Majority of Americans More Concerned about ‘Socialist Left’ Than ‘MAGA Republicans’: POLL

Lol. By supporting authoritarian populists. I get it, your a "stealth" libertarian. Clever, that

The only "authoritarians" are you Nazis.

I get it, Trump stood up to the ruling elite, and you HATES HIM.

Hatred is your word, hatred does not need a basis to exist. It's simply an evil that does. I despise trump for many good reasons. I have no doubt that the world would have been better off if he had never been born.
Every last one of you fascists obsesses over Trump 24/7

Without Trump, you don't even exist.
"Majority of Americans More Concerned about ‘Socialist Left’ Than ‘MAGA Republicans’"

Any sane person, who cares about the future of the US, is worried about both.
Name the cultural Acts or lifestyles of the MAGA's that you highly disagree with or find offensive.

Is it their stance against killing tiny little human beings just williy nilly in the womb ?
Is it because they believe in God, and therefore have a higher standard of freedom, life, liberty, love and the pursuit of happiness than those who don't ??? Is it that animal's or creature's found in the wild either rejects or just can't understand the tenants or rules set forth in a culture or religion ??

Is it because they believe that a man and a woman were created by God, and therefore they carry the very unique but separate chromosomes in order to prove it ????

Is it because they generally agree that we must promote a civilized SOCIETY always, otherwise instead of an uncivilized one that is full of chaos, death, and destruction.

Write a list of things you think that makes the Republican or conservatives so bad in your book or beliefs ?? Keep it cultural and/or maybe religious, but not emotional and ridiculous please.
Name the cultural Acts or lifestyles of the MAGA's that you highly disagree with or find offensive.
I don't care about their "cultural Acts or lifestyles".
Is it their stance against killing tiny little human beings just williy nilly in the womb ?
Yes. The insides of other people's bodies are none of your business, no matter what you might think is in there.
Is it because they believe in God, and therefore have a higher standard of freedom, life, liberty, love and the pursuit of happiness than those who don't ??? Is it that animal's or creature's found in the wild either rejects or just can't understand the tenants or rules set forth in a culture or religion ??
I have no idea what you're talking about, but religion is irrelevant.
Is it because they believe that a man and a woman were created by God, and therefore they carry the very unique but separate chromosomes in order to prove it ????
Don't care. Believe whatever you want. Just don't tell other people how to live.
Is it because they generally agree that we must promote a civilized SOCIETY always, otherwise instead of an uncivilized one that is full of chaos, death, and destruction.
If that's an excuse to tell other people how to live, see above.
Write a list of things you think that makes the Republican or conservatives so bad in your book or beliefs ??
Is that a question? I've been clear in my posts why I don't want Trumpsters running the government.
Keep it cultural and/or maybe religious, but not emotional and ridiculous please.
Fuck you.
I don't care about their "cultural Acts or lifestyles".

Yes. The insides of other people's bodies are none of your business, no matter what you might think is in there.

I have no idea what you're talking about, but religion is irrelevant.

Don't care. Believe whatever you want. Just don't tell other people how to live.

If that's an excuse to tell other people how to live, see above.

Is that a question? I've been clear in my posts why I don't want Trumpsters running the government.

Fuck you.
Abolish all laws then, because in your word's no one has a right to promote a CIVILIZED SOCIETY, and all because you cherry pickingly say so.
Oh they exist alright, but Trump made them to feel non-existent even though it was drummed up in their head's, and so they falsely hated him.
We falsely hated him? Okay....

Trump could have easily won over Americans on both sides of the isle once he got into power. Instead he chose to be divisive. I believe he believed that would benefit him in some way. In leading or in getting re elected, who knows. He decided to really pay off the religious right who got him elected. He elected judges they wanted. He gave them a seat at the table. And right away he was divisive with not only Democrats but also Republicans. And he broke rules, then laws. Wants to take over our elections. Who cares what the people want. Have Mike Pence not certify the vote? Are you kidding me? Call Georgia and ask them to find more votes? Are you kidding me? Call Ukraine and quid pro quo them on digging up fake ass dirt on Biden's son? Are you kidding me?

Sorry your messiah is such a scumbag. Pick someone better.
I can see the good Lord telling that one in the picture "peace be still", otherwise after they ask him "why does thou comest here to torment us before it is our time" ?? They said to this to him in exactly such a way.

DBlack was once a creature very much like you and me. TDS has twisted him into the pathetic wretch you see in the picture. Hatred consumed him and stripped him of humanity.

His every moment is tortured by his obsessive hatred of TRUMP.
We falsely hated him? Okay....

Trump could have easily won over Americans on both sides of the isle once he got into power. Instead he chose to be divisive. I believe he believed that would benefit him in some way. In leading or in getting re elected, who knows. He decided to really pay off the religious right who got him elected. He elected judges they wanted. He gave them a seat at the table. And right away he was divisive with not only Democrats but also Republicans. And he broke rules, then laws. Wants to take over our elections. Who cares what the people want. Have Mike Pence not certify the vote? Are you kidding me? Call Georgia and ask them to find more votes? Are you kidding me? Call Ukraine and quid pro quo them on digging up fake ass dirt on Biden's son? Are you kidding me?

Sorry your messiah is such a scumbag. Pick someone better.
You are so wrapped up in your insane bias you believe your own BULLSHIT!!!!
You cries of divisiveness are nothing but PROJECTION!!!!
The asshole dems were screaming for impeachment from DAY ONE!
It's not even about Trump with you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies. It doesn't matter who is in opposition to your wretched ideology, the LEFT completely demonize ANYONE that dares to counter the retarded Marxist Democrats.
Your outrage is phoney and FAKE; all it is is the results of your PROGRAMMING because you can't THINK for yourself.
No common sense or self-awareness exists with you zombified mfers!

You are so wrapped up in your insane bias you believe your own BULLSHIT!!!!
You cries of divisiveness are nothing but PROJECTION!!!!
The asshole dems were screaming for impeachment from DAY ONE!
It's not even about Trump with you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies. It doesn't matter who is in opposition to your wretched ideology, the LEFT completely demonize ANYONE that dares to counter the retarded Marxist Democrats.
Your outrage is phoney and FAKE; all it is is the results of your PROGRAMMING because you can't THINK for yourself.
No common sense or self-awareness exists with you zombified mfers!

DOSSIERS! Steele Dossier!!! DURP! Every politician tries to dig up dirt on their opponent. Only problem with Trump was, it was too easy. And the FBI was even looking at him. You do know he has mafia ties right? Very dangerous man you put in charge of our country. A con man. And you proved to be just like russians who defend/support Putin my friend. It's called Nationalism. White Nationalism.
You are so wrapped up in your insane bias you believe your own BULLSHIT!!!!
You cries of divisiveness are nothing but PROJECTION!!!!
The asshole dems were screaming for impeachment from DAY ONE!
It's not even about Trump with you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies. It doesn't matter who is in opposition to your wretched ideology, the LEFT completely demonize ANYONE that dares to counter the retarded Marxist Democrats.
Your outrage is phoney and FAKE; all it is is the results of your PROGRAMMING because you can't THINK for yourself.
No common sense or self-awareness exists with you zombified mfers!

Actually the Democrats and reasonable Republicans have done more for the American people in the past 2 years and Congress did in 4 years under trump.
I love it when they think there's a difference between them and Republicans.
I've dealt with Republicans pretending to be libertarians all my life. They do more harm to the cause of liberty than Democrats. Democrats oppose liberty, consistently and vigorously, but Republican fakers undermine it, dilute it and give it a bad name.
DOSSIERS! Steele Dossier!!! DURP! Every politician tries to dig up dirt on their opponent.

But you wanted to put Trump in prison if he tried to get dirt on Hillary.

Remember the fake "Trump Tower" scam where the Clinton Campaign had a Russian lawyer offer "dirt" on Hillary, and you Nazis said Trump should be arrested?

Only problem with Trump was, it was too easy. And the FBI was even looking at him. You do know he has mafia ties right? Very dangerous man you put in charge of our country. A con man. And you proved to be just like russians who defend/support Putin my friend. It's called Nationalism. White Nationalism.

Ohh, so Obama had his goons like Strzok commit treason.

Well, that's what you Nazis do.

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