesn't want to be mocked stop acting like nazi's. I say he has a nice lawsuit...who knows....he sues,then gets detained for telling everyone about this just like the marine in Virginia.


delta, a private company, told them to get the fuck off

more than likely for his own safety.

I'm gunna guess by his name, he is or looks middle eastern, and if I had kids on the same flight.....
Prison » Man Kicked Off Flight Over Anti-TSA Shirt

TSA doesn't want to be mocked stop acting like nazi's. I say he has a nice lawsuit...who knows....he sues,then gets detained for telling everyone about this just like the marine in Virginia.

Your argument is with Delta, TSA let him through (you did read your own link, right?)

and i'd suggest that if they tossed him it was for more than the shirt.

but your o/p isn't quite clear, is it?

as for nazis... let me know when they've killed 11 million people.

TSA = Holocaust

er... no. they didn't. they said if the private company didn't meet federal security standards there wouldn't be any planes leaving or entering the airport.

you do know what that means, right?

man, you're a putz
Sure they didn't. You believe whatever crap you want.You think government can do no wrong I say they do wrong every day and when its publicized they come up with some excuse as to why and the sheeple accept it.
again... Delta airlines isn't the government.

your point?
Again the government is the one that has made people paranoid about this shit. All connected with the idea of a police state.

Really? Has nothing at all to do with 9-11, and several other attempts at terrorism?

You are a fruitloop. Just another fool trying to blame all the ills of the world on 'them'. This time, defining 'them' as the government.

Guess what? Our government,

By the people
Of the people
For the people

Want change? Work through the ballot box. But in order to do that, please try to sound reasonably sane.



Good read.
i don't know which is worse for the loons... that i lean left or that i'm female. either way, it's kind of funny in a warped sort of way. also, they have nothing to put up in response to what i said... all of which happens to be true.

that makes them melt down sometimes.

"They said it was because your lean left and you're shite with politics. The fact you're a woman never entered into it."


but i'm so bad with politics i just kicked their whiny little butts and made them melt down.

yay me. :)

Delusions of grandeur. :cuckoo:

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