Man Caught Having Sex With Patio Table.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
No, really. Patio table...

Not Paddy O'table.....a picnic table....with a hole in the middle...but I guess that
goes without saying....

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Man Caught Having Sex With Patio Table‬‏[/ame]

So, legally is that rape?

Are splinters covered by ObamaCare?

No 'wood' jokes!
It is essential that our teachers start teaching our children that some people are just born loving lawn furniture so that people like this aren't made fun of and bullied.
If he liked to do that so much, why didn't he take the table INTO the house?

Also, why did the neighbor video tap him instead of letting him know he can be seen? Did the neighbor WANT to see him? In the responses on Youtube, one said that the porch was in the back of the house and away from view of anyone but the neighbour.
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So you can't do that on your own property? Not that I am defending him or anything. I am just wondering.
So you can't do that on your own property? Not that I am defending him or anything. I am just wondering.

I would like to think you can as long as it is out of site of others, like behind a privacy fence or hedge. However, in this case there was no privacy on his porch.

If I had seen it, I would have let them know that they can be seen and that children can also see. Let the person have a chance NOT to get their lives ruined. If it didn't stop after they were warned THEN I would take it to the authorities.
Ha! PC must be obsessed..

Or running out of copy/pastes.
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