Main Impeachment Deceptions (Why is no one pointing them out?)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
1. The request for an investigation of the Biden's is UNIVERSALLY described by the Democrats as a POLITICAL request, solely for the benefit of President Trump in 2020. (This presumption will be the heart of the Articles of Impeachment).

This is obvious nonsense. We have a former Vice President who publicly bragged about getting a prosecutor fired, when that prosecutor was investigating a company that was paying the former VP's son a King's Ransom for...nothing in particular. Even if the results of an investigation would work to Trump's benefit, the OTHER rationale for the investigation (an apparently corrupt former U.S. VP) is more than enough to justify the request by President Trump.

2. A request for an investigation is equated to "digging for dirt" about an opponent. Again, this is nonsense. The investigation is fully warranted, and if the results embarrass or incriminate the subjects of the investigation, so what? That doesn't make the request improper or illegal. The fact that Sleepy Joe is running for President doesn't give him a pass.

3. The Democrats PRESUME that any investigation will end up showing the Bidens in a bad light. If he is clean, and the investigation turns up nothing, then President Trump will have egg on his face, and it would work to Sleepy Joe's benefit. But this possibility isn't even in the contemplation of the Democrats, who know the obvious truth of the matter.

4. If Trump offered President Z a Quid pro Quo, and if Rudy Giuliani reinforced it privately, and if President Z could have easily and with no risk complied with the request, why did he ignore it? And he still maintains that he was not aware of any pressure or any delay in release of the funding. Is he lying or stupid?

5. If the same situation were mirror-imaged, and the exact same conduct had been done by Dick Cheney and one of his relatives, Cheney would be wearing an orange jumpsuit by now. No question about it.

6. Why are these ass-holes arguing about what a "Quid pro Quo" is when Biden screamed the best example of such on a video that every American has seen at least ten times: "If you don't fire that prosecutor, I'm going to withdraw the LOAN GUARANTY!" If that's not a QPQ I don't know what would be.

And Trump never said anything of the kind.

In my personal opinion, in fifty years when the 8 years of Trump's presidency are looked on more favorably than any other in the 21st century, the names Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler will be looked on very similarly to what Benedict Arnold is today.
1. The request for an investigation of the Biden's is UNIVERSALLY described by the Democrats as a POLITICAL request, solely for the benefit of President Trump in 2020. (This presumption will be the heart of the Articles of Impeachment).

This is obvious nonsense. We have a former Vice President who publicly bragged about getting a prosecutor fired, when that prosecutor was investigating a company that was paying the former VP's son a King's Ransom for...nothing in particular. Even if the results of an investigation would work to Trump's benefit, the OTHER rationale for the investigation (an apparently corrupt former U.S. VP) is more than enough to justify the request by President Trump.

2. A request for an investigation is equated to "digging for dirt" about an opponent. Again, this is nonsense. The investigation is fully warranted, and if the results embarrass or incriminate the subjects of the investigation, so what? That doesn't make the request improper or illegal. The fact that Sleepy Joe is running for President doesn't give him a pass.

3. The Democrats PRESUME that any investigation will end up showing the Bidens in a bad light. If he is clean, and the investigation turns up nothing, then President Trump will have egg on his face, and it would work to Sleepy Joe's benefit. But this possibility isn't even in the contemplation of the Democrats, who know the obvious truth of the matter.

4. If Trump offered President Z a Quid pro Quo, and if Rudy Giuliani reinforced it privately, and if President Z could have easily and with no risk complied with the request, why did he ignore it? And he still maintains that he was not aware of any pressure or any delay in release of the funding. Is he lying or stupid?

5. If the same situation were mirror-imaged, and the exact same conduct had been done by Dick Cheney and one of his relatives, Cheney would be wearing an orange jumpsuit by now. No question about it.

6. Why are these ass-holes arguing about what a "Quid pro Quo" is when Biden screamed the best example of such on a video that every American has seen at least ten times: "If you don't fire that prosecutor, I'm going to withdraw the LOAN GUARANTY!" If that's not a QPQ I don't know what would be.

And Trump never said anything of the kind.

In my personal opinion, in fifty years when the 8 years of Trump's presidency are looked on more favorably than any other in the 21st century, the names Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler will be looked on very similarly to what Benedict Arnold is today.

1 & 2. There was never anything to the Joe Biden thing. He was acting for the US to rid a bad prosecutor so the Ukraine could clean up its corruption. Other countries pushed for the same thing. Countries wanted to help Ukraine in its fight against Russia but it was so corrupt, the aid could be siphoned by crooks. That is why the prosecutor was replaced.

3. Don't try the corruption thing when the only person Trump wanted investigated was his top political rival in the upcoming election.
1. The request for an investigation of the Biden's is UNIVERSALLY described by the Democrats as a POLITICAL request, solely for the benefit of President Trump in 2020. (This presumption will be the heart of the Articles of Impeachment).

This is obvious nonsense. We have a former Vice President who publicly bragged about getting a prosecutor fired, when that prosecutor was investigating a company that was paying the former VP's son a King's Ransom for...nothing in particular. Even if the results of an investigation would work to Trump's benefit, the OTHER rationale for the investigation (an apparently corrupt former U.S. VP) is more than enough to justify the request by President Trump.

2. A request for an investigation is equated to "digging for dirt" about an opponent. Again, this is nonsense. The investigation is fully warranted, and if the results embarrass or incriminate the subjects of the investigation, so what? That doesn't make the request improper or illegal. The fact that Sleepy Joe is running for President doesn't give him a pass.

3. The Democrats PRESUME that any investigation will end up showing the Bidens in a bad light. If he is clean, and the investigation turns up nothing, then President Trump will have egg on his face, and it would work to Sleepy Joe's benefit. But this possibility isn't even in the contemplation of the Democrats, who know the obvious truth of the matter.

4. If Trump offered President Z a Quid pro Quo, and if Rudy Giuliani reinforced it privately, and if President Z could have easily and with no risk complied with the request, why did he ignore it? And he still maintains that he was not aware of any pressure or any delay in release of the funding. Is he lying or stupid?

5. If the same situation were mirror-imaged, and the exact same conduct had been done by Dick Cheney and one of his relatives, Cheney would be wearing an orange jumpsuit by now. No question about it.

6. Why are these ass-holes arguing about what a "Quid pro Quo" is when Biden screamed the best example of such on a video that every American has seen at least ten times: "If you don't fire that prosecutor, I'm going to withdraw the LOAN GUARANTY!" If that's not a QPQ I don't know what would be.

And Trump never said anything of the kind.

In my personal opinion, in fifty years when the 8 years of Trump's presidency are looked on more favorably than any other in the 21st century, the names Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler will be looked on very similarly to what Benedict Arnold is today.
3) Trump would use it to further dupe his feeble minded base. Proof: This Biden thing was already debunked. Trump was advised to this multiple times.

4) Admitting he was weak & pressured would not look good. Why piss off Trump when they still need US's favor? Since when does a President send his personal lawyer on secret missions to foreign countries? Because he needed personal favors?

5) Cheney should be in jail.

6) For the gazillionth time, Biden's qid pro quo was reducing Ukraine's corruptiopn.

Trump's quid preo quo is the appr=eartance of a Biden investigation. Keep in mind, all the Utkraine had to dsio to get their money was to av=nnounce an investigastion.

7) Why the fuck are you assholes defending this action by Trump. You know he is guilty., Do you hate America this much?
1 & 2. There was never anything to the Joe Biden thing. He was acting for the US to rid a bad prosecutor so the Ukraine could clean up its corruption. Other countries pushed for the same thing. Countries wanted to help Ukraine in its fight against Russia but it was so corrupt, the aid could be siphoned by crooks. That is why the prosecutor was replaced.
That's BS! Biden only cared about this "bad prosecutor" once he came after Burisma, the source of his parasite drug addled son's paycheck which was totally unwarranted!

When you spout out dnc talking points you wind up looking like a know nothing clown, not that you seem to care.
1. The request for an investigation of the Biden's is UNIVERSALLY described by the Democrats as a POLITICAL request, solely for the benefit of President Trump in 2020. (This presumption will be the heart of the Articles of Impeachment).

This is obvious nonsense. We have a former Vice President who publicly bragged about getting a prosecutor fired, when that prosecutor was investigating a company that was paying the former VP's son a King's Ransom for...nothing in particular. Even if the results of an investigation would work to Trump's benefit, the OTHER rationale for the investigation (an apparently corrupt former U.S. VP) is more than enough to justify the request by President Trump.

2. A request for an investigation is equated to "digging for dirt" about an opponent. Again, this is nonsense. The investigation is fully warranted, and if the results embarrass or incriminate the subjects of the investigation, so what? That doesn't make the request improper or illegal. The fact that Sleepy Joe is running for President doesn't give him a pass.

3. The Democrats PRESUME that any investigation will end up showing the Bidens in a bad light. If he is clean, and the investigation turns up nothing, then President Trump will have egg on his face, and it would work to Sleepy Joe's benefit. But this possibility isn't even in the contemplation of the Democrats, who know the obvious truth of the matter.

4. If Trump offered President Z a Quid pro Quo, and if Rudy Giuliani reinforced it privately, and if President Z could have easily and with no risk complied with the request, why did he ignore it? And he still maintains that he was not aware of any pressure or any delay in release of the funding. Is he lying or stupid?

5. If the same situation were mirror-imaged, and the exact same conduct had been done by Dick Cheney and one of his relatives, Cheney would be wearing an orange jumpsuit by now. No question about it.

6. Why are these ass-holes arguing about what a "Quid pro Quo" is when Biden screamed the best example of such on a video that every American has seen at least ten times: "If you don't fire that prosecutor, I'm going to withdraw the LOAN GUARANTY!" If that's not a QPQ I don't know what would be.

And Trump never said anything of the kind.

In my personal opinion, in fifty years when the 8 years of Trump's presidency are looked on more favorably than any other in the 21st century, the names Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler will be looked on very similarly to what Benedict Arnold is today.

1 & 2. There was never anything to the Joe Biden thing. He was acting for the US to rid a bad prosecutor so the Ukraine could clean up its corruption. Other countries pushed for the same thing. Countries wanted to help Ukraine in its fight against Russia but it was so corrupt, the aid could be siphoned by crooks. That is why the prosecutor was replaced.

3. Don't try the corruption thing when the only person Trump wanted investigated was his top political rival in the upcoming election.
Biden was acting on behalf of himself and his crackhead son. You can't bring anything from Obama saying he sent Biden over there to extort the Ukraine, RealDumb.
Do you hate America this much?
Can you clarify that? Are you talking about what this current America represents or what the original intent was?
I am talking about defending Trump when he is guilty as charged. We know Trump did it. We know his actions fit with his character. We know it is against the law and against the Constitution. Defending Trump is going against all of that.
Trump didn't want an "ACTUAL INVESTIGATION" into Biden...he just wanted an announcement of an investigation...….

That in and of itself proves that this wasn't about the US, this was about Trump....

Furthermore, the United States has its OWN FBI AND DOJ to INVESTIGATE it's OWN citizens.....

I bet you trump sycophants wouldn't be ok with a democrat president ordering Turkey to investigate Trump's real estate deals or ordering China to investigate Ivanka and Jared....

Again, this Trump era will not age well for his sycophants...and this time, there will be receipts...
1. The request for an investigation of the Biden's is UNIVERSALLY described by the Democrats as a POLITICAL request, solely for the benefit of President Trump in 2020. (This presumption will be the heart of the Articles of Impeachment).

This is obvious nonsense. We have a former Vice President who publicly bragged about getting a prosecutor fired, when that prosecutor was investigating a company that was paying the former VP's son a King's Ransom for...nothing in particular. Even if the results of an investigation would work to Trump's benefit, the OTHER rationale for the investigation (an apparently corrupt former U.S. VP) is more than enough to justify the request by President Trump.

2. A request for an investigation is equated to "digging for dirt" about an opponent. Again, this is nonsense. The investigation is fully warranted, and if the results embarrass or incriminate the subjects of the investigation, so what? That doesn't make the request improper or illegal. The fact that Sleepy Joe is running for President doesn't give him a pass.

3. The Democrats PRESUME that any investigation will end up showing the Bidens in a bad light. If he is clean, and the investigation turns up nothing, then President Trump will have egg on his face, and it would work to Sleepy Joe's benefit. But this possibility isn't even in the contemplation of the Democrats, who know the obvious truth of the matter.

4. If Trump offered President Z a Quid pro Quo, and if Rudy Giuliani reinforced it privately, and if President Z could have easily and with no risk complied with the request, why did he ignore it? And he still maintains that he was not aware of any pressure or any delay in release of the funding. Is he lying or stupid?

5. If the same situation were mirror-imaged, and the exact same conduct had been done by Dick Cheney and one of his relatives, Cheney would be wearing an orange jumpsuit by now. No question about it.

6. Why are these ass-holes arguing about what a "Quid pro Quo" is when Biden screamed the best example of such on a video that every American has seen at least ten times: "If you don't fire that prosecutor, I'm going to withdraw the LOAN GUARANTY!" If that's not a QPQ I don't know what would be.

And Trump never said anything of the kind.

In my personal opinion, in fifty years when the 8 years of Trump's presidency are looked on more favorably than any other in the 21st century, the names Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler will be looked on very similarly to what Benedict Arnold is today.

1 & 2. There was never anything to the Joe Biden thing. He was acting for the US to rid a bad prosecutor so the Ukraine could clean up its corruption. Other countries pushed for the same thing. Countries wanted to help Ukraine in its fight against Russia but it was so corrupt, the aid could be siphoned by crooks. That is why the prosecutor was replaced.

3. Don't try the corruption thing when the only person Trump wanted investigated was his top political rival in the upcoming election.
Biden was acting on behalf of himself and his crackhead son. You can't bring anything from Obama saying he sent Biden over there to extort the Ukraine, RealDumb.

The investigation in Hunter Biden's employer had been inactive. Why did not the new prosecutor continue any investigation? Why did other countries want the prosecutor gone too? Why did Trump's own advisors tell him that there was nothing to this Biden story.

Why are you this desperate to drag up this debunked story? Do you know Trump is guilty as shit & are trying to deflect?

Republicans had been running Congress, Why didn't Congress investigate this? Why didn't the DOJ? Why didn't Mueller? why didn't anyone?
Because it is a pile of shit you assfucks fabricated.
1 & 2. There was never anything to the Joe Biden thing. He was acting for the US to rid a bad prosecutor so the Ukraine could clean up its corruption. Other countries pushed for the same thing. Countries wanted to help Ukraine in its fight against Russia but it was so corrupt, the aid could be siphoned by crooks. That is why the prosecutor was replaced.
That's BS! Biden only cared about this "bad prosecutor" once he came after Burisma, the source of his parasite drug addled son's paycheck which was totally unwarranted!

When you spout out dnc talking points you wind up looking like a know nothing clown, not that you seem to care.

Parasite son? You want to see parasite children look at Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka who are still suckling from their father.

You are lying about this. The timing was set by the Russian incursion & the Ukraine needing help.
Parasite son? You want to see parasite children look at Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka who are still suckling from their father.
Cause Hunter Biden deserved his job due to his vast experience with Ukraine's energy needs and specialized
knowledge of the gas and oil markets of Eastern Europe? Right?

You are lying about this. The timing was set by the Russian incursion & the Ukraine needing help.
Is this an argument? You forgot all the facts and supporting commentary.
We know it is against the law and against the Constitution.
Oh horse shit- that doesn't fit your question- the same could be asked of ANY fucking politician- hell, the constitution has been abused so much stupid people and empty suits (politicians and talking heads) believe it's okay- you think not?
Look at all the excuses used for the numerous breaches of oath of office for ignoring the 4th amendment that BOTH sides subscribe to- Trump is merely a culmination of ALL who came before- if you want to punish for crimes against the constitution, grab a pen and paper- it's a long, long, long list.
1. The request for an investigation of the Biden's is UNIVERSALLY described by the Democrats as a POLITICAL request, solely for the benefit of President Trump in 2020. (This presumption will be the heart of the Articles of Impeachment).

This is obvious nonsense. We have a former Vice President who publicly bragged about getting a prosecutor fired, when that prosecutor was investigating a company that was paying the former VP's son a King's Ransom for...nothing in particular. Even if the results of an investigation would work to Trump's benefit, the OTHER rationale for the investigation (an apparently corrupt former U.S. VP) is more than enough to justify the request by President Trump.

2. A request for an investigation is equated to "digging for dirt" about an opponent. Again, this is nonsense. The investigation is fully warranted, and if the results embarrass or incriminate the subjects of the investigation, so what? That doesn't make the request improper or illegal. The fact that Sleepy Joe is running for President doesn't give him a pass.

3. The Democrats PRESUME that any investigation will end up showing the Bidens in a bad light. If he is clean, and the investigation turns up nothing, then President Trump will have egg on his face, and it would work to Sleepy Joe's benefit. But this possibility isn't even in the contemplation of the Democrats, who know the obvious truth of the matter.

4. If Trump offered President Z a Quid pro Quo, and if Rudy Giuliani reinforced it privately, and if President Z could have easily and with no risk complied with the request, why did he ignore it? And he still maintains that he was not aware of any pressure or any delay in release of the funding. Is he lying or stupid?

5. If the same situation were mirror-imaged, and the exact same conduct had been done by Dick Cheney and one of his relatives, Cheney would be wearing an orange jumpsuit by now. No question about it.

6. Why are these ass-holes arguing about what a "Quid pro Quo" is when Biden screamed the best example of such on a video that every American has seen at least ten times: "If you don't fire that prosecutor, I'm going to withdraw the LOAN GUARANTY!" If that's not a QPQ I don't know what would be.

And Trump never said anything of the kind.

In my personal opinion, in fifty years when the 8 years of Trump's presidency are looked on more favorably than any other in the 21st century, the names Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler will be looked on very similarly to what Benedict Arnold is today.

1 & 2 are bullshit. There was no investigation of Burisma when Biden pressured Ukraine. Shokin was a corrupt prosecutor and even Ukrainians welcomed Biden's pressure.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

She is Ukrainian and she knows this is political. The Chinese said they did not want to get involved in domestic politics. They know this is political.

3. This is the United States not Russia. You do not open a investigation unless there is probable cause. There is no reason to open a investigation.

The trouble is that President Z does not want to get involved in this. It is clear that the only reason for Ukraine to open a investigation is pressure by Trump.

5. You have no clue what you are talking about. No doubt about it.

6. What he was doing is ensuring that taxpayer dollars would not be lost to corruption. The head of the IMF expresses doubts of sending aid to Ukraine for the same reason. The whole world including Ukrainians knew Shokin was corrupt.
Parasite son? You want to see parasite children look at Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka who are still suckling from their father.
Cause Hunter Biden deserved his job due to his vast experience with Ukraine's energy needs and specialized
knowledge of the gas and oil markets of Eastern Europe? Right?

You are lying about this. The timing was set by the Russian incursion & the Ukraine needing help.
Is this an argument? You forgot all the facts and supporting commentary.

You really have no clue what a Board of Directors does. It does not run the company. Warren Buffet recently resigned from the Board of Heinz. Do you really think he knows anything about selling ketchup or other products Heinz sells? Hunter Biden is skilled in raising money. That could be valuable for a company looking to expand.
You really have no clue what a Board of Directors does. It does not run the company. Warren Buffet recently resigned from the Board of Heinz. Do you really think he knows anything about selling ketchup or other products Heinz sells? Hunter Biden is skilled in raising money. That could be valuable for a company looking to expand.
Hilarious and stupid! Warren Buffet has something called "business expertise". Have you heard of it?

Hunter Biden has something called "drug and hooker" expertise and at least Buffet has a lifetime of experience with
the American market and people. It's moods and customs.
What does Joe Biden's worthless punk kid know about the Ukraine, it's language and geopolitical situation?

Your post was stupid in so many ways.
1. The request for an investigation of the Biden's is UNIVERSALLY described by the Democrats as a POLITICAL request, solely for the benefit of President Trump in 2020. (This presumption will be the heart of the Articles of Impeachment).

This is obvious nonsense. We have a former Vice President who publicly bragged about getting a prosecutor fired, when that prosecutor was investigating a company that was paying the former VP's son a King's Ransom for...nothing in particular. Even if the results of an investigation would work to Trump's benefit, the OTHER rationale for the investigation (an apparently corrupt former U.S. VP) is more than enough to justify the request by President Trump.

2. A request for an investigation is equated to "digging for dirt" about an opponent. Again, this is nonsense. The investigation is fully warranted, and if the results embarrass or incriminate the subjects of the investigation, so what? That doesn't make the request improper or illegal. The fact that Sleepy Joe is running for President doesn't give him a pass.

3. The Democrats PRESUME that any investigation will end up showing the Bidens in a bad light. If he is clean, and the investigation turns up nothing, then President Trump will have egg on his face, and it would work to Sleepy Joe's benefit. But this possibility isn't even in the contemplation of the Democrats, who know the obvious truth of the matter.

4. If Trump offered President Z a Quid pro Quo, and if Rudy Giuliani reinforced it privately, and if President Z could have easily and with no risk complied with the request, why did he ignore it? And he still maintains that he was not aware of any pressure or any delay in release of the funding. Is he lying or stupid?

5. If the same situation were mirror-imaged, and the exact same conduct had been done by Dick Cheney and one of his relatives, Cheney would be wearing an orange jumpsuit by now. No question about it.

6. Why are these ass-holes arguing about what a "Quid pro Quo" is when Biden screamed the best example of such on a video that every American has seen at least ten times: "If you don't fire that prosecutor, I'm going to withdraw the LOAN GUARANTY!" If that's not a QPQ I don't know what would be.

And Trump never said anything of the kind.

In my personal opinion, in fifty years when the 8 years of Trump's presidency are looked on more favorably than any other in the 21st century, the names Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler will be looked on very similarly to what Benedict Arnold is today.

1 & 2. There was never anything to the Joe Biden thing. He was acting for the US to rid a bad prosecutor so the Ukraine could clean up its corruption. Other countries pushed for the same thing. Countries wanted to help Ukraine in its fight against Russia but it was so corrupt, the aid could be siphoned by crooks. That is why the prosecutor was replaced.

3. Don't try the corruption thing when the only person Trump wanted investigated was his top political rival in the upcoming election.
Biden was acting on behalf of himself and his crackhead son. You can't bring anything from Obama saying he sent Biden over there to extort the Ukraine, RealDumb.

The investigation in Hunter Biden's employer had been inactive. Why did not the new prosecutor continue any investigation? Why did other countries want the prosecutor gone too? Why did Trump's own advisors tell him that there was nothing to this Biden story.

Why are you this desperate to drag up this debunked story? Do you know Trump is guilty as shit & are trying to deflect?

Republicans had been running Congress, Why didn't Congress investigate this? Why didn't the DOJ? Why didn't Mueller? why didn't anyone?
Because it is a pile of shit you assfucks fabricated.
Deflections noted.

Why hasn't Obama come forward to say Biden was blackmailing the Ukraine on his behalf?
Parasite son? You want to see parasite children look at Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka who are still suckling from their father.
Cause Hunter Biden deserved his job due to his vast experience with Ukraine's energy needs and specialized
knowledge of the gas and oil markets of Eastern Europe? Right?

You are lying about this. The timing was set by the Russian incursion & the Ukraine needing help.
Is this an argument? You forgot all the facts and supporting commentary.

You really have no clue what a Board of Directors does. It does not run the company. Warren Buffet recently resigned from the Board of Heinz. Do you really think he knows anything about selling ketchup or other products Heinz sells? Hunter Biden is skilled in raising money. That could be valuable for a company looking to expand.
Crackhead Biden was hired because of his last name.

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