Man Dies After Being Tasered 34 Times

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Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
According to the Connecticut Medical Examiner's office, the cause of death for Efrain Carrion (the Middletown guy who died after being hit 34 times by police Tasers) was “excited delirium.” (The examiner's office has ruled at least three times in recent years that excited delirium was the cause of death in cases involving police use of Tasers.)

That's a controversial ruling because excited delirium isn't recognized as a medical condition by authorities such as the World Health Organization, the American Medical Association or the American Psychological Association. Taser International spokesman Steve Tuttle points out that other medical authorities, including the American College of Emergency Physicians and the National Association of Medical Examiners, consider it a legitimate cause of death.

Those who see excited delirium as a specific medical condition say it often occurs when the victim has been high on cocaine or other drugs, has a history of mental illness, is obese and sweating heavily, or is the subject of a combination of those problems. Taser critics charge that excited delirium is nothing more than a cover for police misuse of stun guns.
A Man Dies After Being Tasered 34 Times, But The State Rules Police Officers Involved Aren't Responsible For His Death -
Mebbe people shouldn't be nekid when dey is tazed...
Three deaths in one weekend puts Taser use by cops in crosshairs
August 8, 2011 - Tasers were involved in three deaths over the weekend, renewing the debate over when and how the police-issued stun guns should be used.
A naked man on drugs died in Wisconsin this weekend, after police used a Taser stun gun to subdue him. A student died at the University of Cincinnati after balling his fists and getting tasered by police. A man high on drugs in Manassas, Va., also died this weekend after police tasered him as he escaped, partially handcuffed, after punching an officer and a firefighter. All three deaths are being investigated. One of the departments, the University of Cincinnati Police Department, has suspended the use of Tasers by its officers.

About 15,000 US police departments, including 29 of the nation's 33 largest cities, use a total of 260,000 Tasers. The devices have been the objects of controversy since first being deployed broadly in the 1990s. Some describe them as an alternative to the nightstick that reduces officer injuries and saves lives. Others see the stun guns as instruments of torture whose growing use make them a symbol of reckless policing.

In some cases, the tasers are only tangentially related or unrelated to the actual cause of death, and that may be the case in the three incidents from this weekend. But recent studies have shown that the weapons can have an outsized impact on people with health problems or who are very high on drugs and in a state of "excited delirium."

Tasers contributed to some 351 US deaths between 2001 and 2008, says Amnesty International, which adds that 90 percent of those tasered were unarmed at the time they were electrocuted. The website Truth Not Tasers claims that 39 people have died in relation to "conducted energy devices (CEDs)" this year in the United States, an average of five per month.

Yeah, that makes sense. Lets just kill everybody especially those who are mentally ill. These cops got away with murder.
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I believe my body doesn't conduct electricity very well.

My cousin tased me one time and I thought it was funny.

Oh I been zapped by an outlet.....
As an industrial electrican, I have been hit with 120 to 480.
but it still doesn't change the fact that police(pigs) are thugs with guns and badges.
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34 times? Aren't those tasers supposed to incapacitate in one to two hits? Either the taser is flawed, or the police went overkill.
I would love to know all the details. One thing for sure is the victim will be no loss to society, most likely save the taxpayers a million in welfare, mental health housing or prison time. I believe that after one shot from a tazer gun I would have cooperated and done what the nice police officer told me to do. Scratch one dope fiend.

Are you fucking serious??

The cops only caved the guys face in too while they were busy going to work on him with the taser 34 times.

The guy was a non-violent schizophrenic...

This isn't Iraq - this is the United States and you don't hurt people like...

Those cops belong in prison for murder..
34 times? Aren't those tasers supposed to incapacitate in one to two hits? Either the taser is flawed, or the police went overkill.

Some individuals bodies conduct electricity different............

Tasers don't work on everyone..

I'm not defending these murderer cops but I'm just stating a fact.
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