Majority of Voters Favor Immigration Enforcement over Amnest


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Recent Poll Demonstrates Majority of Voters Favor Immigration Enforcement over Amnesty

A recent poll conducted by The Washington Times and JZ Analytics revealed that a majority of voters favor immigration enforcement over amnesty. In fact, the poll showed that two-thirds of likely voters surveyed would like to see police officers in their jurisdiction check immigration status during routine traffic stops. In addition, 50 percent of voters "strongly" agreed with Arizona's SB 1070 immigration enforcement law, with 17 percent "somewhat" agreeing with the law. Only 29 percent strongly or somewhat disagreed with the law. (Washington Times, July 10, 2012)
FAIR Legislative Update July 16, 2012

Imagine that, people actually expect the government to enforce the law of the land, instead of pandering to those who break it. What a concept!
Just remember next time you vote, the vast majority of Democrat lawmakers, and especially Obongo, favor some sort of amnesty.
The Democrat party is no longer the friend to anyone who is in favor of illegal immigration enforcement.
Recent Poll Demonstrates Majority of Voters Favor Immigration Enforcement over Amnesty

A recent poll conducted by The Washington Times and JZ Analytics revealed that a majority of voters favor immigration enforcement over amnesty. In fact, the poll showed that two-thirds of likely voters surveyed would like to see police officers in their jurisdiction check immigration status during routine traffic stops. In addition, 50 percent of voters "strongly" agreed with Arizona's SB 1070 immigration enforcement law, with 17 percent "somewhat" agreeing with the law. Only 29 percent strongly or somewhat disagreed with the law. (Washington Times, July 10, 2012)
FAIR Legislative Update July 16, 2012


Aren't you voting for Obama?
Majority of Voters Favor Immigration Enforcement over Amnest

Marginally interesting, perhaps; but otherwise meaningless given the fact there is no proposed legislation designed to grant undocumented immigrants ‘amnesty.’

In essence it’s a poll about nothing.

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