Mainstream Media Today


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
It makes no difference which side of the political divide is your side, the mainstream media today is fairly awful. This problem is only exacerbated by the intrusion of non-stop advertising, each segment of which runs on longer than the next upcoming news story. Furthermore, it seems like many, iand particularly amongst conservative outlets, of this "news" is peddled as nothing more than fear porn. That seems to be the best revenue generating formula for the masses, but it is not leading to, it has led to, a generally distrustful, uninterested, and actively seeking secondary sources of information seeking public.

There are some exceptions out there in the world where the contrast is so stark that it bears it being mentioned. The PBS Newshour is like an oasis in a vast ocean of brazen distortions and outright lies by the alternate segment of "news" that is offered up as that alternative, and you can see the fruit of that in discussions here. PBS offers longer, more in-depth, more less reported news without any horrible commercials on pills to make your dick straight again or control your blood glucose. It is worth your time to see for yourself. I just found it after ignoring it for years, and it is amazing that this is all there really is in the mainstream that is not manufactured for the sole purpose of running advertisements and generating revenue. An uninformed public is best sheltered, it seems.
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This is what I'm talking about. This story, about societal breakdown in Haiti, was completely unreported by all three major news networks. Even if any of the three did discuss it and I missed it, it would be a 30 second clip. And that is being generous. Stories like this are usually 10-15 seconds. That is all the time they would devote to this story, but they will obsess over Trump or a Chinese spy balloon.

Haiti is a 2 hour plane ride from Florida.


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