Mall of America Welcomes First Black Santa -- Racists Lose Their Goddamn Minds

Another picture of St Nicholas. Everyone gets their own Santa. Doesn't bother me.
Dozens of Santas cycle through Twin Cities shopping centers each year, spreading joy to children who entrust them with their holiday wish lists. What has been missing from that experience, some parents say, was a Kriss Kringle who represented a wider swath of believers.

This week, for the first time in the Mall of America’s 24-year history, a black Santa will greet families for annual Christmas photos.

“This is a long time coming,” said Landon Luther, co-owner of the Santa Experience, which has run the intimate photo studio at the mall for 10 years. “We want Santa to be for everyone, period.”

Mall of America welcomes its first black Santa

The comments on the article got so bad that the Star Tribune was forced to turn comments off.

Scott Gillespie on Twitter

Good show, conservatives. You really are a bunch of low class assholes.

Can't hardly blame the blacks for doing the whole Santa Claus thing, they have no culture of their own. All these black people in Western countries can do is emulate the white man and practice white traditions. They all know white culture is superior to their own, that's why they choose to stay instead of going back to Africa and living like an African.
Santa Claus is a fictional WHITE guy. Who's dumbass racist idea was it to make him a black guy? Let me guess, next year he'll be an Asian transgender.
There used to be exemptions to discrimination laws. Maybe there still is. If a production wanted to cast someone as Little Orphan Annie, they could audition ten-year-old white girls. That's what Annie was.

I'm not so sure Santa is exclusively one race, though. Sometimes younger men even portray the jolly old character.
You know, I've been participating in American forums for 15 years now but the level of racist arseholes still surprises me.
Dozens of Santas cycle through Twin Cities shopping centers each year, spreading joy to children who entrust them with their holiday wish lists. What has been missing from that experience, some parents say, was a Kriss Kringle who represented a wider swath of believers.

This week, for the first time in the Mall of America’s 24-year history, a black Santa will greet families for annual Christmas photos.

“This is a long time coming,” said Landon Luther, co-owner of the Santa Experience, which has run the intimate photo studio at the mall for 10 years. “We want Santa to be for everyone, period.”

Mall of America welcomes its first black Santa

The comments on the article got so bad that the Star Tribune was forced to turn comments off.

Scott Gillespie on Twitter

Good show, conservatives. You really are a bunch of low class assholes.

Can't hardly blame the blacks for doing the whole Santa Claus thing, they have no culture of their own. All these black people in Western countries can do is emulate the white man and practice white traditions. They all know white culture is superior to their own, that's why they choose to stay instead of going back to Africa and living like an African.

A+ trolling. Good show.

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